Hello April!! #Giveaway Win $50 Your Way! April 2021

Hello Peanuts, who’s ready to Win $50??!! Who else is ready for spring!? I’m absolutely ready to say goodbye to the snow. Mostly I am ready to say goodbye to the season of the mud. Seriously, the road is so bad my 4 wheel drive car can’t drive through it. Now, I love my mountain life, don’t get me wrong. I may not want to go anywhere but knowing I CAN’T, that makes me nuts. (I know, spoiled!)

Besides the mud we have flowers starting to pop up. My tomato, blueberries and house plants are going NUTS!! I’m so HAPPY!!

My only other ‘not boring’ news was the freak windstorm we had a couple days ago. Talk about some strong window rattling wind! It was NUTS!!  I caught video’s with my a new Trail Cam from Ecovox! It takes some amazing pictures but I had a wild hair and thought I would see how it did with video. Now mind you, these trees are over 90 feet tall. I attached the trail cam to the top deck.

Impressive right!?!? We really lucked out, the news send winds could hit 70mph. Our highest was 42mph.

Bonus! We didn’t lose any trees.

Okay, on to the REAL reason you are here.


I truly am thankful you stop by! Most of you everyday. As always I am blown away by your support and most of all your friendship!!

My monthly $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! I really do appreciate the fact that you are here. THANK YOU!!!

This months giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! The year before and well, you get the idea. For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by. This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide)

This is a Giveaway that is hosted by me and only me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements Win $50 Your Way Giveawayis always appreciated!! Seriously, HOW subtle is that?!

GOOD LUCK little Peanuts!!!

This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!


  • heather

    My day is going pretty well today. I am just getting stuff done around the house. Our state went back to total lockdown today so we are all stuck at home.

  • megan allen

    The moment 3 out of 4 kids leave for their grandmothers and tne house is eerily quiet..lol. I hope everyone has a great night!

  • Candie L

    I really cannot complain how my day is going; it is finally a sunny day. We have had torrential rain for the last few days. Thank you

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Going great today here. Wrapping up the work week, getting ready for the weekend and pizza for dinner! All is good here today 🙂

  • Rosie

    Day is going good. It stopped raining a little while ago. I’m waiting for delivery, that has a sponge mop – I’m excited to get it, as I had a hard time finding one to be delivered, and had gotten rid of my old one, not realizing that!! Yeah!


    So far today has been good. The storms yesterday that caused so much damage missed my part of Texas and I am grateful. Today is cool and cloudy, but I can hear birds chirping outside my office window.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Went to the Dr. to get my blood results: he’s referring me to a consultant in Dublin to check out my gall bladder and another to check out my worsening Raynaud’s Syndrome. Ah well, at least it got me out of the house!

  • Theresa A

    Today I’m getting part 1 of the Covid vaccine – wish me luck 🙂 It was sunny earlier this morning but is kind of overcast now 🙁

  • Rosie

    It was raining and cold, but I walked to town to pick up a few needful things. Wow this day went by fast! Too dark to try to do cleaning, but have a long “to do” list anyway!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty well today but it is sure flying by fast. It is supposed to hit 87 degrees here today which is too hot for me.

  • Christina Gould

    My day is just okay so far. I was late to my doctor’s appointment because it was pouring down raining and traffic was bad. Thanks for the giveaway!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Hailstones this morning so no outdoor work. I’d love a hot bath or, even better, a jacuzzi! Ah, well, maybe one day when the restrictions lift.

  • Michele Soyer

    What a wet gloomy morning.. it is pouring and the sky is black and filled with storm clouds.. guess there will be no garden today.. so off to wash the windows inside and change some curtains….

  • Felicia COSTIN

    My day went well. Went in the office today and had hoagies for dinner. Spent some time outside relaxing with my husband

  • Sarah L

    My friend came by and picked me up and we went and got all our hairs cut. (why does the phrase say got a haircut, when you get all of them cut. )Got lots of rain yesterday and this morning, but now the sun is out.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Nice here today but pretty warm for this time of the year. I had a baby bird watching me from the wooden box they are in when I was in the yard earlier. Too cute!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good today. I am enjoying the weather and all the beautiful flowers that are popping up all over they are my favorite thing about this time of year.

  • Rosie

    Hustlin’ all day, trying to get a couple things checked off the “to do” list, that stay checked off, this past week some things had to come back on to the list, and I haven’t worked up the wherewithal to do those all over again! Sunny and cold, but tomorrow supposed to be warm, so I’m getting things ready to do errands in town tomorrow, walk there and back.

  • l p

    the day is going well. the sun is out, there is a light breeze, and all the doors and windows can be opened to air the place out. thanks

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Today’s highlight: de-fleaing & worming the cat! I’m planning on painting one of the gates but the clouds suggest they may have other ideas.

  • Michele Soyer

    We have had a small tarantula downstairs in the patio area for a few weeks.. he doesn’t bother Delilah and basically walks the walls looks for insects… yesterday a friend came to visit.. that one was much larger…sorry this one had to go.. we are not a tarantula haven.. lol….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Someone complained to me about all the ramps and dandelions growing in their yard. I paid $15 for ramps last week. (Wild onion). I got out the dehydrator to dehydate the ramps and am going to start on the dandelion greens. Guinea pigs LOVE them and dehydrating them is a main ingredient in forage that is expensive in stores. Going to make my own!

  • Sarah L

    Went downtown for my infusion. Then stopped for a Truffle Mushroom Swiss burger at Smashburger. I have to treat myself on these days. 30 degrees cooler than yesterday with spotty rain showers.

  • megan allen

    Today is my 10 year anniversary! 10 years is a long time lol. It may not be to some people but dang that’s a long time to put up with the same person!

  • heather

    My day is going pretty well today, I am getting out of the house and enjoying this beautiful day and I love seeing all the flowers but we need more rain.

  • Rosie

    I don’t know how some people make using a smartphone look so easy! I spent quite a bit of time on the phone with tech support, and in fixing one problem, I found out after I got off the phone it caused a new one. That is after looking up youtube videos, chats, etc. Now I’m back to square one. Now I know why seniors get those phones from AARP – this is harder than I ever thought!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Some much-needed rain this morning so that saved me having to water the garden. Idris the Wonder Cat has hurt his paw & is feeling very sorry for himself.

  • Michele Soyer

    Had so many strange dreams ( 3) that woke me up at all hours of the night..cannot remember any of them.. must be that gorgeous super moon in Scorpio.. full and bright….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I ordered a grab bag of yarn yesterday and am looking forward to it coming. Said it was a $65 value and I paid $17 shipped. 🙂

  • l p

    the day is going well. up and out first thing this morning and got the outside errands done. so now it’s on to the indoors ones. thanks

  • Rosie

    Day is going along. Spending some time looking at glasses online, it has been 10 years since I got glasses, and I had just picked out frames at an office and it was very expensive, this time, I’m trying to figure out how to get decent ones that come in small size. If you have any ideas, let me know. Most of the ones I like so far are only bigger size available.

  • Elizabeth TierceMiller

    It’s a Monday, what can I say. I woke up with my stomach killing me and now have 2 kids on zoom classes.

  • Lauren Becker

    My day is going alright. It’s been a bit of a rough week. I’m hoping this coming week will be better than not.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s another glorious day so I’m off into the garden to sand down the gates. Messy bloomin’ job but someone’s got to do it!

  • Michele Soyer

    I wound up baking all morning and into the afternoon yesterday so no real day off….so today I plan on doing transplants early and relaxing for the afternoon…

  • Sarah L

    Good swim with my friend. Only a couple of other people in the pool. I think they were out enjoying the 75 degree day.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Received an email from a native missionary in Bangledash. Things sound so bad there with Covid. It’s so sad. I sure hope things get better there soon.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I had allergic reactions to two different antibiotics this week, lol. I’m done with them. Tired of itching. Hopefully, I got enough to fix the toe, lol.

  • heather

    My day is going slow today. I was up at 3:30 am so I am super tired today can’t wait to sleep tonight got a busy day tomorrow.

  • Rosie

    Day is going along, it was raining most of the day, now is just overcast. Checking things off the “to do” list – yippee!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Up & about before 8 this morning. Unheard of for me on a Sunday but I had to water the new bedding plants before it got too warm.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty well just got home from running around getting food and dodging people who refuse to wear a mask even though Covid-19 is skyrocketing in my state to the point they are considering another total lockdown!

  • megan allen

    I know that April is known for showers..but dang. It has rained almost everyday! Geez! Have a great weekend everyone!

  • Sarah L

    Busy day. First to the library to pick up and drop off books. Then the grocery to get my food. Then a trip to a food truck for fish and chips.

  • Kelsey

    I actually had an awesome day with my new puppy! The weather is gorgeous so my partner and I took him to my parents house so he could lay in the sun and sniff all around their yard!

  • Rosie

    Good day to get some chores done here, nice and sunny you can really see. Snow melted, but it is still pretty cold out for late April.

  • Denise Revoy

    Today is a Saturday so i slept in
    I made breakfast then watched some youTube videos to learn about overlanding and equipment

  • Marlene V

    Today I have to do some professional learning. It’s going good especially since it’s a rainy, cloudy day so it’s easier to be inside to do this on the weekend!

  • Joe Herbert

    Having a great day so far. I was just noticing various things blooming in the yard like columbine, Pawpaw, and redbuds.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Idris tried to bring a mouse in through my bedroom window last night. I shut the window – 5 minutes later he cried to come in (without the mouse this time). He settled on my newly changed bed & yes, threw up the mouse 🙂

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My guinea pig just finished the last of her favorite “sitting on the humans” treat and she is looking at me like “Why aren’t you going to Amazon to order another?” lol

  • Tamra Phelps

    I started a new antibiotic Wednesday (I say new because I always take one to keep the MRSA from coming back–but I get to try going off it soon)–the new one is for a toe issue, lol. I cut the nail too deep. It’s infected. Of course, I’m now having an allergic reaction to the new one. I’m allergic to so many antibiotics. Ugh. Itch, itch.

  • Rosie

    Nice day out today, but still cold. It’s my birthday, so I decided to treat myself by not having too many things on the “to do” list – feeling fancy free like a horse that had their saddle taken off!

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home. Had a good Zoom class on doing cashier for the DBG plant sale next month.
    It will be my first time volunteering for over a year.
    Did my grocery list for pick up tomorrow. Someday I’ll get brave and go back to shopping in the store.

  • Kelly Kimmell

    I fell on our stairs yesterday, so I have woken up very sore this morning. Thankfully, I didn’t break anything but my ribs are pretty banged up.

  • Michele Soyer

    Weeded and cleared a garden bed yesterday.. today I will enrich the soil and put in new flowers….Hope it stays overcast to keep them from hot sun…

  • Jennifer Wilson

    There was a small crack in our windshield and it was snowing and DH turned on the heat in the car, and the windshield is now cracked all the way across. . .

  • Nancy

    Today has gone fine so far. It is cooler today after a freeze warning this morning. We usually don’t get freeze warnings in late April.

  • Rosie

    Day has been going good. I didn’t notice the weather forecast yesterday when I made plans to walk to town, wow, what a surprise to look out the window this morning and see it snowing! I had to take out my winter clothes I had just packed away this weekend! Still cold out. I’m glad I got done what I needed to, never thought it would be freezing and snowing this late in April, esp since it was in the 70s up until today!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well up and at um.. cleaning today then off into the garden.. the garden gives me the greatest pleasure even when things do not work out as planned….a section of ornamentals are being attacked by some creepy crawley that is eating the leaves.. so… pull them out and re-group!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband called our ISP the other night. Whenever I have called and complained about slow internet, they just say it is only “a maximum of 400 bps”. Well, he called and pointed out we are paying for up to 400 bps and we only get 9-14 on speedtest. Even though I have called multiple times, they listened to him and are coming out on Friday. I hope now that we will get the speed of Internet we’ve been paying for for almost 20 years! (Over $100 a month. Only game in town.)

  • Sarah L

    Had eye doctor appointment where I get my eyes dilated. Still fuzzy vision. When I got out of the clinic it was snowing hard and I had to clean the snow off my car. Isn’t it Spring?????

  • Rosie

    Day is going fast! Big storms today, ppl are posting the giant hail stones. I played it safe and stayed in and made a tasty lentil soup in the slow cooker. Now playing with phone trying to figure out how to fix it, I don’t know how to use it, and set things off without meaning to, uh oh. Not sure if it is b/c it is an inexpensive phone.

  • heather

    My day is going just okay today. Just sticking close to home today and getting some things done outside in this nice weather we are having here.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good today. I had a lot of running around to do and just got home. It was pretty quiet out there today so I was able to get a lot done now it is time to rest.

  • Michele Soyer

    Went out shopping yesterday.. hit 7 shoppes and was back home by half 12… no one was out and the roads were pretty clear….now we are in for 2 weeks….how life has changed!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m just back from the Dr.’s surgery (full fasting bloods) and I’m hungry. Last night I did a slug/snail collection – a small army of them are now in a field rather than munching on my new plants!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    Went to Dollar General to get the stuff to restart our starts. Somehow DH ended up spending $80 more than I had planned on various things. . .

  • Sarah L

    Winter storm warning for the next 6 hours. Currently snowing like crazy. I’m making crescent rolls with deviled ham and green onions.

  • Rosie

    I’ve been noticing lately that when I’m going to do a small project, there ends up being more things to it I didn’t anticipate, and now are bigger projects. Have to re-calibrate the “to do” list to less projects this year!!!

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My husband doesn’t get that I am clumsy and things above my eye level don’t work well for me. He assumed I would use a stepladder. Well, somehow when I was watering my garden starts, all of them fell on me today. *sigh*

  • Rosie

    This month is flying by! It is so nice that it is getting a little warmer and there is that bright green on the trees while the leaves are starting to emerge – love it!

  • Sarah L

    Good swim with my friend. Beautiful sunny day and 55 degrees – just before a Canadian cold front comes down and brings more snow.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good so far today. It is going to be 85 degrees here today way too hot for this time of year we need rain here so badly I pray we get some soon.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, for about two days after the second shot, my left ankle/foot hurt like crazy. But Saturday it seemed mostly better, and today it seems better still. So…I know it seems weird, but it must’ve been connected to the shot, lol.

  • Kelly Kimmell

    Headache is gone this morning. That’s a good start! Just enjoying a blessed Sunday, hope your day is going well also.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The kitchen ceiling is white, with 4 recessed spotlights. These originally had brass surrounds but after 20+_ years looked grotty. I researched online for something similar, saw the prices & gulped! A bit of sanding, three coats of white radiator paint later & I’ve saved €200 (about $180+) – yay me!

  • Michele Soyer

    Planning on a really easy day today…other than Sunday lunch read, relax and making lists for the week is all I intend to do….

  • Jennifer Wilson

    The lady who runs the guinea pig rescue knows I’m in love with those two guinea pigs and she has posted two more photos of them. 🙂 My husband has said how cute they are. So maybe. . . .

  • Sarah L

    Got up to 43 degrees and a little sunshine. Still have broken tree limbs but the bushes are bouncing back now that the snow is melted off of them.

  • heather

    Having a great day today. Just got home from getting the oil changed in the car and getting a car wash I feel better now I hate a dirty car.

  • Michele Soyer

    Trying to get myself organized this morning with a work schedule.. problem is cute pooch and cats keep telling me to have a play day!! what will win work or play??

  • Jennifer Wilson

    My pharmacy is 10 miles away each way. They are the most incompetent pharmacy I will have to make a third trip (total of 60 miles) for a prescription that was suppossed to be ready yesterday, went back today and they didn’t run it through insurance right, and had to investigate to find out what happened. I figured it out, called them, told them how to do it, and then it was done correctly. Wish they would pay milage after my first trip when they don’t do something right! lol. This happens every single month. I end up making 3-4 trips there to get my meds.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ankle still hurts like crazy. When I stand up, put weight on it, I have to ‘vocalize’—or holler, lol. Lord knows what the neighbors think is going on in my bathroom!!

  • Sarah L

    We got over 4 inches of heavy wet snow. Two broken branches, one in front of my house the other on the side. Glad I live where others have to do the snow and trees.

  • heather

    My day is going a little better than yesterday. Just sticking close to home today and doing some stuff around the house.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Still crazy noisy here. The master bath is getting new plumbing and fixtures. I feel a headache coming on. I had to lock my Siamease cat up in the home office because she was bugging out.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I went a bit mad yesterday buying bedding plants etc. for the garden. It was almost as if the cost didn’t matter! Still, it’s going to look gorgeous for when we put the house up for sale.

    • Tamra Phelps

      Aw, won’t you be tempted to take the plants with you??? I didn’t know you planned to sell the house. Fingers crossed you get a great price!

      • Kate Sarsfield

        Sister & I just can’t get a loan to pay of their mortgage/equity loan. 2 x 60-year olds, one on disability, just doesn’t compute.

        • Tamra Phelps

          Shoot, that sucks. When things get all screwy for me (like when I lost the house I lived in before I got sick and knew I’d have to move into this new place), I try to tell myself it will work out, something good will come of it, maybe it’ll even be better…and, hey, sometimes I manage to convince myself, lol.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I have totally fallen in love with a couple guinea pigs at a rescue. I’m wondering if my girls would get along with them. They have such a sad story. One is a biter, so they have to go to a special home, one without kids, like ours. . . It remains to be seen if they will be adopted out, but I feel so bad for these girls. 🙁

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh, had 2nd shot and my left foot is now aching like you would not believe for no apparent reason, lol. My brother had his shot too and he was so sick he went to bed today and not to work–and he NEVER does that. Good news is he feels better—I’m still aching but hoping to be better soon. If I didn’t know better, I be thinking ‘oh, I sprained my ankle.’ I did not. Geeze—still it’ll all pass soon and then no m ore COVID fears, right?? Yes, I’d do it again because the good outweighs the bad.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim with friends. Was just cloudy when I finished swimming, but then the snow started and it’s been coming down steadily for the last 2 hours.

  • Dana Rodriguez

    Very noisy day here today (and slightly aggravating) Working on some renovations in this house that are much needed.

  • Jennifer Wilson

    I recently tagged you in a couple yarn giveaways on IG. Because I know you could use more yarn. Heck, I can use more yarn. I finished the lovey for my niece, still haven’t met her, she’s 13 months old now. Hopefully soon. DH and I are fully vaccinated. Our study was unblinded when we got the call from our health dept. I got the AstraZeneca in November in the trial, and amazingly as sick as he was, he got the placebo. Makes me wonder if he had the virus! But he’s had his second and same with his family. Although the first one in his family who was exposed was his niece because of daycare! 😮 So we would still have to be careful around her.

  • Nancy

    Today is going fine so far. I am still working on my project. I’m planning a casserole for dinner to use up some leftovers!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well I have emailed my daughter-in-law and my dear friend so the messages for the day are done.. now more coffee and I have to get the vacuum going…

  • Sarah L

    The rain is holding off for now so I went to the library to pick up 3 books I had on hold. Then stopped at the grocery story for my order. I have the nicest employee helping me. She knows my name and is always so helpful and nice.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good today. Just got in the door and and taking a little me time. Boy we are getting some wind here I pray it blows in some major rain.

    • Connie Gruning

      Ohhhh nooo! Well, you are in good company. I had mine removed almost 41 years ago. My son was about 6 weeks old. Just what a new Mom wants! Back to the hospital.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        And it was a big operation then. I remember Mum having hers out back in the 70s – huge scar. I hope it isn’t my gb. I love cheese!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well the MET office has warned us about the volcanic ash they believe might reach here today…combined with the Sahara dust people with breathing issues should be especially careful…it takes a lot for me to stay inside on a sunny day so I will be aware and cautious…

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Be careful, Michele! We get Saharan dust every year & when that big Islandic volcano blew a couple of years ago everything got coated in dust. It reminds one that we really are a tiny planet.

  • heather

    My day was busy today. I am looking for a new running shoe and trying to find one that is good and does not cost a ton of money. I think I am ready to buy now just need to pick the right color.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home. Put in my grocery order for pickup tomorrow. This week will be mostly cloudy and gloomy and off and on rain (snow overnights).

  • Tamra Phelps

    It looks so nice out there today, the pear trees and dogwoods are starting to show their blooms. But of course, they’re saying it’ll get down around freezing later this week. I hope the trees don’t get bit (as my Granny used to say, lol) before they even get started blooming this year. Just seeing those Spring colors out the front window cheers me up.

  • Kelly Kimmell

    It’s still early, but the day is going okay so far. I slept better last night than I have in a while, so that helps.

  • Michele Soyer

    Yesterday was a very hard day for me..it was my son’s birthday and he passed away 9 years ago when he was 38….went back and re-read all the emails from the years he was working abroad and how happy he was living in Switzerland and later the UK..wish he could see his granddaughter and his son getting married…have to have faith that all things happen for a reason….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’d a horrible night; this last week I’ve been getting tummy ache a couple of hours after eating but last night it got really bad followed by vomiting at 4am. Very tired but the Doc’s phoning in the afternoon so hopefully will get some advice. I really don’t want to go to the surgery if I can help it.

  • Sue E

    It’s nighttime and bedtime. I am comfortable and peaceful. Getting ready to say my prayers
    ???? Getting rest to face a new day tomorrow! Thank you for asking.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim earlier than my usual Sunday time since we had Sage Singers 2nd Sunday Zoom at 2pm.
    My new swimsuit fits perfectly. I love finding a brand that consistently fits.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    We had a tiny amount of snow yesterday! It’s still below freezing out there today but the work to clear the house of unwanted ‘stuff’ continues apace. Problem is I’d love to donate furniture, books, clothing etc. but with the restrictions this just isn’t possible.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It has poured rain all day today…and tonight. Oh, well, as they always say, ‘we need that rain’–lol. I’m due for my 2nd vaccine shot on Wednesday, so fingers crossed that has no glitches. Two weeks after that, I’m told, I’ll be considered good to go, lol.

  • Sarah L

    Got my new swimsuit! Some women go gaga over shoes, I go gaga over fun swimsuits. It was 40% off with free shipping from Land’s End. It’s red with small white dots. The red isn’t as bright as I was afraid of, just a nice dark red. I’ll be wearing it tomorrow for the first time.

  • heather

    My day is gong slowly. I did a lot of running around yesterday in town and boy do I need a better pair of shoes. Today my whole body hurts from my feet to my legs. I am in the market for some running shoes with lots of cushion.

  • Nancy

    My day is going fine so far. It is getting warmer here. I have a big project that I will hopefully finish this weekend.

  • Michele Soyer

    We are under a yellow serious weather alert today… oh well.. guess I will have to stay put and listen to music and read….

  • megan allen

    It is absolutely beautiful here today! It makes my soul happy! Cannot wait for pool days ! I hope everyone is well and has a fabulous day!

  • Michele Soyer

    I had a plan yesterday to get back to work then I made the mistake of sitting down and reading only one chapter…well I finished the book.. so today no reading in the morning out into the garden after coffee..

  • Tamra Phelps

    I seem to be getting lazier every day. I just have no motivation to get anything done these days. My attitude seems to be: it can wait, lol.

    • Kate Sarsfield

      Sorry to disillusion you sweetheart, but you need to be fit & healthy for that op. so get up off your backside or I’ll set Idris on you!

  • Sarah L

    Good swim today. So nice to exercise in warm water. Sun is shining and we’re about to start another round of up, down, up, down, rain, sun, rain, sun.

  • megan allen

    Trying to get projects done today while kids are on spring break..its not working out too well! Everyone enjoy your day!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    It’s too cold to work outdoors so I’m working my way through cupboards – who knew that we had 4 frying pans (and we never fried anything!)?

  • Kate Sarsfield

    The temps below freezing! Last night we had a teeny bit of snow & hail! I’m carrying on loading the skip with ‘rubbish’ and even though my hip hurts it’s not as bad as I thought it’d be – phew!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Is it just me or is anyone else unable to get the videos in this post to work??? Are they working, Connie? Oh, well, it’s been a really nice Spring day here, and looks like it might stay that way for several days, lol. I can tell it’s really Spring because my allergies have gone bonkers.

  • Michele Soyer

    Our plumber is coming this morning to do some outside pipe work .. easy work and then the rest of the day I shall be working in the garden…

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Ireland’s waking up after a 4 day weekend (not that you’d notice though)! Thankfully we didn’t get the huge numbers of tourists to the area that we got last Easter. My sister’s coming home from hospital today so I’m on standby to go to collect her. Oh, and the skip is due here as well (do you call them skips in America?) so a busy day/week in store.

    • Michele Soyer

      Glad sister is coming home today.. here the Easter holiday was very quiet with none of the usual events and no cruise ships docking….

    • Tamra Phelps

      I’m glad your sister is doing better. What are Earth is a skip??? Is that what you call a ‘long weekend?’ We sometimes call them three day weekends (or 4.) But a skip is new to me.

      • Kate Sarsfield

        “A skip (or skip bin) is a large open-topped waste container designed for loading onto a special type of lorry. The term is mostly only encountered in British, Australian, Irish and New Zealand English. An inexact North American equivalent is a dumpster or debris box. … A special skip-carrying lorry or crane is used.”

  • Sue E

    My day was good! We had a great day yesterday! Today is our granddaughter’s 11th birthday ? It was wonderful to see her happy ?

  • heather

    My day is going okay today. I think I am still recovering from all the cooking I did yesterday I am still worn out but we have a lot of yummy leftovers to eat over the next few days.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home enjoying all the leftovers from yesterday’s dinner. Also playing Colorado roller coaster weather: 80 yesterday and today and boom! 50 on Tuesday.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Dear God but I ache all over and am cut to ribbons by the bloody Pampas grass. Still, I’ve now recovered a very overgrown rockery and got rid of dead branches etc. The skip’s arriving tomorrow so now I’ll go through the garage & every cupboard & drawer in the house.

  • Michele Soyer

    Today Easter Monday is the last day of my staycation.. going to make the most of it by relaxing and making my to-do list for the week!!

  • Sarah L

    Happy Easter, Happy Spring! Had a lovely dinner with my friend. She grilled salmon and strip steaks on the grill and we had fresh asparagus. We sat on her patio and enjoyed the 80 degree day.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I hope everyone is having a good Easter. Wouldn’t it be nice if adults got Easter baskets, too, with stuff we want. Yes, chocolate bunnies, but other stuff too, like books to read, tequila to drink or magic dust that cleans the house for you??

  • heather

    My day is going really great. I am super busy lots going on in the kitchen today. I hope you have a beautiful Easter.

  • megan allen

    Happy Easter everyone! I hope you all have the best one yet! We are about to dye eggs and in a little bit go to my moms for food and a hunt!

  • Michele Soyer

    Happy Easter everyone! I wish you a lovely holiday..as for me the ham is done all the rest can be done later.. Mass from the Cathedral is up next….

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Lord, what a night! I had just got to bed at 1am when my niece rang. My sister was in awful pain, shaking all over & clammy cold. I called an ambulance & headed down to her house. She really was in a bad way. It took an hour for the ambulance to arrive. It’s almost 5am now & I’ve heard nothing so I’ll try to get some sleep.

  • Sarah L

    A universal characteristic of insanity is inflexibly doing the same thing over and over while hoping for different results. I keep trying to watch the trail cam photos and still get nothing. I am insane.

    Went to the grocery store and picked up my groceries for the week. And a neat fern plant to take to my friend’s house tomorrow for Easter dinner.

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good. I just got back home from grocery shopping. I got my Easter ham, rolls, eggs and lots of other goodies.

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’ll be working outside again today, fence painting, strimming etc. I’ve ordered a skip for next week for anything that can’t go in the bin. The following week is supposed to be freezing so I’ll finish off the painting I can do. I’ll get a decorator to do the rest then the house goes on the market if we haven’t managed to get a loan. I’m not going to get miserable about it because we have no choice but I will miss my garden.

  • Michele Soyer

    I always make a BBQ on Glorious Saturday so all is marinated and ready..all I have to do is fire up the grill!! All I see in my day today is resting, relaxing and enjoying the sun and breeze…

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home. Had some crazy dreams last night about singing in a concert. Sure wish I could do that again. High temp today 78 degrees. Normal high for today is 59 degrees. Summer came early this week.

  • megan allen

    Thankfully, its not as cold today. We were teased with beautiful 60-70 degree weather for a few days and now its cold again! Happy Friday everyone!

  • Dana Rodriguez

    So far it is good. Still early yet. Got up.. made my guy’s work lunch, cleaned up after the pets,dusted, mopped.. etc. I am happy it is not raining for a change!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    I’m up & ready to go into town to get things for the garden then remembered it’s Easter weekend. Last year the town was full of tourists even though we’re supposed to be in lockdown & I suppose this year’ll be no different. I’m not taking my chances with that lot!

  • Michele Soyer

    Well April is here. hopefully this month we will get the go ahead to sub divide…I do not need all this land to tend..I will never work it all and the thought of renting it to others is a strong no for me….Good friday so delivering my Easter baked goods to my neighbours then Jesus Christ superstar on the stereo all day.. every version.. I am that crazy! Remembering when back in the early 70’s it came to Broadway and husband and I were lucky enough to see it in its first week….

  • Sarah L

    Happy April! Good swim today and the weather is lovely – 65 degrees with sun.
    Connie, for some reason I can’t play your trail cam videos. Can you put them on Instagram?

  • Sue E

    I have been trying different things to cheer me up. We had different grandkids over this week because the kids were off school for spring break. They keep my mind off my brothers for a while. My heart was broken ?? in February!! My brothers died within days of each other! I have never known a pain like this before!! I have been praying ????

  • heather

    My day is going pretty good today. I did a little running around town. It is almost 70 degrees here and the flowers are out and so beautiful.

  • Kim Avery

    My day is going great! After having anxiety over getting the covid shot (was afraid of allergic reaction) I am 7 hours post shot and not even a sore arm. Lets see what tomorrow brings!

  • Nancy

    It is a lot cooler here today. There’s a freeze warning tonight! I have the evening meal cooking in the slow cooker – hurray!

  • Kim Pincombe-Cole

    We’ve been having terrible wind storms in the Midwest too (your new trail cam videos are great!). Local contractors are telling people that if you need home repairs from the storms, it could take months because of a backlog of building supplies! Crazy. Anyway, happy April!!!

  • Laurie Nykaza

    While jack hammers are going out on the stree in front of my house were all inside with headaches again today they are doing street repair here all week

  • Tamra Phelps

    Chilly day here in KY. Well, I talked to my orthopedist’s nurse today. I’m really hoping that by the end of this month, I’ll hit the weight he wants me to be at for the surgery on my right knee. So, I have an appointment with my regular doctor on the 28th—to check weight and finish any papers that need to be filled out.

  • megan allen

    The boys had to go take a school “MAP” test today. So now I’m finally getting to start on school work! Have a great first day of April!

  • Kate Sarsfield

    Good morning & Happy April! Another month gone by so quickly! My sister & niece are coming over today to discuss what to do with the house – still waiting for probate to come through. We don’t want to sell but it’s proving difficult to get a loan to pay off the mortgage M & D took out to pay for improvements, niece’s College etc.

    • Tamra Phelps

      That stuff is hard enough to deal with in normal times. I’m sure with the pandemic, everything is made more of a hoop to jump through. Don’t let it get to you. Just breathe. This too shall pass.

    • Michele Soyer

      Oh Kate sorry to hear this….maybe just maybe you will have an Easter miracle and be able to find a loan ….. my prayers are with you…

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