Freebies For One And For All. Behind The Scenes Of A Giveaway!

Everybody loves a giveaway. It’s the truth. Human beings have a certain kind of wiring that makes us light up at the thought of receiving something for free. Even when the item we receive for free may cost very little were we to buy it (think, a free donut with your coffee). Why is it that people always fall for the marketing trick of buy-one-get one free? Most of the time we end up buying a product we don’t even need, just because the idea of receiving something for free is so enticing.

If we look at Facebook, the world’s leading online social media platform, a common marketing trick companies use these days is the “like our page, share this post and stand a chance to win a free <insert product or service here>”. The amount of teenagers or older people who like and share a baby shoes page when they don’t even have babies, in the hope that they will win this giveaway astounds us. But the feeling is real. And we get it.


By definition, the word excitement means that our hearts begin to flutter and our brains become responsive to stimuli – often of an emotional nature – which can cause us to act on impulse. You might never dream that you would become excited over the prospect of receiving a free T-shirt when you spend $100 or more at the drugstore around the corner, yet you find yourself standing in a long line at the checkout point, waiting to pay for a bunch of things you don’t even need in the hope of receiving this handout.

Feeling good about getting something for nothing is something we can all relate to. It’s similar to the feeling you get when you play online slot games at Royal Vegas and win the jackpot. Ding ding ding! Our hearts race.

Or when you enter a competition and your name is called as the winner. That rush of adrenaline followed by that immense sense of satisfaction is priceless.  It’s a feeling you wish would stay forever.

So the next time you find yourself standing in a long line waiting to receive a freebie, take a moment to look around at the people standing in the queue with you: they’re all going through the same emotions as you are; curiosity, excitement and sheer delight.

We bet that by the time you check your instagram account, and scroll through the endless ream of selfies taken at this thrilling giveaway stand, you’ll feel pretty good about the fact that you were part of the excitement of it all. You can also rest assured that you’re not the only one excited by the idea of a giveaway.


  • clojo9372

    LOL. Giveaways are awesome! Personally, I don’t enter anything I am not interested in, but when I do enter and actually win it’s an amazing feeling. Out of thousands of entries, mine was selected?! WOW! What a rush! I am so incredibly grateful for the opportunity and whatever gift I receive. All of you bloggers and sponsors rock!! 😀


    It is strange, isn’t it? It’s like discount shops (Euro shops over here). I come home with toilet brushes, envelopes, out-of-date chocolate, ribbon, all sorts of daft things, because ‘they were a bargain’!

  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Isn’t that the truth! I love entering your giveaways! It is definitely a real excitement to win and it does give you a rush. I have always been afraid to play the slots for that reason a lone. It is never enough, I would have to always play just one more and go home broke.

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