Dalvia Vitamin D3 Liquid Drops Review

Get ready for me to start sharing some health and wellness tips, products and ideas. 2015 WILL be the year I look better and feel better!! Starting with Dalvia Vitamin D3 Liquid Drops from Dalvia Wellness Labs; a US-based company.

Dalvia Vitamin D3 Liquid Drops are formulated to help me control and regulate the minerals, calcium and phosphorus found in our bodies. Vitamin D-3 is great for promoting healthy bones because it helps your bones absorb calcium!


Personally, my favorite benefit of Vitamin D3 is the boost in mood! I have thyroid problems and taking Vitamin D-3 not just boosts my mood but gives me an added energy boost. Vitamin D-3 has also shown to help people who suffer from dementia, depression, tuberculosis and diabetes.


D-3 also known as the sunshine vitamin has even been shown to help prevent infertility, preventing cancer and infertility. Vitamin D-3 is also awesome for pregnant women to take.

Vitamin D-3 has been shown to reduce stress, increase energy another favorite feature; it’s great for weight loss.

Dalvia Wellness Labs are easy to take drops. No big pills to swallow. No taste, no after taste either. If you don’t want to take the drops alone you can mix it with a drink or coffee. I personally put it my coffee. EASY!!

Dalvia Wellness Labs Vitamin D-3 drops are gluten free and contain no salt, sugar, yeast, wheat, starch, milk, egg, shellfish or preservatives.

The liquid form helps the Vitamin D-3 absorb very quickly.

Take your Vitamin D3 with a meal. Shake well before each use. You only need to take one drop up to 4 times a day. One bottle of D-3 contains 2,140 servings!


Are you kidding!? I’m getting healthy with 4 drops a day! No taste but plenty of benefits!!




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