Cook’n now!! Review

I figured after all the Christmas cooking and baking it would be the perfect time to tell you about Cook’n Recipe Organizer. Because if you are anything like me you spent more time LOOKING for all the recipes to use for the holiday’s than was really necessary! Honestly, my Grandmothers recipes were in one spot, more recipes were in the junk drawer (whaaaa? Your recipes aren’t in the junk drawer!?!?  Really?  Go check, there has to be one in there, it’s behind the take out menu for the corner deli that closed 2 years ago. Trust me!!) anyway, my recipe cards are in too many places.  Soooo trust me when I say this program is AWESommmme!!!! Because by this time next year I will know where ALL my recipes are with just one icon on my desktop!!

First, not only can you find any recipe ANYWHERE on the Internet… you can add your own recipes!!  I started my own cookbook “Nonnie’s cookbook” (okay, okay…I’ll work on the title later!)
Cook bookMy kids are grown with homes of their own and I would love for them to each have copies of the family recipes. I would hate for them to be lost.  Cook’n Recipe Organizer is THE perfect answer. Seriously!!  Here is some of what the organizer will do:
I can add my recipes to the organizer in my OWN recipe book.
I can change the recipe card design.  Even super cute designs for Christmas!!
I can search the Internet for recipes in SECONDS!
I can email recipes.
I can analyze nutritional value of any recipe. (That will come in handy with that pesky New Years Resolution for 2012)
Another really great perk is being able to adjust the serving sizes for any recipe!  Now that it’s just DH and I in the house that is really handy!!
But, my favorite I think is that I can build a shopping list from the recipes I add to my weekly menu.  Do you know how AMAZING I think that feature is?!??!?  Add what I want for the week….. and whoola… print a grocery list.  WHERE have you been all my life Cook’n Recipe Organizer?!?!
I can even print a family cookbook! I think I know what I’m doing for Christmas gifts next year.
I can’t imagine you would EVER need another cookbook! Cook’n Recipe Organizer gets an enthusiastic TWO thumbs up from Peanut Butter and Whine!!I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  • FrangiePani

    I need organization for my recipes. Right now, many are in a folder just thrown in. Makes it hard to find what I want quickly. Great idea.

  • Kathy

    What a great idea!! I’m always loosing recipes that I love or they are so stained and old that I can hardly read them anymore!! Thanks for the info!! Happy New Year!!

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