iHome Motion Sensor Review

The34Being empty the NaNa and PopPop has MAJOR perks!! First, of course having the most adorable Grandbabies in THE world. Second major perk? When they get fussy I can send ’em home! I also no longer have to have Lego’s and Barbie’s spread out through out the house. I have set up a cute area at the end of the hallway that now has adorable wall decals. An adorable toy box with a little mirror above it. Perfect for scattering toys everywhere. It’s perfect; EXCEPT, ya… ya…. ya there is always a but with me! BUT it’s dark. There are no plugins and no light fixtures just a dark hallway!!

UNTIL! iHomeSet® Motion Sensor Closet Lights. This is an LED Closet Light that measures in at 7 ½” long. And it’s BRIGHT!!! There are 10 separate LED lights encased in this attractive, inconspicuous, slim little package.

The iHomeSet Motion Sensor Closet LED Light requires four AAA batteries that are not included.

The iHomeSet Motion Sensor Closet LED Light attaches with a magnetic adhesive strip. The adhesive strip is used to attach the light to any clean, flat surface. On one side of the strip it’s magnetic,  the other side is extremely sticky.  Attaching the light couldn’t be simpler. Remove the light strip from the piece of magnetic/adhesive strip. Attach the strip where you want it positioned. One thing I want to point out is that when you attach the strip it’s there to stay so be sure you are happy with the placement. This is not a reusable magnetic/adhesive strip.  I know this because I had decided the light might be a little too high…. but….. after trying to remove the light I decided it was actually perfect where it was.

I am thrilled with the light. It lights up the entire area and stays lit as long as there is motion. The Grandkids are 3, 4, 6 so there is ALWAYS motion!! The light shuts off if it doesn’t sense any motion for 15 seconds.


Nope, not a single one about the light. The light is small, with a powerful bright LED light. Installation was so simple 3 year old Alice could have done it!! The batteries seem to be lasting a long time too. Two very enthusiastic thumbs WAY WAY UP!!




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