Guess Who’s A Golfer NOW?!?!
I’ve told you all before my children are FUNNY people. Truly, they are SO FUNNY!
They do manage to get themselves into some crazy stuff.
Today, I want to share Zachary stuff. When Zac finds something he loves he goes all IN!! Yeah, I know what you are thinking, he is exactly like you. Yup, this nut didn’t fall far from this tree.
I think his first obsession was baseball cards. He collected binder after binder. BOXES of baseball cards. Autographed baseballs. He especially collected Frank Thomas memorabilia. He wanted every thing Frank Thomas that he could find.
Then, it was The Raiders. Trust me he has everything Raiders. Hats, autographs, mugs, blankets, seriously if it says Raiders I am 100% certain he has it.
In his early 20’s he was all in with paintball. We are talking vest, paintball gun, helmet, all of it. Weekends were all about paintball.
In his 30’s it was (and still is) fishing. Everything from fancy poles, to A BOAT!, (I live close to a HUGE LAKE! I don’t have a BOAT!!) he has fancy fishing hats, funny fishing hats, fancy lures. All of it. He loves to fish.
So, I really shouldn’t have been surprised when Zachary called and announced “Mom, I’m golfing in a tournament in Arizona this weekend”
Ummmm Zachary you don’t know how to golf!!!
“Mom, that’s what I told my boss. I told him I don’t golf. He doesn’t care. He said I do now”.
So? Now my Son can golf? IN A TOURNAMENT??!?
SO, ZAC being Zac, he got the golf shirt and golf pants. Even a golf hat!
He got the clubs. Lot’s of clubs.
THEN He got the bag. An awesome bag from ASKECHO GOLF. ADD PBNWHINE at checkout for 10% off your purchase!!
Check out this bag! This is the SLC-130 Golf Bag. First, let’s notice the Black and Gray Coloring. (Hello Raider Colors)
This golf bag has it all.
- Latest 15-way molded top with over-sized putter slot keep clubs well organized.
- Upgrade grip lock bottom ensure club from rattle and clanging while walking even shaking.
Comfortable shoulder strap.
- Total 12 pockets,including a magnet pocket, inner panel have 9 Tee holder, pocket side has a pen slot and bottom has a score card holder. Big insulated pocket plus 2 side cooler bottle sleeves, can let you enjoy ice drinks in hot summer.
This is one fantastic bag!
I guess my son is a golfer now.
So, now he has all the fancy gear and wants to play some golf. But, Mother Nature won’t stop pouring rain and flooding Southern California. But, he is a golfer now.
I wonder if I get custody of hos future trophy?!?!?

Tamra Phelps
I empathize. I am the same way. All in, and then decide I really want to try something else, lol.
Connie: The Head Peanut
YUP!! All the supplies to create coldwax oil paintings arrived today. Now, I’m not sure I even want to play with it all. I have to go add up how much I spent and decide if I would rather just return it all. GESH!!
Karen R
I hope Zac has a ball at the tournment. All he needs now is the golf cart.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Karen, I saw this and immediately texted Zac. I can’t wait to hear his response. I should (just to stir the spot) text his girlfriend and tell her that. LOL
I so that too when I discover something that I like I am ALL IN. Hope your son does well in the golf tournament. That bag is super nice.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Heather you and me both. Last week I took a cold wax and oil painting class……… came home put in an order on Amazon. I DO NOT need another craft…. but it is SO COOL!!
My Son is truly amazing! He is living his best life that is for sure. Of course, since the bag arrived it hasn’t stopped raining so he can’t even take it to the range to practice. Poor Zac, POOR Southern California!
gloria patterson
WOW Sure hope the boss paid for bag and clubs………………. expensive bag.
One question ALL the stuff he collected, did he get rid of, take it with him………. OR IS IT AT YOUR HOUSE.
Connie: The Head Peanut
Ohhhhhhh no the Boss wasn’t that nice. LOL MY son is SO much like me. Spare room? FULL. Garage. FULL. He (exactly like me) might just use it again. Yup, he did not fall far from the tree.