Giveaway! $50 Your Way! March 2022
Happy March Little Peanuts!!
Just a reminder, this giveaway is hosted by only me. ALL the entries are about PBnWhine.
Twitter entry STILL doesn’t work. I can’t get a response from GiveawayTools. I am so sorry. Would y’all miss it if I removed it? You can still copy-paste and send. For March I will leave it. We will see what happens in April.
Here is my February update.
Snow Day Vacation was amazing, although we did learn that Alice is NOT a fan of surprises. Someone, not naming names (Alice) had a total meltdown at the airport. Not a fan of mystery airplane rides. WHO knew??
Wearing her Snow Day Shirt (we all three had matching, unfortunately, no one thought to get a group picture!) Alice in her NERD glass to trick Non. She cracks me UP!
The weather was amazing for their trip. They left and ole Mother Nature had a total meltdown. Below zero temps. Wind. UGH!! Today we have rain and freezing temps. NOT good on top of the snow.
Vacation fun included snow art, snow ducks, snowball fights, laying in the snow watching clouds and of course sledding with inflatable snow tubes. My driveway is steep. By the time the girls arrived my driveway was solid ice. First trip down Alice started at the very top and I realized she was going so fast, tooooo fast. (At the same time that Alice realized the same thing) Alice rolled off the innertube, I jumped in front and boy did we collide. Only skinned up knuckles for me and a scrapped-up knee for Alice. Selena said I did a full in air summersault. Soooo ya me! After that we only went halfway up the drive. It was a BLAST!
We decorated snow with food coloring. Selena and I made flowers. The kid? A full-on crime scene. Nuts do NOT fall far from the tree.
A trip to City Beach and all our favorite restaurants in Sandpoint closed out the weekend.
Time went too fast. They got in the air at the perfect time. Driving home on the other hand was an e-ticket ride. It was snowing so hard at one point I had to pull off the road.
Now to work on getting Son Zachary out for a weekend visit. He does NOT get the Christmas experience. I finally, FINALLY got all the Christmas decorations put away today February 28th. Again…. that whole decorating the day after Halloween has kicked me in the Azz.
One other side note: the Amazon Coupons I was posting daily; I’ve decided to stop them. Each day takes me about 2 hours. In the last 6 weeks I made $5.52. I think we can all agree I could spend those two hours playing in my art studio OR clean my house? So, now for the REAL reason you are here!!
I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you every day. I am blown away by your support!!
My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!
This month’s giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated!!
GOOD LUCK Little Peanuts!!

My day has gone fine so far. I had a cinnamon roll for breakfast. It is cool today.
Shelly Peterson
I had a very busy day today running errands.
It was a better day. Now just waiting for snow melt. Itching to garden!
tammy ta
My day was good as far as work days can be. Still, wish it was the weekend every day
Shelly Peterson
I didnt have the grandbaby today so I ran a lot of errands.
Mishelle G
Today was gloomy around here – not very light out and it felt like february again… weird. I ended up turning on all the lights to help out. I wasn’t expecting it since the time change but there you go.
Mishelle G
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then treated myself to a French dip sandwich at Arbys. What do you mean $6.01 for this? Not worth it, but I do enjoy it. Probably not going back any time soon.
Hey Connie?
This place still be here tomorrow? I sure hope so.
gloria patterson
Its a OK day nothing special nothing bad……………………..
Kate Sarsfield
Today is my 1st real boyfriend’s 63rd birthday (we’re friends on FB). SIXTY THREE??? How the hell … where the hell … ???
I am having some adult beverages as the IDIOT that cut my hair today really jacked it up. I went to a new place and I said I wanted my hair cut at my shoulders and now it is at the base of my neck. I FREAKED out!!!!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say they did not charge me and I will never be back there again EVER. I just keep telling myself that it will grow back so at Christmas it should be where I wanted it today!!!!!!!!!!!
Tara Enright
My day is going pretty smoothly thank you. I had a job interview at Chick fil a. I believe it went well and I hope I get the job.
l p
the day is going well. there are lots of things on the ‘to-do’ list today and some are getting crossed off. thanks
Molli Taylor
my day is going good, though i have no idea what I’m doing about dinner
Tamra Phelps
I’m just sitting here listening to Classic Rock on Music Choice–‘Long May You Run’ by the Stills-Young Band is on right now. I think I got about 3 hours sleep last night. Just one of those nights. And woke up very early, couldn’t go back to sleep, so I said ‘well $#@^& this!’ and got up. Now I’m tired. By night I’ll be wide awake, lol.
My day has been going fine so far. The wind howled all last night. We are supposed to have thunderstorms today.
Kim Avery
My day is just starting but looks like a good day to stay inside. They are predicting thunderstorms later. I may attempt to start purging the kitchen of unnecessary items. I’m running out of cupboard space!
Polly Hall
Day has just started so not sure how it is going to be going, good I hope.
Michele Soyer
Where did this month go?? Wasn’t it just the 1st? Fell back to normal today so outside to the garden….
Karen R
It was a good day. I had a dentist appointment that went well.
Tamra Phelps
Wind is blowing like crazy tonight. March weather has lived up to it’s reputation here this month.
Kim Avery
Not too bad of a day. Was able to get a 2 hour nap before lunch! Fixed something to eat then ran errands after the rain stopped.
gloria patterson
Good day a little shopping a little sitting outside soaking up 70’s sunshine
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Windy and off and on clouds and 46 degrees.
Polly Hall
Pouring rain here in Michigan all day, things will green up now.
I am taking it easy today seems like I have been running around a lot already this week and need a break. Just doing stuff around the house today and online.
l p
the day is going well. lovely spring day with showers for later in the evening. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I’m super tired today. Heading to dialysis soon.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve lined up viewings for a couple of houses for tomorrow & Friday (April Fool’s Day). Spent the morning on the phone trying to find out why the phone company sent me a bill for Mum & Dad’s house when I sent in all the requested info, death cert. etc. over a month ago. ‘Ten working days’ they said back in Feb.
Tamra Phelps
There’s always something… Just to make sure you stay a little frustrated, lol.
My day is going fine so far. We ran one errand this morning. There are more errands to run after lunch.
Michele Soyer
I do not like feeling this way at all…Spent the late morning yesterday on the sofa watching Perry Mason from the 50 and 60’s.. watched them with my father and oh those memories….miss him so much.. he was the best father I could ever have hoped for.. today I have to get up get out and at least sit in the sun…
Tamra Phelps
Give yourself a rest! I’m sure you deserve it!! I remember watching The Wonderful World of Disney every Sunday night with my Dad, lol. It was right after ‘Wild Kingdom’, the nature show. He liked that, too.
tammy ta
My day went pretty well today. Time for bed now.
Tamra Phelps
I just never seem to get everything done in a day anymore. I have no concept of time management, lol.
My day has gone fine so far. I ate leftovers for lunch. I had chicken for dinner.
Sarah L
Good swim with friend today. Got home before the rain came. Rain turning to snow overnight. Isn’t it Spring yet?
gloria patterson
You know when you don’t feel bad but you don’t feel good. Cold, coughing and tired…… maybe catching a cold. Sat part is wednesday should be 75………………… but I will just go with the flow
Annmarie Weeks
My day has been good. Nothing exciting. Just catching up on email & some chores here at home. But nothing bad happened…so that’s a good day!
My day is going very well so far. There’s still lots to do but things are moving along.
Kim Avery
I had a very busy day! Took DIL to a job interview…. She got the job! Then had to take my mom to Dr appointment. Still have to clean up supper dishes & then bedtime!
Today is okay. Nothing exciting, but nothing terrible.
Jen Reed
My day is okay. It is raining here which is uncommon so that is nice even though it is a cold rain. My husband woke up not feeling well.
It is my birthday week so I am being extra good to myself this week.
Shelly Peterson
Watching the grandbaby today. My oldest daughter stopped by to visit.
l p
a quiet day here, sunny and warm. thanks
Polly Hall
Just an normal Tuesday nothing going on.
Kate Sarsfield
I completely forgot about posting yesterday. Spent the day driving around checking out a couple of properties but the one I’m most interested in, I couldn’t find at all! This is where the reliance on tech. falls apart! If you don’t have access to it then you’re, quite literally, lost.
Tamra Phelps
Hang in there! The most important thing is finding the right place not how quickly it happens!! Unless you’re like me and have little or no patience, lol.
Kate Sarsfield
Def. like you when it comes to patience!
Michele Soyer
I got my booster yesterday and it hit me hard…. fever. dizzy etc…today I feel better but staying quiet…
Kate Sarsfield
Expect to feel pretty rubbish for a couple of days. Poor you!
Tamra Phelps
Hope it passes soon! The first and third shots didn’t bother me at all, but the 2nd one was a punch.
Marisela Zuniga
My day went well, I’m just feeling tired today
gloria patterson
I had some shopping I wanted to do but it got to a high of 32 so I decided to wait till wed …………… Due to have high of 7 then
Just a lazy day
Sarah L
Denver Weather: From Near 80 Degrees To Snow In 24 Hours. Such is the Colorado weather roller coaster.
The day is going very well. I had a surprise phone call from a friend and it made my day.
Polly Hall
Not a bad day here, sunny and getting a bit warmer.
My day is going really well – slowly getting back into the office.
l p
today is going well despite the sudden snow squall and wind. thanks
Shelly Peterson
New schedule with the grandbaby. Now I will have him more.
Michael Coovert
My day has been puzzling. Woke up with one of my leg wraps soaked in blood. I have no idea why.
Tamra Phelps
It’s still cold and kind of blah here. This has been a stressful week. Hopefully, next week is better.
Amber Lee Kolb
It’s been really nice!! No kids this weekend so we’ve been really lazy and taking naps lol.
Sarah L
Went to the Sage Singers concert. It was so very good. Glad to see all of my friends. Sunshine and 70 degrees.
Susan Smith
I’m having a good day. I ran some errands, did laundry and I’m now watching a movie on Netflix.
It’s going far to quickly today. There’s so much to do and not enough time. Roll them over until tomorrow, I guess.
Today’s going well. I had to work but that’s OK. Every little bit helps. Thank you.
gloria patterson
Quiet and relaxing ………… Laundry done put away ……………… Temp is high of 32 today been snowing off and on for last 2 day.,…. It stops melts and starting snowing again.
Kate Sarsfield
Had a very noisy couple move in to the room above last night. Still ‘puffing & panting’, amongst other things going on (the occasional scream & OMGs) etc. at 5am. God bless their energy but I didn’t get much sleep. Anyhow, drove to the nearest big town today to buy a couple of Tshirts for this heatwave so it’ll probably rain tomorrow! Just realised it’s Mother’s Day over here. First one I’ve forgotten.
Tamra Phelps
I wish my neighbors were noisy like that, at least I’d be entertained! Mine just play music all night/
Kim Avery
My day would be better if it wasn’t snowing and I had to wait until my son gets out of work.
l p
this day is going well – sunny, warmish, and a day off. thanks
I have been running errands all day but the sun is shining so I am super happy!
I am having a nice quiet Sunday here just doing stuff on the computer for a while and watching some shows. It was a busy week for me so I am relaxing today and eating lol.
Polly Hall
a sunny day on the lake but the wind is so strong.
Michele Soyer
What a lovely Sunday – the sky is blue and the sun is shining – I plan on relaxing all day!
Shelly Peterson
I couldn’t sleep, so here I am.
Jacqueline Smith
Today has been going pretty well. Just grateful for every moment and my family. Thanks so much for asking!
l p
much more snow than forecast so that slowed things down considerably. everyone’s safe so that’s all that counts at the moment. thanks
Tamra Phelps
I can’t believe Winter seems to have popped back in. Geeze.– I’m really over being cold. I need some heat right now! Bring out the sun. And the Spring trees, like Dogwoods, had begun to bloom, so I bet they will get bit and all the petals will be on the ground by tomorrow.
My day has gone fine so far. We had an early dinner out. It was quite cool today!
Shelly Peterson
Today I picked up a food order and later went to lunch with my daughter.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Great day for a walk around the lake: 76 degrees and sunshine.
Kate Sarsfield
Well, so much for all my plans! Damn car wouldn’t start. Called Roadside Service. 3 hours later was still waiting but the landlady happened to pop in & I had the jump leads so way hay! Headed for the main road & bombed up & down for 2 hours.
gloria patterson
Winter is not ready to let go of us……………. looking out my windows and roofs are covered with snow. We have an alert out during the night snow scheduled. BUT my thursday our temp will be back in the high 70’s
Kim Avery
A nice relaxing Saturday. I am spending it by taking my time prepping supper and waiting for my son to get out of work. I can’t wait until he gets a reliable vehicle!
My day is going pretty good they say it will be 75 degrees here today so I am going to get out and enjoy the sunshine. I love this time of year the best not too hot and not too cold.
Polly Hall
Having a good day at the cottage
It’s a good day. 2 of my grandkids are coming for a sleepover!
Michele Soyer
Up and moving – so much outside / garden work to be done today….sitting here having cup of coffee first though!
tammy ta
My day was good. Got some cleaning done.
Tamra Phelps
So windy here! And cold, again. Of course, the dogwoods, wisterias, pear trees had just bloomed out, so most likely all the blooms will get bit and fall off. So much for Spring…
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. 64 degrees with sunshine.
gloria patterson
Good day trip to the orthopedic dr and received some cortisone shots. Received one in my knee and one in my right wrist. Few day and they will be filling a lot better
Polly Hall
A good day, at the cottage for the weekend.
l p
today didn’t start off well at all but it has been sorted out, for the most part. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
I’m viewing 2 houses tomorrow & have spent the afternoon sorting out directions etc. Then took all the houseplants out of the car for water & a feed (Yes, Tamra, in my pjs).
Tamra Phelps
I think you are starting to live like I do!!
My day is going pretty good so far. I spent the morning doing some yard work and picking up tree branches and twigs from the last storm we had here.
Kim Avery
Im spending a nice relaxing day doing nothing or as little as possible! Yesterday was too long and tiring!
Mishelle G
I need some sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep. Seriously, I don’t know what’s going on but there is a huge need of sleep in my world.
Mishelle G
Shelly Peterson
I am heading to dialysis soon. I am glad it’s Friday!!
Michele Soyer
We are under a high wind alert for today until tomorrow evening – better get out and batten down the hatches!
Ellie Wright
My day was great. I went to my granddaughter’s soccer game.
Today was a good day. Mild. The snow has resumed melting. Yay!
Tamra Phelps
It has been really windy today. It keeps blowing my porch mat all over the place. I’ve repositioned that thing three or four times.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then a stop to pick up groceries using their curb service. 66 degrees with lots of sun.
gloria patterson
good day little sun little rain and a long nap…………………. one of the nice things about being retired naps
Kim Avery
It was just one of those days. I was wide awake at 4a.m. Had to take my son to work. Tried to nap after & couldn’t. Splurged & bought pizza & wings for lunch/supper. Now waiting to find out if said son has ride home at 8-9 p.m. Mommas tired!
This has been such a crazy day – hopefully things will settle down before we go to bed. One never knows… Thank you.
Kate Sarsfield
I’m beginning to clamber out of this little downturn in mood, thank goodness. Got out for fresh air which always helps.
Tamra Phelps
I get down when things are ‘unsettled.’ Maybe you’re just having a reaction to the changes in your life? Seems normal to me. You’ll get it all settled soon.
Kate Sarsfield
Exactly. Been having such weird dreams as well. People & places I haven’t thought about for years. Guess my head is just trying to make sense of it all.
I had the best day today. I went to the local farmers market today and saw some old friends and we talked for hours. I was 75 degrees and the sunshine was lovely.
l p
today is going well. it started out very sunny but cold, now the clouds are coming to bring more snow. time to stay inside. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I’m just spending the day with the grandbaby. It’s a nice day outside.
Polly Hall
Cold and rainy here but staying warm inside.
Michele Soyer
Early class today then I must do some yard work – debris after the wind and rain and re-potting….trying to stay happy today – just one of those blah blue days….
Tamra Phelps
It rained a lot today, but it was warm. Hopefully, the cold is gone. God, I hate being on a diet.
Kim Avery
I had a pretty good day. Had to do some extra errands that I couldn’t do yesterday thanks to brakes. Luckily it was a couple small lines & son fixed them quick!
Sarah L
A quiet day at home listening to the wind. Sun shining and 55 degrees.
Well…I’m okay. Trying not to look outside. We got the biggest snow dump this season (45 cm).
l p
the day is going well – getting the phone calls and errands needed doing, done. thanks
My day is going pretty quiet today. I am just doing stuff around the house and getting ready to start working on a major spring cleaning project outside. Not sure if I am up to doing the outside project today I keep putting it off.
Kate Sarsfield
Still feeling a bit deflated but if I don’t try … viewing another house on Sat. Heading out soon to get something to eat & do some some laundry.
Shelly Peterson
I had a little break and didn’t have the grandbaby today. I am heading to dialysis soon.
Michele Soyer
Did very well this morning – out at half seven back home by half nine! plenty of morning left to work in the garden…
Marisela Zuniga
My day was great! We went to go buy some baby onsies for our baby due in May
Shelly Peterson
Up early with grandbaby, but had a good day even though he is sick.
gloria patterson
Nice quiet rainy day but spring is trying to show up for good
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Cloudy and 43 degrees. 75 degrees forecast for Sunday.
Polly Hall
Trying to make some sourdough bread its taking for ever, not happy about it.
l p
the day is going well, connected with a few people, ran some errands, and now it’s break time. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Missed out on 2 houses and felt a bit sorry for myself but better now.
Tamra Phelps
You’ll find the right one.
Michele Soyer
The right one for you is still out there!
My day is going pretty good so far. I am getting out and enjoying the sunshine today . It will be 75 degrees here and sunny. I wish is was raining though as we are in a major drought in my area.
Michele Soyer
today is an at home day and for that I am grateful.. went out yesterday to do business and it was a long time consuming morning.. tomorrow the same a half eight appt.. today must clorox the top of the cistern before it gets too bad with mango leaves then the aviary again….no classes today!
Tamra Phelps
This has been a day where you just start to feel like too many small issues are starting to turn into a big one, lol. Honestly, I just want to ignore the world for a few days. But I have to go out there and adult. Ugh. I miss the days when all you had to do was go outside and play.
Michele Soyer
I will bring the hopscotch and the horseshoes!
Tamra Phelps
We’d be carted of to the asylum!!
Sarah L
Woke up to a little snow. Now just cloudy. The bulk of the snow went south and east.
Kim Avery
My day was going just fine until a brake line blew. Unfortunately our son/mechanic has a family issue to take care of today and can’t do anything until tomorrow. I’m also hoping its a part available in the parts store.
My day is going pretty good. I did some grocery shopping and the stores were so nice and quiet I loved it. Now I am in for the day and just relaxing a bit.
l p
it’s a bright, sunny day full of energy for the second day of Spring. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I got hooked on another Hulu show and stayed up way too late. So, today I am more tired than usual.
Polly Hall
watching a Frontline tv show on the rise or Putin so upsetting.
Tamra Phelps
Well I slept until after noon–but I didn’t get to sleep until about 6 a.m., so I still feel tired. Too much stress this weekend to make for good sleep. I think it’s behind me, anyway. Just routine stuff like cable and internet switches, but they make it so irritating.
Sarah L
Good swim today with my friend. High clouds and 65 degrees before snow tomorrow.
Annmarie Weeks
I had a nice day (and past few days). It was beautiful out…60 degrees and sunny. Nothing out of the ordinary happened, but I was able to get some cleaning done. And hubby returned home after being away for business & then with friends since Monday. Finally, I finished reading a book that I’ve been reading for a while now. All in all, a nice relaxing Sunday
Kim Avery
Just a super lazy Sunday . It rained and my joints weren’t too happy with it.
Shelly Peterson
I stayed up late watching a show on HULU. So I am pretty tired today. I need to finish my cleaning.
My day went well. The snow is melting!! My cataract surgery was a success.
l p
this day full of ups and downs – right now it seems like it’s a game of Whac-a-mole
My day is going pretty good getting a lot of cleaning done today. Just doing laundry and cleaning the kitchen. Almost time for a break.
Kate Sarsfield
Ireland’s still on holiday apparently! Got some laundry done (one of those outdoor tourist ones), changed the sheets, finished another book & checked out the latest photos of Idris. Listened to the theme tune from Schindler’s List this a.m. & have been v. weepy ever since. What am I like?!!
Polly Hall
Good day Formula 1 started today for the season so we are watching that.
Michele Soyer
Relaxing today.. have to run out early tomorrow to do some business than to make the going out worthwhile stopping at a few shoppes…..the thought of these makes me go ughhh but anyway today is sunny and bright with a gorgwous blue sky and I plan on enjoying the day to the fullest and being grateful!
Sarah L
Busy day for me. Up very early for Colorado Jefferson County assembly. Then actually went in person to see the Denver Women’s Chorus concert. Excellent show. Sunshine and 57 degrees today. 60 tomorrow, then snow…….
Megan Allen
I’ve had two sick kids the last few days so it has not been pretty here. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
Kim Avery
We had an early thunder and lightning storm here in New York. Was kind of odd but nice. We probably won’t get another one all year.
It’s a good day so far. We’ve been able to get so much more done today than planned. Thank you kids.
gloria patterson
Decided I needed a nap had not been asleep for 10 minutes………………………… BANG BANG on my door! When I got to the door no one was there and I didn’t have any packages. And I could not go back to sleep 🙂
Shelly Peterson
I was hoping to sleep in. But I did get some cleaning done and went to lunch with my daughter.
Kate Sarsfield
Tamra, you’d be so jealous! It’s been an absolute scorcher here in Roscommon! Of course, I haven’t packed any light clothes so ended up going for a walk in a pj top & old leggings. Aw hell, who cares!
Tamra Phelps
Ha! Now all the locals are talking about that NEW CRAZY LADY who walks around in her jammies!
Kate Sarsfield
Calling out for her cat who isn’t there! Dear God, it’s pathetic!
Polly Hall
Cold rainy day here in Michigan trying to keep warm even in the house.
My day is going pretty good so far. It is raining here today so that is wonderful but I didn’t sleep all that well last night so I am a little out of it today.
Michele Soyer
Ordered my glasses online and they are perfect at a wonderful savings and got the frames I wanted – not having to settle for what the eye shop here had – the garden/land awaits with weeds and bushes to be trimmed…
Tamra Phelps
I’ve been thinking about trying n online place! They seem to have such good deals.
Michele Soyer
As for me it went very well.. with the try on feature you know exactly what you will look like – no surprises and the quality of the frames very good according to the price range you choose…Zenni optical…..
Tamra Phelps
Finally got fed up with YouTube TV, switching back to cable, at least for a year…then the deal I got ends and I’ll rebel at the idea of paying more and switch again, lol.
l p
it has been a crazy week – glad to start the last working day of it; glad it’s going well. thanks
tammy ta
My day was okay. Went by way too fast as usual.
Sarah L
Had a good massage. Was going to go swimming afterwards, but just came home and had a nap instead. Have to get up very early tomorrow to be a delegate at my county convention.
Polly Hall
Spent part of the day with a sick friend playing cards.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve had a very lazy day today, just reading, listening to music – lovely!
Michele Soyer
that sounds to me like a purrfect day!
gloria patterson
Nice day our weather is great. Decided to go outside and sit on one builders gliders. The air smelled so good and there was just a little breeze Sat out there for over a hour.
My day is going pretty good I got so much done this morning. I love it when I get a burst of energy and get a ton of cleaning done in a short amount of time now I am tired.
Shelly Peterson
I’m heading to dialysis soon. Thank God it’s Friday.
Michele Soyer
Another dark rainy day – if this is dry season what will rainy season be like? The Sahara dust is heavy today also..I believe I might just stay inside…
Shelly Peterson
Today was a rough day with grandbaby. He wasn’t feeling good and was super fussy.
Tamra Phelps
It is officially Spring, as far as I’m concerned, lol. I fed up with Winter. Done with it.
Sarah L
Happy St. Patrick’s Day! No swimming today because of all the snow. bummer. I am wearing green.
Kim Avery
Got up early to start corned beef and cabbage in the crock pot. Smelled good in here all day. My husband loved it & didn’t last long. Decided not to do potatoes because it was just too hot inside today.
Polly Hall
I made Irish soda bread and I am now working on the cabbage stew for our St Paddy’s day meal.
Tamra Phelps
That sounds great. Nothing beats the smell of fresh baked bread.
Michele Soyer
To all a very Happy Saint Patrick’s Day.. Take the day off and just enjoy.. I am always up for a holiday!!
Kate Sarsfield
Happy St. Patrick’s Day from The Emerald Isle! Might treat myself with a Chinese takeaway tonight!
Kim Avery
It was a beautiful day today! Drove around with my mom doing some retail therapy.
Tamra Phelps
Well, not much to say about today. I need to make some dinner and I need to pee, lol. But I’m lazy, so here I still sit.
Sarah L
Went with my friend to get haircuts. Cloudy with rain and then snow tonight after 70 degrees yesterday.
Mishelle G
It had been a decent morning then I found out my longtime friend just lost his brother – out of the blue this morning. I never know what to say but I kept at it by text for a couple hours. In the end if all I did was distract him a little, I’m ok with that.
Mishelle G
Polly Hall
Day is going good it’s a nice sunny day here.
gloria patterson
For some reason I just cannot get used to the time change. I usually go to sleep around 11 pm. Last night it was after 1 am before I fell asleep. Woke up a 7 and took a nap around noon. Cannot wait for the time change ot stop!! 2024…………..
Kate Sarsfield
The sale of the house I’ve got an offer on has been extended till next Tuesday. ARGH! More sleepless nights.
Tamra Phelps
Are they hoping to get multiple offers? I’ve always heard ‘don’t get into a bidding war’ when house hunting…people tend to get caught up in trying to get the house no matter what. Hopefully, you get it!
Kate Sarsfield
No, apparently it turns out that the ‘percolation’ from the septic tank is onto neighbouring land via ‘accepted’ access, ie, it’s been accepted in the past but there’s nothing legal in place. How one is supposed to get legal advice on the issue when Ireland is on holiday for the next couple of days is a mystery, but there ya go!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Oh NO!! Wow
My day is going pretty mellow today just doing stuff around the house today. Getting ready for St. Patrick’s Day tomorrow we like to have a nice dinner and eat corned beef and cabbage.
Shelly Peterson
Normally I would have the grandbaby today, but I have a break. I am doing some giveaways and then heading to dialysis.
Michael Coovert
My day is going well so. A Dr. appointment later will determine how the rest of the day goes.
Michele Soyer
Spent yesterday cleaning the downstairs and the garage – just touch-ups but it still took half the day! What fun.. Today is baking bread, muffins and a cake for St Patrick’s Day!
Tamra Phelps
Watching a traditional Ukrainian Band play old a-ha song ‘Take On Me’ using traditional instruments while sheltering from Russian bombs in Kharkiv. Because why just sit there in fear, they say. God bless ’em!
Polly Hall
Took a sick friend shopping enjoyed our time together.
gloria patterson
nice day starting to get used to the time change……………. looking out the window and it is almost 7:30 and it is still daylight!!
Sarah L
Went out for a couple of errands. Temp got up to 70 degrees with sunshine.
Shelly Peterson
I was up early to watch the grandbaby. So I’m just chillin with him today.
Kim Avery
Lazy day today. My body is not adjusting well to daylight savings time for some reason.
My day is going pretty good, for some strange reason I thought yesterday was St. Patrick’s Day? I think the time change has got my mind all jacked up this week.
Michael Coovert
It has been a great day so far just lying here recovering from a bone marrow biopsy
Michael Coovert
It has been a good day so far, recovering from a bone marrow biopsy yesterday.
Kate Sarsfield
WiFi died, RIP. Anyway, glad to be back. I’ve made an offer on a house & will know tomorrow if it’s been accepted. Phew, imagine me doing all this!
Michele Soyer
Hope it works out for you Kate.
My day is going fine so far. It takes me a few days to get adjusted to the time change. It is cool now but is supposed to warm up today.
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Sunshine and 58 degrees but snow coming back on Wed/Thur.
Karen R
My day is going well. I had a slice of pumpkin pie for pi day. Hubby worked outside but he came in to make dinner,
gloria patterson
OK day having a little problem with time change but give me few more days and I will be make in sinc
My day has gone fine so far. I don’t like the loss of an hour as we “Spring forward” with the time change. I had leftovers for dinner.
Kim Avery
Very tiring day. Trying to get used to the springing ahead time.
Polly Hall
It’s warming up here in Michigan spring just around the corner.
My day is going pretty good today just having a quiet day. I have to really plan my trips anywhere now as gas is $4.70 here a gallon for regular. Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you.
Tamra Phelps
I swear, I appreciate all the things technology can do– but some days, I miss those days when things were ‘simpler.’ If you had an issue with your TV, well you called the cable company and someone came out and fixed it. But for over a month I’ve been emailing and ‘chatting’ with reps from my streaming service for regular TV because the audio & video keep getting out of sync. I’ve tried every fix and they keep asking me to send feedback while their tech guys try to figure it out–because it’s the only app having this issue, so I know it’s some ‘update’ they’ve done that has screwed up. I’m ready to make the little computer guys cry!!
l p
this day is going well. lots to do and time in which to do them. thanks
Shelly Peterson
Just another day of dialysis.
Michele Soyer
Before class this morning I have to go out and sanitize the aviary..plenty of leftovers in the fridge so my day will be easy today!
My day went as well as could be expected. I don’t do time change very well.
Megan Allen
Today was a very busy day and I am wore out! I hope everyone has a wonderful night!
Karen R
My day was okay. My internal clock is out of whack. Trying to get a schedule going.
Tamra Phelps
I’ve felt so draggy today, lol. Like I just should have stayed in bed. Blah. I’m sure tomorrow will look better. It’s supposed to warm up again this week, get up into the 70’s by Thursday–and I’m sure part of my blahs is the way my ankle hurts when the weather keeps going back and forth from warm to frigid and snowing…
Sarah L
Good swim today with my friend. Now I need a nap.
gloria patterson
There is nothing on the right side of your page. All of your monthly blog post listing is gone ??????
gloria patterson
time change is a killer so I had a lazy day doing nothing
Shelly Peterson
I slept in a little bit. I’m about to start some cleaning and then heading to my granddaughters birthday celebration.
l p
back to the ice and snow but one day closer to Spring. thanks
Polly Hall
I saw a Robin this morning Spring must be right around the corner.
My day is going pretty good just trying to get all the clocks changed ahead one hour just did the one in the car. That always bugs me when I get in the car and the clock is not right.
Kate Sarsfield
My sis is recovering. Thankfully the lump was outside the colon so they only had to do a laparoscopy to remove the appendix & the mass. Now waiting for biopsy results.
Tamra Phelps
Glad to hear it wasn’t in the colon. Fingers crossed that she gets good news!
Kim Avery
Spent the morning shoveling and cleaning off car. Hoping the sun melts the rest off deck & car. Also hoping this was the last major snow storm of the season!
My day has been fine so far. It is laundry day. It is very cold today.
Michele Soyer
Sorry for any errors on my posts – sent too quickly before checking!!!
Michele Soyer
Did 2 loads of laundry and set out on the lines.. chicken parm to be made and a spinach quiche.. maybe some arancini also….. the afternoon will be spent relaxing and making studying!!!
Kim Avery
Dealing with a doozy of a winter storm. Today I kind of shoveled between squalls to keep up. Tomorrow should be fun cleaning car off and everything!
gloria patterson
Rest and relaxing we got over 6 inches of snow but the ground is warm so it will melt fast
Sarah L
Crazy weather: Spring today, winter yesterday, Spring last week, winter again on Wed.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve slept for most of the day! My sis had her op but I don’t know whether they just removed her appendix or had to take some of the colon as well.
Michele Soyer
hope she recovers quickly and you think and take care of you also….
My day has gone fine so far. I had a lovely chocolate tart with lunch. I am making gumbo for dinner.
Shelly Peterson
I was up late last night and tried to sleep in but that didn’t happen. My grandson stayed the night so after breakfast we watched a movie together. Now we are going to lunch with my daughter.
l p
the day is going well; tried a new recipe and it worked out. thanks
Polly Hall
It’s very cold out but I’m enjoying the view from my window of the ice fishermen.
My day’s well all things considered! I finished the graphic mom asked me to make.
It’s my birthday! We’re gonna party coz it’s my birthday!
One of my favorite musicians is doing a Zoom concert tonight, I’m excited!
Michele Soyer
Beautiful hot sunny morning – getting out right after breakfast to enjoy the sunshine.. work to be done but smelling the flowers and the rain washed air is more important right now!
Tamra Phelps
Well, Winter has returned. Oh, joy. It’s like that relative that comes and stays and stays and just won’t go home, lol. Where is Spring???
Karen R
Today has not been that great. I woke up with a headache. It didn’t get better as the day progressed. We had about an inch of snow.
gloria patterson
Great niece(5) spend the day with great grandma (92) and me (72) I am whipped and ready for bed and 7pm. She is good as gold but goes a mile a minute. She is so much fun and really loves on her grandma.
Sarah L
Good swim with my friend, the water was warmer than usual which I like. Then dropped off books & DVDs at the library, then grocery store for pick up (still doing it that way most of the time)
Polly Hall
So glad it’s Friday going to enjoy a quite weekend at the cottage
My mom and I had a lovely lunch at our favorite Japanese place!
Kim Avery
I spent the day cleaning and purging the bathroom! Threw out a whole garbage bag of junk! I’m exhausted but have to go pick up & deliver fish dinners at 6.
l p
today is going well – it’s busy with preparing for the week-end. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
Just spoke to my sister. The money from the house sale is in her bank but for some reason not in mine yet. Anyway, she goes for her op tomorrow and is v.anxious about what they find.
Tamra Phelps
Some banks just move slower…my bank changed owners and names last year and now everything takes a day longer, lol. I hope your sister gets good news. Is this part of the same issue she had tested a while back?
Kate Sarsfield
Yes, this swelling between her appendix & colon.
Shelly Peterson
I am up doing some giveaways and then heading to dialysis.
Michele Soyer
Heavy rain last night has pushed a good bit of the Sahara dust away…only one class this morning and then I am free to get outside to work in the garden! Happy Friday all….
Polly Hall
So tired, looking forward to the weekend at the cottage.
Sarah L
We broke a temperature record overnight. Hit -7 degrees. Today got up to 20. I stayed in where it’s warm. Had a good Zoom meeting about this summer’s botanic garden concerts.
gloria patterson
Received a text from my niece great niece wanted to spend fridays with me. I said OK but what about school. Turns out preschool only goes 4 days a week. When Brit woke Zay up to get up for school she wanted to know why she had to go today.
Shelly Peterson
I have the grandbaby again today. I went and ran some errands.
Kim Avery
It went pretty good. Took my mom to do her errands. Flipped out that gas has gone up another dime since Monday!
The morning was stressful, but things are improving…
l p
got a spam call in the middle of the night so today is going slowly. thanks
Mishelle G
My day isn’t going too bad – this morning’s snow is gone!! YEA!!! How is yours?
Mishelle G
My day has gone fine so far. I was up very early. It will be cooler today.
Michele Soyer
Have to stay inside today…Large sandstorm in the Sahara has sent more than the normal amount of Sahara dust our way….you can see the grey haze clearly + rain is coming and that will push it even closer…Guess I have to read and turn on the music and dance!!!
Tamra Phelps
That must be an interesting sight! Does the dust get inside?? Do you have to close off vents? We’re waiting on Winter Storm Quinlan. I thought Winter was going away…it’s gotten up into the 60s and even the 70’s one day here in Kentucky, but Saturday it’s only going to get up to 28 and snow is coming. But Monday, it’s back to the 60s, lol.
Michele Soyer
I have to keep all the windows and doors closed….when you go outside your eyes itch and you can actually feel grit against your skin…. if you have overflow water containers anywhere you can see a mud-like glop at the bottom….
Kate Sarsfield
Dear God! It’s after 7 in the morning & I haven”t slept yet (: My sis rang yesterday. Lots to say re. solicitor & moneys due. She’s going to hospital on Sat. for op. to check out this lump/thing so trying to get things sorted before then. Lots & lots of numbers going through my head. Tax, allowances, etc. Tax payable. I’ve had to write everything down as I cannot ‘see’ numbers in my head. Saw 2 properties yest. One too small, but in a lovely spot, the other more suitable but by a major road. Hey, ho! Waiting on another agent to get back to me about another property which would suit me better (re. the rural aspect) but ach, well, we’ll see. It’s been v. icy over night so I’m going to nip out to the car to check out my plants. Talk later!
Michele Soyer
Try and get some rest today – you have a lot on your plate and need to be clear – you will get everything sorted. Hope the property you view today will be more to your liking….
Tamra Phelps
I had a few of those nights last week. A combination of noisy neighbors and restless mind kept me up until daylight…
Tamra Phelps
I guess I’m going to have to get new glasses. I thought my eyes must be getting worse and that was why I can’t see as well with my glasses on…but it turned out my eyes were actually slightly better last time I saw the eye doctor. Now, I’m having even more trouble seeing with the glasses on. I wonder if my eyes have gotten even better, lol. Or maybe they really have gone in the other direction!!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s weird but I always find the cheapo ones you can buy in pharmacies are better & fit this damn crooked bridge of mine than the ones from the opticians. I own 3 ‘proper’ specs & about 12 cheapos!
Michele Soyer
Strange as it seems your eyes might have gotten better…Life changes and your sight changing is quite possible…
I found a really good new anime series to watch!
Polly Hall
Went grocery shopping this morning still a lot of holes on the shelves
Sarah L
Just staying inside. Currently 13 degrees with light snow. Next week 67 degrees.
I just found a good new anime series to enjoy!
My day is going fairly well. I wish spring would come sooner rather than later.
My day has gone fine so far. We had an appointment today that we completed. We tried chickpea salad and it was good.
l p
just in from a long walk out in the fresh air and sunshine. thanks
Shelly Peterson
I was early with grandbaby. Heading to dialysis soon.
Kate Sarsfield
Take care of yourself & do try to ‘no’ if it means your health is in question. Impossible position to be in, I realise, but there’s only one of you!
Michele Soyer
Shook off those blues from yesterday and am back to normal – well normal for me… Never got all the weeding done and flowers to transplant before class this afternoon….
Kate Sarsfield
Knew you would xxx
Tamra Phelps
Well, kind of a slow day. Not a lot going on, but I’ll take that happily.
Polly Hall
My day was very busy so glad it’s almost over.
Karen R
My day is a disaster. My laptop bit the dust. I am using hubby’s laptop, when he isn’t. A new laptop wasn’t in the budget.
Kate Sarsfield
Oops, hit a wrong button. Anywhoo, should be sleeping but can’t. Meeting up with 2 estate agents (realtors) later today so we’ll see what happens. Also found a laundrette so that’s on my to do list as is feeding/watering the plants in the car. Amazingly, my blood pressure is fine! Hope you’re all doing well, fellow Peanuts!
Tamra Phelps
Good hunting! I hope you find the place you want quickly.
Michele Soyer
Positive vibes sending your way.. the perfect place is there for you!
Kim Avery
I spent the afternoon making red sauce for stuffed manicotti. Came out really good! So glad I’m going back to my roots of scratch or semi scratch made.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends, then the library, then Smashburger – BUT — They stopped selling Salted Caramel shakes! Boo hiss. We postponed our Thursday swim to Friday since it will be snowing the next 2 days.
gloria patterson
just a quiet peaceful day……….
It’s a good day today. I’m managing to stay on track.
Mishelle G
I am so tired today – I wonder why as I think I slept well but I am so tired. Early bed time tonite!
Mishelle G
Today has been kind of odd, and I can’t put the finger on why…
Shelly Peterson
I was early with grandbaby. My day will be spent with him.
Today is going surprisingly well. I’m getting a lot of little things taken care of.
l p
another day starting with a snow squall. the sun’s trying to break through now so that will help when doing the outdoor chores. thanks
Kate Sarsfield
I’m viewing 2 properties tomorrow. The money hasn’t come through yet but I want to get to know the area (and the local agents). Still sleeping hours each night & napping during the day as well.
Molli Taylor
my daughter stayed home sick today so we are bonding, watching and doing meditation videos!
Michele Soyer
Feeling a bit down today – woke up with the knowledge that all my future plans will take so long to come to fruition…looking at all the mistakes I have made along the way – this will pass but right now I better get moving and help myself out of this…..
Tamra Phelps
I’ve definitely had those days! Hang tight until it passes. Some days my mantra is ‘this too shall pass.’
Michael Coovert
It has been a great day. Had a fantastic Wound Care appointment.
Michael Coovert
It was a great day. Had a great Wound Care visit.
Michael Coovert
My day is going great. Had a great day at Wound Care.
My day has gone fine so far. It was very, very windy today. I just heard some evening time torrential rain starting to fall.
gloria patterson
Great niece (5) started pre school today. After a review they decided to start her now and let her go in to kindergarten next year. Big girl rode the bus and mommy followed the bus. She liked it and ready to go back tomorrow.
Kim Avery
It was a very rainy day today! Nothing like getting soaked after doing groceries!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Not snowing but gray and cold. Tomorrow will be the warmest day this week so planning to go swimming then.
Molli Taylor
Mondays are our busiest day around here but I am handling it like a champ!
Things were a little hectic and stressful earlier, but I’m taking a coffee break now…
Polly Hall
heading out for girls night, dinner and cards.
l p
a sudden snow squall changed all the plans for the morning. now playing catch up but it will be done. thanks
My day is going pretty good just staying home today and getting some stuff done around the house. It is a nice spring like day here today.
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve had an upset tummy over the weekend so did very little apart from sleep & had a drive round the area today. Hope I feel more human tomorrow.
Michele Soyer
No classes today so I am off outside to cut vines, move some coconut trees and pull weeds – Oh joy! LOL
kk p
It’s been a longer day than usual. I’m happy to be heading to bed.
Tamra Phelps
It has rained all day. BUT it got up in to the 70s today!!
tammy ta
My day was okay. Sucks back to work tomorrow.
Sarah L
Sigh. No swimming today because it’s been snowing and snowing and 21 degrees with wind chill of 9.
The day is going really well. And I’m having fun along the way.
Kim Avery
It was a gorgeous day in the 60s here in NY. Unfortunately it was too windy to do anything besides make sure things don’t blow away tonight.
l p
wow – this day is really going quickly. no way to put on the brakes. thanks
Today has been pleasant (baking chocolate chip cookies always helps)!
Polly Hall
Made banana bread for dinner today and relaxing the rest of the day.
My day is going pretty good just enjoying a nice quiet Sunday hope you are doing the same. I am binge watching some shows today and taking care of myself.
Today it’s going really well. I’m getting things organized and so far, everything’s falling into place.
My day is going fine so far. I think we will have BLT sandwiches for lunch. We have watermelon for dessert.
Michele Soyer
Where has this week gone? Another rainy lazy Sunday…music is on, meatballs on all I have to do right now is sit and relax!
Sandra Watts
The day has pretty much just started out for me. Other than a slight headache, I suppose it is going good. How about you? It’s been a while.
Shelly Peterson
I couldn’t fall asleep so I decided to do some giveaways. So here I am.
Today has gone well – and I’m very grateful for it. Thank you.
Molli Taylor
Im so tired, but doing pretty good. The weather was lovely here today1
Tamra Phelps
Slow day. Highlight of my day was finding out the old Roberta Flack song ‘The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face’ was written for her cat, which had died. Wow. Everyone thinks that is a deep love song…but not necessarily for a cat, lol.
Michele Soyer
Never knew that!!
Kate Sarsfield
I’ve sung it many times but not to a cat. However, “You’re so vain”, yes, I have sung that, many times, to many cats over the years!
Kate Sarsfield
Take care of yourself & do try to ‘no’ if it means your health is in question. Impossible position to be in, I realise, but there’s only one of you!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home with cloudy skies and snow coming soon.
gloria patterson
Beautiful day we got to 70!!!!!! tomorrow it is going to be 50
got to spend some time with great niece (5) she is always so much fun to be around
Shelly Peterson
I haven’t been sleeping well lately but I did sleep in today and it felt good.
Polly Hall
Getting a lot done this Saturday almost time to start working on dinner.
My day is speeding by in turbo speed. I had a lot of running around to do today and driving and driving and more driving. Now I am home and chilling for the rest of the weekend. I wore myself out today and dinner and a movie is all I am doing for the rest of the day.
I made some chili, and am looking forward to watching the Paralympic sled hockey game tonight…
l p
the day is going well. there’s lots to do and so far, time in which to do them. thanks
Jodi Hunter
I am doing better after a brief illness, so all is good.
My day is going fine so far. My day started early today. I have chores to do!
Michele Soyer
so grateful that the shoppes were so empty yesterday – no people at all – zipped right through…Today is another rainy day so plan on catching up on paperwork!
tammy ta
My day was pretty quiet. Went by too fast as always.
Tamra Phelps
Every so often the landlords reps leave a notice on the door that someone will be round to inspect for this or that–and today, just like every other time, no one showed up, lol. Honestly, I think they leave the notices just so the paper trail will make it look like they did their jobs!
Sarah L
Quiet day at home. Got up to 64 degrees with some sun before the snow comes tonight and the next few days.
It has been snowing all day here. By Sunday, the temperatures will be above freezing so we’ll have lakes on the roads again.
Kim Avery
My day wasn’t too bad. Had to put my foot down to my son & demand gas money or he would be walking next week. Gas is now over $4 a gallon & even though I get decent gas mileage its costing more in the end.
l p
today has been up and down – just get started on something and something of a higher priority pops up. it will be fine. thanks
My day is going pretty good so far. Just got home from running to the store. We are supposed to get some snow and I had to get a few things in case we get snowed in for a few days.
Mishelle G
Sunny today – makes up for all the crap snow we got yesterday! YAY!! I wish it were warmer but it’s sunny, it’s friday and all the kids I take care of left early so YAY FRIDAY!!
Mishelle G
It’s a little dreary out, but I just picked some freesias (they smell divine)!
Cathy French
Had a dr appointment yesterday then went grocery shopping so I am way behind today.
Shelly Peterson
I am heading to dialysis soon. Happy Friday. I am ready for the weekend.
My day has gone fine so far. I had a nice breakfast. The weather is sunny but still cool.
Kate Sarsfield
Oops, I did type a comment here but as I’m still getting used to using a laptop, I may well have deleted it! Anyway, basically what I ‘said’ was that the move has happened (up & downs included), the new owners bought the house because they love the garden & view, and now, after much sleep, I’ve finally managed to catch up with myself. Apparently my share of the sale will be in my account in 10 working days so time to start searching for anything in my very limited budget. Onwards and upwards, Peanuts xxx
Michele Soyer
Happy searching!!!
Terri Quick
It’s been ok. Talked to a guy online who could possibly be decent but time will tell lol!
Tamra Phelps
No much going on here. Still dealing with a pinched nerve. Yuck.
Sarah L
Good swim with friends. Then to Costco and to my other friend’s house to split the roast chicken. It’s so good but too much for just one person living alone so we split it.
Cheryl Montgomery
Doctor appointment for knee bakers cysts, now a specialist appointment 75 miles away on Tuesday, ugh.
My day has gone fine so far. I had a stir fry with lots of veggies for lunch. I made 2 greeting cards this afternoon.
Kim Avery
I spent a nice relaxing day doing the bare minimum and taking a long nap! My body and mind needed a complete break!
Mishelle G
I’m on day 2 out of 4 of snow storms… 4… all in a row they say. I will be crazed when it’s done. CRAZED. Not too much shoveling yesterday, today – I’ve been out 3 times and I’m waiting for the plow now. They say more snow tomorrow and saturday as well… I don’t know if I can make it.
Mishelle G
Shelly Peterson
I have the grandbaby again today so It’s a busy day
Daniel adefuwa
Oh what a great month with good weather and good achievement for all those who admire it as one of the best months. YOU ARE WELCOME INTO THE MONTH OF (MARCH ).
l p
snowing here – we need the snow pack and moisture so the day is going well. thanks
Beth B.
Pretty good day here. Sunny but cold. Can’t wait for Spring.
My day is going ok having a lot of computer issues looks like it’s not just me. We are enjoying a teeny tiny bit of rain today sure hope we get more we so need it here.
Polly Hall
Took a friend of mine to a Doc. appointment and then we did some shopping together, nice to spend time together.
Sounds like so much fun!
Jon Heil
Rocking up the day catching up on a few items
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tammy ta
My day is going well, Pretty quiet right now.
Debbie Yoder
My day is going great! Coffee with the husband,going grocery shopping later today!
Gloria Walshver
My day has gone okay did my yoga at the Senior Center had a chat with my friend
Shelby Powers
Thank you for the opportunity! Much love!
Francine A
My day is going pretty good so far. Going to the grocery in a little bit .
Rita Sheppard
My day is going okay so far as I was able to clean a good part of my house.
Michele Soyer
Thank you for continuing this giveaway Connie! I enjoy all the peanuts here!
Tamra Phelps
Well, it was a fairly warm, sunny day. Almost Spring-like, lol. But the news from the outside world is gray and depressing. Sigh.
Sarah L
More Colorado roller coaster weather. In the teens last week, in the 60s/70s this week, in the 30s next week with snow.
Karen R
It is a warm 73 degrees here. I took the dog for a walk, or he took me for a jog. Depends how you look at it.
l p
this day is going well – everything is a little late but that gives more time to do other things in-between. thanks
Kim Avery
Took my mom shopping today . She wanted to stock up on brisket & cabbage because she’s afraid it will be gone soon. Hope not because my shopping day isn’t until Monday.
My day is going pretty good except I am pulling my hair out over my new cell phone. I had to upgrade my cell phone because of the 4G 5G conversion and now apparently my coverage area isn’t what it was with my old cell phone ticks me off!
Julie Bickham
My day is going great! The sun is out and the weather is warmer today! Hope your day is going great also!
Shelly Peterson
I’m up early with the grandbaby. I’m heading to dialysis soon.
Molli Taylor
i saw your flood post, i guess I’m doing better than you! I’m pretty worried about our roof though with intense rain!
Lori Byrd
My day is going good so far, but it is early. Let’s see how the cars are driving this morning on my way to work 90 miles an hour or 100?
Thank you so much for this giveaway 🙂
Ken Ohl
so far ok have a big day at work today
Gina Taverna
Today was OK. I am off work this week since my last day at my job was Friday and I’m not starting my next until Monday. It is good to have a week off, but it makes me wish I could be present this much for my kids all the time.
Tamra Phelps
It’s finally March. Just saying that makes me feel warmer, I swear! It’s practically Spring!!
Kim Avery
First of the month errands and laundry done and that’s about it.
Sarah L
Got brave and went into the grocery store today. So lovely outside with 68 degrees and sunshine. It was fun to pick out my own groceries.
Connie, where is that moose from?
l p
St. David’s Day – went out and got some daffodils. thanks
Laurie Nykaza
It’s hot here so came in from trimming plants today now for food delivery
Karen R
I got up early because a nurse was coming to the house at 9:00. I wanted to tidy up and vacuum. She called at 8:30; said she was sick. She rescheduled to Thursday. I went back to bed. I really wanted to get this done. I am not in the best mood. I am a grouch in the morning. Okay, in the afternoon and evening, too.
Sue D
Caught up on some baking today using a butternut squash.
Shelly Peterson
I was up early with the grandbaby. Hes a bit cranky. He got his shots yesterday.
Kim Pincombe-Cole
It’s a beautiful day here – sun is out and temps are warm. So excited for the 1st Meteorological Day of Spring!!!
My day is going pretty good just doing stuff around the house today and catching up on some paperwork. I love March so I am happy it is here.
I’m attending an online conference and drinking coffee with cinnamon!
Kate Sarsfield
It’s gone midnight so Happy St. David’s Day to Welsh people everywhere! I’ll take a bunch of daffy dillies to Mum’s grave later today. Had a cuppa in a local hotel with a couple of other altos from the choir last night to say goodbye. Going to bed now (hopefully to sleep if I can switch my brain off). Chat again from my new lodgings in Strokestown, Co. Roscommon in a couple of days. EEK!
Connie: The Head Peanut
Travel safe my friend! Happy St. David’s Day!
Tamra Phelps
I hope you have a good, safe trip!! And find everything you are hoping for!
Michele Soyer
All my best wishes to you Kate! Safe travels and may you have a wonderful new beginning in your new town…