My Dream For You Is Wonder by Carole Ann Hausman

I am so happy to share with you my review of My Dream For You is Wonder. From the same wonderful team; author Carole Ann Hausman and illustrator Joanne Raptis. This is the second book in the My Dream for You series. The first book was released in September 2015. My Dream For You Is Wonder came out in November of this year.  The messages in both books is beautiful!!

Alice and I reviewed My Dream for You is Happiness when it was first released. A beautifully written and illustrated book from Hamer House Books.

The series celebrate the joy and wonder of childhood. Both books have a message that kids and adults alike should take to heart. The message in this book is one that myself as an adult should take to heart!!

The sentiment on the opening page is one written by Albert Einstein.

“There are only 
two ways to live your life.
One is as though 
nothing is a miracle.
The other is as though 
everything is a miracle.”

The book invites you to WONDER and use your imagination.

Wonder about everything; whether it’s the delicate wings of a butterfly to the majesty of a giraffe!  My favorite page is one that makes five-year-old Alice and I laugh out loud each time. One of the darling characters wonders why she can’t have a pet lion. The look on the Mom’s face is pretty funny but the puppy that is hiding, well, he expression is priceless.

My Dream For You Is Wonder gives voice to what parents (or grandparents) want for the child in their life. Don’t ever stop being fascinated with the world around you. Always see the beauty inside you and around you.

My Dream for You is Wonder has 32 pages in a hardcover book. The book is 11¼” tall and 8¾” wide. The pages are glossy and thick.

My Dream For You Is Wonder

The “My Dream For You” series of books is designed to capture that covenant between child and parent, exploring the possibilities from both perspectives.  The books are not “once upon a time” stories from a child’s viewpoint, but a journey for the parent and child together in contentment, joy and wonder.

These books were created to instill a sense of peace and gratitude for the parent and child in those magical moments at bedtime, planting soothing seeds of serenity for a good night’s sleep, and reminding that special child each night how much they are loved.

About The Author

Happiness2Carole Ann grew up on a farm in the rolling hills of Nashville where she developed a respect and appreciation for nature. She now lives with her husband and two cats in South Florida where she enjoys writing outdoors in the fresh tropical air. She delights in gardening, travel, live music and cake.

About The IllustratorHappiness1

Joanne Raptis was born in New York City but considers the peaceful mountains of Pennsylvania her second home. A self-taught artist, she drew inspiration from her childhood cartoon heroes and from nature. She is now a student at Barnard College studying psychology and spends any free time drawing, dancing, crafting, and being outdoors.


You will never catch me whining about a book that can be shared with your children. A book that makes both adults and children feel truly happy at the end. My Dream For You is a series worth investing in for the children in your life.

The font is large and the words are ones that Alice can read to ME soon!  This is a GREAT book.



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