Happy Mother’s Day!!

I know… I know…. if you’ve been with me for a long time you know I post this video every Mother’s Day.  BUT, It makes me laugh every SINGLE year!!!!!!  THIS is my FAMILY!! (Not literally…. but… my kids are just like this!)  Happy Mother’s Day!!!


  • Cheryl Rahkonen

    I loved the video! I am going to bookmark your page and show it to my husband and kids. Thanks for the laugh–I needed it! 0)

  • ann

    OMG LOL that was so funny – that the guys for you not wonder you post it every year its the norm for brothers same here at my house . Happy Mothers Day to PB&W

  • ann

    OMG LOL that was so funny – that the guys for you not wonder you post it every year its the norm for brothers same here at my house . Happy Mothers Day to PB&W

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