Day 15 Photo-A-Day BOOKS!
Photo-A-Day prompt is Books, books, books!!
Day 15 and I still haven’t run out of pictures from my amazing craft-room. This is my very own personal Photo-A-Day challenge. For the month of March I am posting pictures from inside my HUGE craft-room. This is helping me get motivated to blog more often and share what an amazing space I have.
Today’s prompt is BOOKS.
Between my love of antiques. My love of keeping family mementos and my love of reading; well that just means I have yet another collection that my craft-room hosts.
In one of my cabinets I have a mix of autographed books, books to read and books I just can’t seem to part with. Craft books, how-to books. As with everything in my craft-room there is no rhyme or reason to my collection.
Next to my desk is my file cabinet on there are books from my Great Grandparents weddings and passings. Along with treasured photo books. Year books and one of my most treasured “Grandmother Remembers” a book my Grandmother filled out for me. It tells stories of my Grandma and her life as well as MY MOM’s. It’s the best book! Recipes that she never shared anywhere else are in this book. Along with the last line on each recipe “Now clean up your mess” Sooooo apparently I’ve always been a messy cook. I think it’s one of my most treasured possessions.
Although this has NOT caught on….. it doesn’t keep me from asking! What does your Book photo look like? If you email me your picture I’ll post them on a weekend round-up post! Take a look at my Photo-A-Day B prompt. Co****@pe******************.com In the subject write Book.

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