It’s College Move-In Day! Here’s Five Packing Tips To Get You Started!
One of the biggest projects for a parent is letting go of their child and getting them ready for college. When they’re brand new and in your arms, you don’t consider that you’re raising this dependent little creature to one day be in a place you can’t be all the time. It’s not conceivable until you have a tall eighteen-year-old standing in front of you and ready to pack their things to move into the next phase in their life. Deep breaths, parents, because college move-in day is the next chapter for you, too.
It’s a big project from start to finish, and while you have plenty of notice, you may still flap and stress when the time comes to get moving. So, what’s on the list to ensure you get your teenager packed and ready to start the next big thing in life?
A teenager’s bedroom is a cave of wonders for parents. You don’t go in there much, so you may not realize how much stuff is piled around the room and in the closets until you’re there together and doing the college clear out. Go through everything with your teen that they won’t be using or needing anymore. They’ll still use the room when they come home between semesters, but that doesn’t mean that they’ll need their high school textbooks. Get it all in the piles for charity, to sell and to take to the dump and clear the room.
While you’re decluttering everything and getting it all organized, you also need to have a list of the things you need to buy for moving day. This can be everything from the right college bedding and mattress. to storage drawers for the things that they need to work with. Making this list is a big deal as you can get everything written down for the new college year.
Ideally, your freshman has been to some mixers and has met their college roommate. Encourage them to get in touch and figure out who is bringing what. There’s no point in bringing toasters and TV sets if their roommate is going to be bringing one of their own, is there?
There’s every chance that your child hasn’t had to share a room before, but they will when they get to college. Prepare them for this by downgrading the nice, expensive kit that they have for cheaper brands. This way, if things go missing or get damaged, it’s not the expensive stuff that has been harmed.
Basic Housework.
As a proud parent, it’s ideal to send your teen off to college with the knowledge of how to prepare their meals, make up a bed and get ready for independent living. The summer before they go should be their crash course in making food so that they’re not living on ready meals and Ramen for the time that they’re on campus.
All of the above tips can ensure that your teen is packed, prepared and ready for college. Are you?