Creating an Environment That Encourages Imagination

Creating an Environment That Encourages Imagination

Have you ever been surprised by exactly what tends to hold your child’s attention? Sometimes, it takes the games and bright colors of a cell phone, and sometimes, it’s a job that requires nothing more than a simple set of keys. By paying attention to these situations and trading in that Smartphone in favor of something that encourages creative development, your child will benefit in an array of exciting ways.

Make Your Child an Active Participant in Play

You may be surprised by how activities that seem basic can stimulate all kinds of feelings in your child. Gaze up at the stars one night and see if you can spot different constellations, or take a family camping trip to stimulate imaginative skill development and problem-solving abilities. You and your child may both be surprised when you see just how much you enjoy inserting a breath of fresh air into your hectic lifestyles.

Integrating Indoor Fun

While the great outdoors offers near-endless opportunities as far as creative development, Mother Nature sometimes has ideas of her own. That’s why it’s just as important to create an indoor environment that’s conducive to imaginative play. Encourage your children to play house or build a fort in the living room, or have them dress up for work or a pretend day at the office.

By helping your child engage in creative play, you’re helping them develop skills they can utilize for the rest of their lives – and just as importantly, they’ll have a chance to experience the innocent joys of childhood.

empowering imagination infographic


  • Diane K. Brimmer

    These are really some awesome ideas and I personally want to thank you for the pointers as to how to make it exciting and a learning experience in their playtime. We can always learn at any age. Thanks!

  • Sarah L

    I love sharing nature with kids. The Denver Botanic Gardens has a lovely children’s garden and they offer lots of classes for kids.

  • Tamra Phelps

    These are good ideas. Kids need free play & organized activities, too. Just sitting down & playing with them makes them so happy!

  • Nancy C

    As a former Preschool teacher, I whole-heartedly agree with this post! Especially that playtime is important. Unfortunately, the school system often uses test scores (YES, even at age 4!) to drive education. The result is teaching to the test and more paper/pencil tasks. Kids still need to play! I think young children learn the MOST through play. Thanks for the post.

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