HELP!! My Baby Came without Instructions GIVEAWAY!!!!!!
Congratulations to Blythe Lipman of My Best Parenting Advice and Baby and Toddler Instructions. Blythe just became a very proud Grandma of a PERFECT precious little boy!! Meet Alex! I can’t wait to hear all about him! Since it’s the first Wednesday of the month I will be on the air with Blythe for the first 15 minutes. After my visit with Blythe she will be talking to Jim Hjort and they will be talking about The Imperfect Mom. I hope you’ll tune in.
Look at this happy baby!!
Check out Blythe’s website My Best Parenting Advice along with her books Help! My Baby Came Without Instructions: How to Survive (and Enjoy) Your Baby’s First Year AND Help! My Toddler Came Without Instructions: Practical tips for Parenting a Happy One, Two, Three and Four Year Old
Tune in to Toginet live on Wednesdays 11:00 to 12:00 est.

One lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win their choice of either HELP! My Baby Came Without Instructions OR HELP! My Toddler Came Without Instructions. I have to tell you to this day I still use these books! I babysit Granddaughter Alice full-time and tips like my favorite “WHISPER when Alice is throwing a tantrum works like a charm”. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. Good Luck!!

As a grandma(very proud one) I only give advice when asked for it. My daughter in law is an awesome Mom and my son is an awesome Dad. They are doing a great job with my 2 grandsons!
Julie L
My best advice is respect the mom’s opinions too~
As the daughter in law, my advice would be to be patient with us. We appreciate it 🙂