July’s $50 Your Way Giveaway!!
This is the July 2015 Cash or Gift Card Giveaway. To celebrate the marriage of Selena and Dan Price (my daughter) I’ve decided to make this month’s giveaway a $50 Your Way Giveaway. This is still a single blog giveaway! Yup, just me! Still my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower! June was another very successful month!! Congratulations go to Laura R! Laura chose a Walmart Gift Card. What I want to note here …. if you order a gift card, an electronic gift card why do I have to add a physical address and phone number? That seems odd to me!! Anyone else??
On to July’s Giveaway, same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I can’t help myself! I LOVE my FANS!! This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated.
Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway
Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Voting for me on Picket Fence and Top Giveaway Blogs. Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!! Because of Facebook’s new rules I can’t make Facebook likes an entry HOWEVER!!! I am giving extra entries if you share this giveaway on Facebook, the entry is REFER FRIENDS FOR EXTRA ENTRIES.
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!
$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks or Amazon Gift Card giveaway!! Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!! I really am blessed to have each and every one of you!!
The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.
If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!! The USUAL giveaway amount is $35 but sometimes I like to throw in a little extra; like this month. You will have to come check and see!! Aren’t I sneaky?? This is a monthly giveaway; yup every month!! Along with the Diamond Candle Giveaway too!
Now, off ya go. Good Luck!! And truly, thank you for your support!!
This Giveaway Is Closed. However, the newest $50 Your Way Giveaway is alive and well. Every. Single. Month. Check the sidebar. GOOD LUCK!!

Sherry Keef
One thing that made me mad today was missing my soap opera THE BOLD AND THE BEAUTIFUL.
Sherry Keef
One thing that made me hopeful today is entering your giveaway and feeling hopeful to win.
Sherry Keef
Well lets see now, one of the things that made me happy today was visiting with my sister.
Pamela Gurganus
They only thing that has made me mad today is figuring out how to answer these questions over and over and over! I am running out of things to say!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is my husband found out he’s up for a promotion at work! I hope he gets it!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is my sister is flying in. I can’t wait to see her!
Mai T.
I’m hopefully today because a blogger informed that my prize is coming. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I managed to do a difficult task without asking for help. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s again a bleak day and I might be running in the rain again. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
Selena and Dan: may you have many, many happy years together.
Sarah L
Happy: Just won the $25 Fandango gift card. (I was getting grumpy since I hadn’t won anything in a couple of weeks)
Hopeful that the 17 places on my body that got freeze zapped today will feel better tomorrow.
No mad today.
Cheryl Reinhardt
Wedding Advice.. Put God first in your Relationship and everything else will be just fine……. Good Luck and Best Wishes to you both !
Cheryl Reinhardt
What made me mad today was nothing,,, it was a great day !!!
Cheryl Reinhardt
My Husband went to the Doctor today and found out his foot surgery went well and his foot is healing fine. That was good news!!!
Cheryl Reinhardt
My Dog went to the vet today and it made me hopeful that my Dog didn’t try to attack everyone, he is scared because before we got him he was in the shelter for a long time, he doesn’t trust people…. so it made me hopeful he will come around.
Trisha McKee
What made me angry today is a family member that no matter how many times I try to be nice and get along, she is just mean. She makes comments about my cooking or housekeeping and interrupts if i try to talk.
Trisha McKee
I am hopeful today because I had a great idea on a story i am working on.
Trisha McKee
I am happy today because I spent the day in our boat fishing and then we cooked out. I love spending time with my daughter.
Elizabeth H.
Nothing really made me mad today. Only if I watch the news.
Julie Simpson
I was happy on my only day off of babysitting 11 hours a day to see my beautiful grandsons while mom went to the dentist. I was hopeful when my baby who began walking at 9 months but is as tall as a two liter bottle jumped off of mommy when I limped down the stairs. I was able to pick him up while standing which is hard I need 2 new knees. My rotater cuff is gone in my left shoulder but I grabbed that beauty up anyway. I was mad that for 21 years i have not been able to bend down and do anything arthritis in your 20’s is no fun especially at 51. I was grateful that I’m still standing taking care of my son who has lupus but is doing well and helps me down the stairs and gets me a drink of water every night.
Vikki Billings
I went over to my mom’s this morning and she colored my hair and we got to spend some time together. It made me very happy!!
Aimee Robison
My fur baby has been sick for the last few days, and today he is looking much better. So I am hopeful that is on the way to a full recovery 🙂
Aimee Robison
Today, what made me mad is having this person rid on my bumper. They could have just passed me 😛
Aimee Robison
Today I am happy, because I got a book in the mail that I’ve been looking forward to reading for quite a while 🙂
Sarah L
Happy to get a clean bill of health from the dermatologist.
Hopeful that tomorrow’s swim class will be fun.
No mad today, just a bit owey from the freezing stuff the dermatologist used on me.
I am HAPPY today because I finally cut my hair! I usually donate it to Locks of Love about every two years. Today I donated 14 inches!
jules m.
my puppy gave me some cuddles this morning 🙂
Cindy Ramirez
My boyfriend called me this morning to say he loved me, which made me really happy since yesterday we had a small incident that sort of strained us after
I’m happy that we’re starting to see results from our Whole30, my hubby just came in wearing a shirt that hasn’t fit him in at least a year. 🙂 I’m hopeful that since we’re seeing weight loss we’ll start to see energy and pain improvements too (well, that I will. :P). I’m mad that I woke up with crazy dry eyes this morning and they’re hitting. Booo.
Kim Pincombe Cole
I’m mad today after reading the USA Today article about how many untested rape kits are in the U.S.! Indianapolis alone has over 5,000 untested kits sitting on the shelves…
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me mad today is I accidentally deleted and email that I needed and it can’t be retrieved! I should have known better than to check email before that second cup of coffee!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is remembering that my sister is flying in tomorrow. We always have such a wonderful time together and I know it’s going to be a great couple of weeks coming up!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is remembering that my sister is flying in tomorrow! I can’t wait to see her!
glenn S
I enjoyed a big breakfast of Wheaties this morning!
It’s so early, that I am not mad about anything. But I am annoyed with some construction that starts at 5am behind my house. Not the best thing to wake to.
I am hopeful today because I am starting to feel better, been sick for a few days now.
I am happy today because it is nice outside and I got to work on time 🙂
No mad yet today, but I’m so tired! I need more sleep!
I’m hopeful that now Tom (the Doc) has adjusted Mum’s meds that she’ll begin to feel better.
Today I’m happy because last night Mum’s doctor arrived at the front door out of the blue. This was at 9pm & he been at work since 8.30am. He was on his way home & popped in to check up on Mum! And he’s married with 3 little ones to get home to! So kind of him. That’s what it’s like living in the country & long may it last.
Kimberly Hilbert
It’s still early and so far nothing has made me mad today. I may go to the library and sometimes parking can get me frustrated/mad. 🙂
Kimberly Hilbert
I’m very hopeful that my dog will live a long life, she’s already 9 or 10 years old, so we’re making great progress on that hope.
Kimberly Hilbert
my dog Pippi is recovering well from a tumor removed from her bladder and it isn’t cancerous. Whoo!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because the holiday is getting closer and I’m buying souvenirs for folks at home. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I finished the book “Finding Cherokee Brown” and it was brilliant. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s so hard to find a great hotel in Singapore without recommendation. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
laurie murley
one thing that made me happy today was spending time with my family
Tamra Phelps
What made me mad today? My own Facebook newsfeed made me mad, lol. I’m seriously fed up with some of my own family; lately, I’m seeing some serious bigotry popping up from unexpected sources. (If you follow the news, you can guess what subjects are bringing out the worst in some people.) Do you ever think of unfriending your family members, lol???
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’m hopeful that my 9 year old nephew’s baseball team will do well at the ALL STAR tournament. They are one of only 3 teams from KY to get to go, so he’s thrilled!
Tamra Phelps
Today, I’m happy that a long day is nearly over, lol. Well, I got to see my niece & both nephews today, so that’s nice.
Sarah L
Happy to have a big swim class. Happy that my eye exam was good. Getting new glasses.
Hopeful that the weather will be good Thursday for an outdoor party.
No mad today.
Cori Westphal
Organizing my bathroom cupboards and drawers today made me happy!
Marta K
Finished my master thesis!!!
Susan Smith
What made me mad today was a saw a small dent on the side of my car. I’m thinking someone’s car door hit my car.
Susan Smith
Our house is on the market and we had a lot of showings today. I felt hopeful that someone who saw the house today will make us an offer.
Susan Smith
I’m happy today because the weather was nice and I had lunch with my husband.
be kind to one another. Cherish each other. When things are tough lean on each other. When things are good rejoice together and never go to bed on an arguement
Watching and reading the news. Reading about child abuse or animal abuse makes me raging mad
I am hopeful from the things I have seen my adult children do and say. That I have done a good job as a parent. And they ar happy productive hard working kind men
I love writing but have only shared with family before. And I edit for a little money and made a joke to the author about the dialogue and she loved it so much she asked if she could use it in her next book. I was/am tickeld pink by the compliment 🙂
I’m happy that my dad finally quit smoking! He’s been smoking for 50 years, we were sure he would die before he would ever quit. Woohoo! (He quit cold turkey a month and a half ago and decided he didn’t feel the need to tell everyone.. or anyone. So somehow I was the first to know, my mom hasn’t even figured it out!)
I’m hopeful my dad will regain his lung health and doesn’t have so much permanent damage that his quality of life will still be affected.
I’m not mad at anything this morning, although I was pretty mad about the nearly hundred degree day yesterday. 🙂
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me mad today is the landscapers woke me up! Who starts mowing at 6 a.m.? ACK!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is my sister is coming to visit in a couple of days. Being with her always makes me so happy!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is I got an email saying something I ordered has shipped! It wasn’t supposed to for another few weeks.
Not really mad at anything in particular today so far, but sad. It’s 3 months to the day since Dad died.
I’m hopeful that Mum is well & truly on the mend. I had to ring the doc about her medication & he’s going to pop in on his way home to see her.
I slept long & deep again last night. Oh, the relief of being able to get a couple of hours without having to see to Mum several times each night!
Judy Thomas
My kids made me happy today. But then they do every day.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I know mom and the dog are healthy and enjoying life. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I successfully made pad thai and it tastes super good. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the boyfriend forgot his doctor appointment and it will take another month to re-schedule. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Michele Baron
It’s Sunday and we visited my mother today….She lives in another state and we haven’t been able to see her since Mother’s Day…Thank you for asking and I hope you had a lovely day too
Sarah L
Happy to get an email saying I won $25 Amazon GC.
Hopeful I can get new glasses tomorrow after my eye exam.
No mad today.
Mary Casper
I was happy when my daughter called she has been going through a tough timw and it upsets me to not be there. She lives 500 miles away
E Kay
I’m happy because my dog has been amusing me while I’m stuck inside
E Kay
I mad because it’s a beautiful day and I’m stuck inside sick
Sleeping in and waking up to kitty cuddles made me happy today. I’m hopeful that next week my hubby will get hired at his contract (they’ve been saying it for months but rumors are they finally have funding!). I’m mad at being achy and crampy today.
Christina Sparks
Selena and Dan may you have a joyous wedding and each day be filled with love and respect for each other.
Christina Sparks
Listening to the news makes me mad.
Christina Sparks
I am hopeful that I will be buying my first house.
Christina Sparks
Waking up and seeing my dog looking at him!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me mad today is the terrible customer service we had at the restaurant we went to for lunch. I just don’t understand sometimes why people just can’t get things right the first time.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today was going to church. It’s spurred me on and motivated me for another week.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today was going to church. It’s always good feeling to worship and fellowship.
Kim Pincombe Cole
I’m happy today because I get to finally catch up on all my DVR’ed tv shows!
No mad so far apart from a headache. It’s the weather: stormy & warm; guaranteed to make my head pound.
No mad so far aparet from a headache. It’s the weather: stormy & warm; guaranteed to make my head pound.
I’m hopeful that I get some more sleep tonight – there’s still an awful lot to do to look after Mum but I feel that I can cope once I’ve had some sleep.
I’m happy because I got a good nights sleep – the first uninterrupted night since Mum got home from hospital. I’m still tired but what a difference it makes!
Happy today because my fiance makes the best lemon ricotta pancakes ever. They’re especially good with a little nutella on top. Hard to go wrong w nutella 🙂
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because a colleague is back at work tomorrow from her vacation and I don’t have to struggle alone anymore. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because everyone says my swiss roll tastes and looks good. Finally I could make some cake. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s such a bleak sunday now and I don’t have any place to go for entertainment. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Going to the farmers’ market made me happy.
Sarah L
Happy to have a fun evening with friends at a birthday party. Got cards & squirt guns for the two birthday girls (ages 67 and 72) (there’s a great book called ‘The girls with the grandmother faces’)
Hopeful that they’ll get a kick out of the squirt guns.
No mad today.
Maria Malaveci
Today it made me happy to find old books from when I was in school at my parents house.
Stephanie Jozwik
Doggie pool party made me happy today! The dogs loved it, it was just adorable. Dogs in a pool will make anyone smile.
Pamela Gurganus
There is not one thing that has made me mad today. I sincerely hope that it remains that way.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that has made me hopeful today is I had a good nights sleep and woke up without any aches or pains. It’s going to be a good day.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that has made me happy today is my husband doesn’t have to go to work. We’re going to spend the day at the pool.
Mad? Me, mad? At the moment I’m far too busy to be anything other than worn off my feet!
I don’t want to tempt fate or count my chickens before they’re hatched but I’m really hoping that this is the start of Mum getting back to her ‘old’ (less of the old, I can hear her say!) self!
6 hours sleep and I’m ecstatic! The new dressings on Mum’s wound seeem to be doing the trick & we both got some much-needed sleep! I’m singing my head off as I type this!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it will be less than a month and I’ll be home with mom. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I successfully made swiss roll this time. It looks so nice I feel content. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I had to go to work on such a warm sunny day. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
Happy to have a great swim class, then to the dollar store for 2 birthday cards & 2 squirt guns, then to ARC for their $.99 sale where I got 4 tops and 2 shorts for $6.
Hopeful that the birthday party tomorrow will be lots of fun.
No mad today.
Heather Cowin
What made me MAD today was my husband calling and making me an eye doctor appointment – when he knows I hate going 😉
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me mad today is my mail carrier lied about trying to deliver priority mail that needed a signature and I had to go to the post office to pick it up. This has happened twice in the last 3 weeks. Not nice.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is the USPS addressed my complaint. I’m hopeful I won’t have any future problems.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is I had an issue with the USPS and the staff there were very helpful. It’s always nice when get good customer service.
I’m happy because the Stoma nurse came to see Mum again & brought a new type of bag & dressings to use. These should make Mum feel more comfortable & lessen the amount of discomfort that she’s in. I hate having to change her dressings etc. when it causes her so much pain.
There’s this teeny weeny patch of blue in the otherwise grey/black sky – hopefullly that means better weather ahead!
Today I’m mad because it’s STILL yucky outside. I dread to think what the electricity bill is going to be next month because I’m having to tumble dry everything.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because the necklace I ordered from the internet should be arriving any day soon. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sherry Keef
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s finally Friday and I get to wake up later tomorrow morning. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because some companies are so reckless at paying money that accountants like me always need to solve the mess. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Krystal Waters
My wedding advice would be to make time for each other every day to talk without looking at your phone or electronic device. Have a date night once a month if possible without the kids.
Sarah L
Happy to have a good Sensory Garden tour. Stopped off for some spicy garlic shrimp -so yummy.
Hopeful that I’ll have a good swim class tomorrow.
No mad today.
I’m happy today because I recovered the sleep I lost from ridiculously terrible Prime Day. I’m hopeful that we’ll have a nice trip over to my parent’s on Saturday for my dad’s birthday dinner. I’m mad that Amazon Prime day was literally “more deals than Black Friday” and not… “better” deals, I did enjoy the hilarious responses that swarmed the internet though. 🙂
Pamela Gurganus
Not one thing has made me mad today. I’m hoping it will remain that way.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is nothing. Nothing discouraged me though either.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is my home is being painted. It’s long overdue.
Nothing’s made me happy yet but there’s a whole day ahead so maybe???
Things will get better … this too shall pass … my glass is half full … happy thoughts, happy thoughts … having said that, the grass is always greener … hope, hope, hoping things will improve.
It’s raining AGAIN, the house is full of damp laundry, Mum’s bedding & clothes have to be changed a couple of times a day and she has to eat every 2 hours, keep on top of her medication, and have bed baths twice a day. Why are there only 24 hours in the day? IT IS NOT ENOUGH! At 2am I was still washing & tumbling laundry and the the whole thing started again at 8 this morning. I’m not mad anymore, I’m just numb with tiredness.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it looks like a nice sunny day and quiet at work to be relaxed to. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s been a long time since I last ate so good rib soup as today’s. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the blender makes awful noise this morning when I made smoothies. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
I was very happy to get the email from you saying I won the lemon oil. I promise to write a review after I get & use it for a while.
Hopeful that my Sensory Garden Tour tomorrow will go well.
No mad today
I’m happy that my Aunt just planned an impromptu weekend dinner to belatedly celebrate my dad’s birthday this weekend. 🙂 I’m hopeful that staying up half the night and living on the computer all day will result in snagging some awesome Prime Day deals! I’m mad that.. I stayed up half the night last night and snagged one, so-so deal, and nothing else worth buying has been available. Oh well, I tried!
No mad so far but a headache from lack of sleep is beginning to get to me so LOOK OUT!
Mum got a good night’s sleep last night so hopefully she’ll be in better spirits today.
Today the sun came back! Happy, happy, happy! Got a mountain of laundry dry & spent some time outdoors as well – great feeling!
Lori Jackson
My Son woke up out of bed, gave me a huge hug and I said I love you ….talk about your heart melting!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I get back to evening job today and will have many stories to tell co-workers. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because the guests have left and we finally have the house back in peace. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s such a cold bleak again for the summer time. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Pamela Gurganus
I can’t think of one thing that has made me mad today. There has been nothing but happiness!
Pamela Gurganus
I can’t think of one thing that has made me hopeful today. There isn’t one thing that has discouraged me either!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is I got a hand written letter in the mail from my mom! It was so nice.
Rachel Beltz
Someone parked in our spot, so that made me pretty upset… I don’t know if I would call it mad, but hey, I guess it counts!
Rachel Beltz
What made me hopeful… hmm… not much has happened today, but the day isn’t over. So nothing so far!
Rachel Beltz
It didn’t rain today! That made me pretty happy! I hope I can say the same for tomorrow!
Kimberly Hilbert
I didn’t get mad, but I was irritated that Pippi, my dog, is feeling so good that she is running around. That could open her incisions, so I was sort of mad I had to give her a Chill Pill (mild sedative) to dampen her spirits. 🙂
Kimberly Hilbert
My dog is making me feel hopeful that she will get over this since she is in such good spirits. We haven’t heard it’s cancer yet, but the vet said it looked odd for cancer. So we are hopeful it’s not.
Kimberly Hilbert
My dog is making me happy today. She had a tumor removed from her bladder last week and she is feeling great. Frankie, our cat, sleeps with her to keep her company. He puts his paw on hers as he sleeps.
Sarah L
Happy to have a quiet day at home.
Hopeful that I’ll get a great massage tomorrow.
No mad today.
Wedding advice, just go with it, don’t sweat the small stuff. It will be perfect.
My little girl just started talking and she says Hi Hi Hi over and over. It did make me smile.
I’m happy that the weather is nice today and I woke up to kitty snuggles. I’m hopeful that we’ll finally work on our fence today and maybe even finish it. I’m mad that I woke up with the driest eyes of my life! Bah.
Pamela Gurganus
There is not one single thing that has made me mad today. I hope the rest of my day continues as it has!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is my husband learned that he’s going back to the midnight shift at work! We are so hope to have his shift differential back!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is my husbands vacation request from work was approved!
I’m not really mad, just feeling tired, worn out & unable to cope. Mum’s tempoary colostomy is constantly leaking so I have to keep replacing the bag, clean the wounds, change her clothes & bedding etc etc. and it’s raining again so we’ve got damp laundry everywhere. I was up at 5am to help her and managed to get some breakfast just now (2pm). It’s just never-ending but it can’t be helped so I will not allow myself to get stressed, just do the best I can, under the circumstances.
I managed to pick a beautiful bunch of roses this morning (well actually at dawn as I was up early) before the raiin started again. They look & smell beautiful & that’s my daily dose of happiness taken care of!
Yesterday was a bad day but I’m hopeful that today will be a bit better.
Tracy Robertson
I took a vacation day today and that made me really happy!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because we are checking out the newly open pub in town and hope for local beer taste. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because we are having Italian food as dinner and it was awesome. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I can’t go to a friend’s place due to lack of public transportation. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sue E
The cable going out on my TV made me mad, especially when I was watching a movie!
Waiting for ONE HOUR AND 45 MINUTES just to get my blood drawn made me mad today.
kelley wood
i was happy today because my daughter and i got to spend quality time together.
Sarah L
I was happy to have such a perfect weekend in Santa Fe. Good food, good friends, good opera, good weather.
Hopeful that this week will be good.
No mad today.
Sarah at Journeys of The Zoo
HAPPY today was getting the chance to watch my kids start swimming lessons. Here’s to 9 more successful days!
Besos, Sarah
Journeys of The Zoo
Once again, the lovely cool weather this morning made me happy today. My daisy plant being virtually dead and not just wilty this morning made me a little mad today. I’m hopeful that today will be the day I finally start to feel a little better, judging by this morning.. not that hopeful.. but hopeful nonetheless!
Carey Hurst
I try to find at least 10 things to be happy and grateful for first thing in the morning, then I keep looking for more things all day. I look from the littlest to the biggest of things of stuff that makes me happy. Having what I have no matter how little is more than enough so that makes me happy.
Mad, no only moaning because I’m so tired, my leg hurts, it’s raining AGAIN & there is a mountain of ironing that seems to be creeping up on me! Everytime I look around there it is!
I’m hopeful that the nurse will be able to give Mum the professional help that I can’t.
I’m happy today because the public health nurse is coming to check on Mum. Her wound is quite sore and she’s losing weight which doesn’t sound good.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s we plan to visit an amusement park soon on some weekend. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I don’t have evening work so I want to be relaxing at home. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the guests are so untidy at my place I hate them so and wish they’d leave soon. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Belinda McNabb
my boyfriend left two weeks ago to visit family in montreal and i am super happy that I am picking him up from the airport today
I’m happy that it darn near feels like fall today. Woohoo!! I’m hopeful that this weather will stick around for a while, I’m not ready for the heat to come back! I’m mad that my little sunflower plant a friend gave me is all sad and wilty today, I do not have a green thumb…
Joanna Allison
I am happy today because I won a cookbook.
Only the lack of sunshine is annoying me today and there’s not a heck of a lot I can do about that!
Still no flipping sunshine! The meteorolologists got it wrong again – and they call this the Sunny South East! Fingers & toes are all crossed!
Today’s little bit of happiness came when my niece walked up from the village to do the vacuuming and ironing! Happy days!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I am picking up a friend and her sister to my place to visit for 2 days. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I managed to buy new clothes with cheap prices yesterday when everything was on sales. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s pouring heavily again when we’re supposed to visit an outdoor exibition. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
I’m happy that we picked up a few dozen duck eggs today, I’m allergic to chicken eggs and finally found a lady around here who sells duck eggs. They’re better than chicken eggs anyways, yum, yum, yum! I’m hopeful that this Whole30 diet will start making us feel better soon, the first week has been easy and we’re not bored at all with what we’re eating. I’m not mad about anything today, got my eggs and SOME RAIN! Woohoooo, goodbye heat streak. 🙂
Pamela Gurganus
There is nothing that has made me mad today. I think it’s going to be a great day!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is I got a letter in the mail stating that my cable company overcharged me! It makes me hopeful to know there are some companies out there that aren’t trying to stick it to ya whenever they can!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me happy today is my husband only has to work half a day! It seems like we don’t get much time together these days.
No proper mad today, just frustrated about the lack of sunshine. It would be nice to sit outdoors & just watch the world go by …!
Well, I’m still waiting for the sun to appear but the air is lovely and fresh & because I was up early to go to the dentist, I’ve managed to get a ton and a half of laundry done! I suppose we can live in hope of a few rays!
Today I’m am over the moon because my dentist is wonderful! I broke a tooth last week & what I thought was going to be a huge (and expensive) job was easily repaired! Phew!
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s so expensive to book a hotel nowadays. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I managed to buy mom a good skin cream for mom. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s raining on a road trip day. Bleak days are not for road trips at all. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
I am immensely happy that it’s cloudy and breezy and almost close to chilly this morning!! I’m hopeful that we’ll have a great weekend and finish up the projects that the heat stopped in their tracks (like our back fence needing about 40 more boards hammered in!). I’m mad about sleeping in too long this morning and waking up achy and with a headache.
I am physically tired and that’s makiing me mad. Being at someone else’s beck & call is all well and good but when you’re in a wheelchair it’s that bit harder. I should have kidnapped a nurse from the hospital (but in a nice way) so he/she could do all the running around!
Still no sunshine in the so-called Sunny South East of Ireland! Still the forecast is for a nicer weekend so hopefully Mum can get to spend some time outdoors.
I’m happy today because Mum is continuing to get better. She had her first shower today with no mishaps!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because we booked a hotel with breakfast so I wish to eat bacon tomorrow. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I made pad thai with a bit of change and it tastes awesome. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the cleaner at work did not show up and the office looks like a mess. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Going to a new cafe with live music made me happy.
Jan Lee
Congratulations Dan and Selena 🙂 Your wedding photos that I saw here were gorgeous!
Jan Lee
What made me mad today was not getting my call answered when I called into a radio show for a prize. It just rang and rang and rang, then the automated message came on saying the number wasn’t answering…. no sh** Sherlock, thanks for stating the obvious, grrrr.
Jan Lee
Actually the cool weather today made me hopeful that summer won’t be so humid and hot this year 🙂 However, that is probably wishful thinking more than hopeful, lol
Jan Lee
Today my sister, who is a grandma, was babysitting her two grandchildren. They were playing with PlayDoh on the table. My sister told her 2 year old grandson to be careful and not drop the PlayDoh on the floor. Her 3 year old granddaughter looked at her and said… “If he doesn’t listen, are you going to whoop his ass?” I diedddddddd laughing when my sister told me this. I was laughing so hard, I was crying so I’d say it was what made me happy lol **As a note, we do not say those kind of things to the kids so I have no idea where she heard it, lol
Connie Gruning
OHMYGOSH I can’t stop laughing!!!!! That’s awesome!!!!!
Sarah L
Happy to be packing for my trip to Santa Fe tomorrow.
Hopeful that we’ll have a great time.
No mad today.
Cindy Ramirez
Today my friend sent me pictures of her white dog and it was the most adorable thing- it made me happy!
I’m mad because I am an IDIOT! Somehow, don’t ask me how, but I’ve got a lot on my mind, anyway, somehow I forgot to take my crutches with me when my sister drove me to the shops. I leant on the trolley but now my blooming leg is really sore and I can’t complain because it’s all my own fault!
I’m hopeful that the weather will improve a bit so that Mum can spend a bit of time outdoors. It isn’t cold but it’s very overcast & dull.
I’m happy that Mum’s home from hospital & continuing to improve.
Nataile Brown
I was mad today because my soon to be ex-husband’s consequences often times become mine too. Arghhhhh!
Nataile Brown
I was hopeful today that I will feel better soon and be able to spend some time at the pool in my apartment complex. So fun & refreshing!
Nataile Brown
I was happy today because I went to Dollar Tree and found some fun things I wanted and needed. 🙂
Krystal Waters
What kind of made me a little angry was I had to wait in the chair for 30 minutes for the dentist to come in.
Krystal Waters
Just to check the dental hygienists’ work.
Krystal Waters
I was happy today when I went to the dentist for my cleaning and didn’t have any cavities.
Krystal Waters
I don’t have to go in for 6 more months now, yeah!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because we plan to go eat some French pancakes after work. At least something to look forward to on a bleak day. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because we booked a hotel room for the weekend getaway. I can’t wait for the trip. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the rain pours down like never before and I biked home being soaked. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
I’m happy it was below 90 for the second day in a row today, although tomorrow says it should be 98.. eek! I’m mad that we’re having such an unusually hot summer and my butt is never even ready for a normal temperature summer. :/ I’m hopeful that a good night’s rest will get rid of my feeling achy and yucky today.
Rachel Beltz
The overly humid weather made me mad! I hate humid days; I can’t ever breathe!
Meeting an adorable baby at the coffee shop made me happy.
Sarah L
Happy to have a good Sensory Garden tour – not too hot.
Hopeful the weather will be good this weekend.
No mad today
I’m mad about waking up all tired and achy today. I’m hopeful that I’ll feel better in a few hours. Not much that I’m happy about this morning, I’m kind of cranky. I guess I’m happy that I have a pretty pot of sunflowers next to me right now. 😛
Joanna Allison
I’m happy today because my husband finally agreed to buy a carpet cleaner.
Oooooh, I’ve got a headache! It’s because Mum loves a hot house with no windows open! When she was in hospital I had every single window open but now she’s home ….
I’m hopeful that Mum’ll continue to improve. She’s due to get the staples out next Tuesday – ugh! That hurts!
Today I’m happy because Mum is home from hospital and just about back to her old self (less of the old, I can hear her say!). The nurse came today to check the wound & it’s HUGE but healing nicely.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because my friend will come visit soon and I can show her my city. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I managed 40 minutes of cardio even with period going on. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because a friend is not so willing to help me with the smallest task and I do not want to be friend with him anymore. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Today, I picked up 50 pounds of peaches so I can can/freeze them. I am so excited. They are so good, and I know that come winter, they will be a special treat 🙂 It made me very happy 🙂
E Kay
I took a long nap today, which I really needed, and that made me happy
Today I am HOPEFUL that I will be able to find my “dream job.” I had an interview with a non-profit organization three weeks ago and never heard back. I finally got a call today, and although I did not get the position I originally interviewed for, I was told that a position that better suits me is going to be available soon and I was asked if I wanted to be considered for that position.
The cool weather this morning made me happy, I’m hopeful they’re wrong and the heat wave is over. Apparently today is just supposed to be a random cool day at 85 degrees. :/
I’m not mad at anything so far today, let’s hope it stays that way! 🙂
Pamela Gurganus
There is not one thing that has made me mad today. This questions is usually very difficult for me because there is so little that makes me mad!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is there was finally some positive news being reported this morning on TV. I get so discouraged when it’s negative and bad.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me very happy today is my husband offered to take my library book back to the library for me. What a sweetheart!
The only thing that’s got me mad s far today is trying to make Mum & Dad’s bed! You try putting clean sheets on a super king size when you’re in a wheelchair!
I’m hoping Mum will be able to get a bit of peace & quiet now and be able to rest properly to build up her strength.
I’m happy today because Mum’s coming home from hospital! A bit earlier than expected so I’m dashing around in my wheelchair making sure everything’s tidy! And it’s her birthday! Yay!
Mai T.
I’m happy today because the stomach does not hurt so much anymore and I could do my job more relaxingly. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today that we will have nice weather this weekend for a road trip to the south. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I have to host some guests at my place for 2 nights and they’ll sure ruin my place. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Diana So
Selena and Dan I wish you guys the best! I hope this is one of the happiest memories you’ll have and cherish until forever. Congratulations!!
a kiss from my son
Diana So
What made me happy today was that I won some super awesome books! I cannot wait to start reading through my ever growing to read list.
What made me hopeful today was my son is starting to show progress of understanding when he’s done playing with whatever toys he decides to play with he needs to clean. He already cleans when I ask him to, but him taking the initiative (even if not consistent for an almost 3 year old) amazes me.
What made me mad today was that everyone decided to do laundry when I made plans to do my basket full of clothes.
courtney b
going to the court and filing papers today actually made me feel “hopeful
And that’s all i’l say! lol
courtney b
I got angry today at my husband for a little “tift” we had. .
so that’ made me pretty angry ! ! !
courtney b
I was happy today because I had a great day with my family 🙂
Thanks! xoxxoxo
Going to a shop and finding out it’s no longer open on Mondays made me kinda mad.
Cindy Ramirez
Speaking with my bank adviser made me hopeful in regards to my future finances since I really need to budge and save all the money I can now that I’m attending college soon.
Cindy Ramirez
Okay… so i didn’t really get mad… but just slightly irritated with my cat since she keeps attacking my touch screen laptop and well- it’s annoying.
Cindy Ramirez
I woke up with initiative today and completed my financial tasks like I was hoping for me- so right now I’m feeling happy and accomplished!
Dawn Keenan
I feel great today! I’ve been recovering from pneumonia and have been feeling awful. I’m up, dressed, have done laundry and am just sitting to take a break. Life is good!
I’m happy for A/C this morning. It hardly cooled down last night and when I left my bedroom I was blasted with hot air… hoping the heat wave ends sooner than they predict! I’m hopeful that said heat wave won’t last for another week, even sun loving people in my city have had enough and I am not one of them, I had enough day one. I’m mad that I must not have slept well last night and I’m crazy tired this morning.
Pamela Gurganus
What made me mad today is the construction workers outside woke me up way too early this morning! I tried to go back to sleep, but it was impossible.
Pamela Gurganus
I cannot think of anything yet that has made me hopeful today, but it is still early so there is still hope!
Pamela Gurganus
It is a very simple thing, but what made me happy today is my husband unloaded the dishwasher before he went to work!
Today I’m mad because despite still having mobility issues I now have ANOTHER blooming broken tooth. OUCH! It’s really sensitive & sore but I was lucky enough to get an appointment on Saturday morning. I’ll have to live on custard, yoghurt & soup till then but I’m not complaining (well, only a little bit!).
Tomorrow is Mum’s 82nd Birthday and I’m hopeful that we can bring a little bit of cheer to her. It’s not nice having your birthday in hospital but we’ll do the best we can!
Today I’m happy because Mum is continuing to improve & may even be home by the weekend!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because the hectic first week of the month full of reports is gone. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because the day started well with relaxing tasks and I have a backup when busy. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s the first day of the stupidest time of the month for a lady again. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Sarah L
Happy today that my ankle is better.
Hopeful it will be fully recovered by Friday when we go to Santa Fe.
No mad today.
I’m happy that everyone I know had a safe and happy Fourth, even though the fire trucks were constant last night and our local news posted that there were too many fires to even report on. I’m hopeful because today is day one of my Whole30 adventure and I’m really really hoping it helps with my autoimmune crud. I’m totally mad this morning because last night just before bed I went to check if something in our upright freezer was Whole30 approved (it wasn’t) and… the door was cracked open with a quarter of the stuff defrosted and the freezer coils solid ice. So we spent half of the night and all of this morning transferring stuff to freezer bags, trying to save what we could and defrosting the freezer. Of course this happened the week of 90+ degree weather, crisis averted though… our freezer didn’t burn it’s motor out and most of our food was still cold enough to just refreeze. Phew!
Hearing that a friend of a friend was injured by a firecracker somebody threw at him last night made me mad.
Making plans with a friend made me happy.
I’m a wee bit mad today because even though I got a couple of hours decent sleep I woke up 3 times with godawful cramp in my calves. Ouch! It really hurt but a couple of calcium tablets sorted it out. I want to go back to bed though!
I’ve just spoken to Mum & she seems a bit down in the dumps. We’re going in to see her later this afternoon so I’m hopeful that she feels a bit better then. The last couple of weeks have been so hard on her.
I’m happy today because it poured down last night & the air is so much fresher now – goodbye headache!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s a nice day to run and then eat all the good cakes. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I finally had a beach picnic with the girls after a long time of cold weather sadness. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because we had a picnic but the wind is just so vigorous. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
I am happy today because I got an extra day off of work due to the July 4th holiday!
Sarah L
Happy that my ankle is feeling much better today.
Hopeful that it will keep getting better.
No mad today.
Waking up with a headache made me a little mad this morning. Making a bomb grilled cheese sandwich for brunch made me happy today. I’m hopeful for a fun and safe Fourth of July!
Nothing’s made me mad so far today: Mum’s getting better, the weather’s good and my leg isn’t as sore as it has been lately. Of course, all that could change in an instant so BEWARE!
Hopeful (as ever) that Mum will continue to improve. Just back from seeing her in hospital & you’d never guess that she’s almost 82, never mind that she’s just had a huge op.
My Mum is out of Intensive Care so yay! That’s enough for me to be happy about!
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I will attempt the swiss roll recipe again and wish for success this time. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because the boyfriend is away for the weekend so I have the whole apartment for myself. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the clothes smell awfully after wash even though the machine was cleaned. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Krystal Waters
I’m happy today because I took my daughter to the dentist today and she didn’t have any cavities.
Bonnie Clyne
My cat, Luna, makes me happy every single day. She is so pretty and sweet and funny.
Stephanie T.
Buying a set of uniforms for my daughter for cheap! So hopeful for a good school year! 🙂
Stephanie T.
Bad drivers make me mad every day! Especially when I have my children in the car. Angry mama!
Stephanie T.
I went and saw the movie Inside Out with my daughter. We both loved it! So happy. 🙂
Rachel Beltz
What made me mad.. well, actually a lot made me mad today. I would rather pretend none of it happened though so yeah!
Rachel Beltz
What made me hopeful today was seeing a little old man hobble over to hold the door for an older woman. It looked like moving quickly made him hurt, but he was willing to sacrifice the pain for this lady.
Rachel Beltz
Running errands with my family made me happy. I enjoy the little things and the little outings sometimes more than events hah.
Tamra Phelps
I’m not too mad today. I guess I’m having a pretty good day, lol.
Tamra Phelps
I am hopeful that the rain here in KY will end soon. Areas that never flood are flooding because the ground is just completely saturated.
Tamra Phelps
Hmm, I’m happy that I got a surprise box of Brooklyn Bean coffee in the mail today. If I won it or got it as a freebie, no one ever notified me, lol. It was New York Cherry Cheesecake flavor!
Deb P
We had pizza, so happy, and thank you for asking.
Sarah L
Happy to be going to the Arts Festival today.
Hopeful we won’t get rained on.
No mad today
I’m mad that I couldn’t get to visit Mum in hospital today but my leg is really painful. All that walking up & down hospital corridors – I’ll stick to my wheelchair from now on.
Having plans for swimming in a couple hours made me happy today. I’m hopeful for a nice (non-burned) long day escaping the heat in a cool lake! I’m mad at being crampy today, ugh.
I’m hopeful that Mum continues to improve. The house is so empty: no Dad, no Mum & no cat, just me!
Happiness today was being woken up by Mum phoning me to say that she’d eaten her first meal since the op on Tuesday and she walked a wee bit as well!
I love giveaways and contests money candles jewelry anything free but I never win
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s the last day of the week and I wish I could finish work early. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because we plan to have a picnic this weekend with grilled food and beach. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because some ignorant people just halt the whole group’s performance with their stupidity. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Finding out my hubby doesn’t have to work tomorrow made me happy! Yay! I’m hopeful for a great Fourth and no punk kids burning down my house because they lit off fireworks, it’s a tinderbox everywhere out there right now! I’m mad that it’s too dang hot outside and there are absolutely zero signs of the heat letting up anytime soon.
courtney b
today I was happy that my son wasn’t sick anymore 🙂
very happy about that, and happy its almost Friday ! woot woot !:)
Pamela Gurganus
Even though I slept well and woke up with no aches and pains, what did make me mad today was how I was woken up! There is a lot of construction going on in my neighborhood and the noise woke me up! It was much to early to get up, but I couldn’t go back to sleep.
Pamela Gurganus
What made me hopeful today is I slept very well last night. I also woke up without any aches and pains. So I’m hopeful it’s going to be a great day!
Pamela Gurganus
What made me happy today is that my husband’s holiday weekend started today! He’s off work for 4 days! I’m so excited!
What got me mad today was Dad. We got a letter & there’s an email sent to his a/c demanding payment for our refuse collection. Do you thik I could find the account number & as for his password – huh! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, on behalf of all of us who are left behind & trying to pick up the pieces, write all these things down somewhere where your next of kin knows to look. It took several phone calls & explainations to sort out – phew!
Of course I’m hopeful that Mum continues to improve & gets a decent quality of life back but I’m also hopeful that Andy Murray does well at Wimbledon!
I’m happy today because although it’s very early days Mum sounded great when she rang. Looking forward to seeing her later this afternoon.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s already Thursday and I hope 2 more days will pass fast so I can enjoy weekend. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I found the perfect recipe for my favorite cake: swiss roll. Can’t wait to make one on the weekend. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I can’t find one last invoice that’s missing. It’s such hard work to be an accountant. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Wishing many happy years to Selena and Dan! Congratulations!
It made me mad today when we went to a coffee shop, ordered drinks and then just when we were getting ready to sit down we saw the sign that said they were closing early today….in 20 minutes! Errrrr….
Sarah L
Happy to be attending a 90 minute focus group tonite for $90.
Hopeful the weather will be nice for tomorrow’s Sensory Garden tour.
No mad today.
courtney b
I got mad my husband played VIDEO games all day!!!!!!!grrr
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I heard grandma is coming to visit my mom so mom won’t be so lonely at home. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I was asked to a wedding on late summer day. How excited! Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I was so busy with work for the whole day that I didn’t have time to check emails. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
courtney b
my job made me hopeful today 🙂
xoxo thanks!
My advice is never go to bed mad! Kiss & makeup! Let it go…life is too short! Congrats!
I kept getting phone calls from phone solictors today and that made me angry. They are so annoying & rude!
I took the day off from work….that made me happy!
courtney b
im happy i’m alive today and glad to have my family happy and healthy
Popping in to visit my friend this morning made me happy. The cool sea breeze this morning made me mildly hopeful it won’t get as hot today as they forecasted. I’m mad that I woke up with a lot of pain/ muscle spasms this morning, here’s hoping they’re gone by the afternoon.
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me mad today is a telemarketer. They called and even after I very politely asked them to remove me from their call list, I hung up and they called me AGAIN! ACK!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me hopeful today is my sister found out she graduated with her second masters degree! Now she is on to bigger and better things!
Pamela Gurganus
Something that made me very happy today is all the windows in my home were replaced with new, double pane, energy efficient windows!
I’m just tired out today. It was past 3am by the time I managed to get to sleep worrying about Mum & the flipping phone rang at 7.30am. But it was the ICU team letting me know that Mum was awake so I can’t complain!
I know she’s not out of the woods yet, but hopefully Mum will slowly recover her strength & come home. Last night was weird with no-one else in the house, not even The Tommy Cat and I admit I had a little cry …
Happy, happy, happy, happy! Mum’s op went well! Phew! The surgeon managed to remove the entire tumour and although there were complications, he’s pleased. They woke her this morning & she sounded fine! So relieved!
Sarah L
Happy to get my infusion today.
Hopeful it will work as well as all the other ones.
No mad today.
Jennifer Boehme
Mad- nothing, yet, or hopefully. Let’s keep it like this all day.
Jennifer Boehme
Hopeful- I finally got a hold of the vet and My Pug is alright, I have to keep feeding her rice till her belly calms down. Hopeful this works for her!
Jennifer Boehme
Happy- nothing really. Quiet sleepy day.
Heather Cowin
What made me hopeful today was waking up to see the sun shining, even though the forecast said it wouldn’t!!
Waking up to a cool house made me happy today, I’m actually wearing a sweater, woohooo!! All this Whole30 research is still making me hopeful today. I just refilled my diclofenac and the crazy optimistic part of me just looked at it and thought, maybe this is the last bottle I’ll need. I’m mad about my muscles spazzing out for no reason this morning, hopefully they calm down soon!
courtney b
today I woke up without a headache, and I slept well. My husband is also OFF today so he can help me with the kids !:)
Thhankkk god!
Michaela K
My advice for the newly wedded couple is to laugh, laugh often and laugh loudly! Life’s tough, marriage is tougher at times. I’m a very firm believer that laughter is the best medicine, it will cure almost anything. It’s like duct tape for feelings:) Congrats and may you enjoy many wonderful years of laughter together!
Pamela Gurganus
I haven’t been up long enough for anything to have made me mad….yet!
Pamela Gurganus
What made me hopeful today is I woke up!
Pamela Gurganus
What made me happy today is I woke up!
Mad? No, not yet but it’s not even noon yet so plenty of time for something to p*** me off!
I’m hopeful (HAVE to remain hopeful) that Mum’s op goes ok – she’s scheduled to ‘go under’ in an hour & be back in Intensive Care around 4pm.
I’m not particularly happy today – too worried about Mum’s operation to remove the tumour from her colon, but she did get a couple of hours sleep & I know she’s in the best of hands.
Ashley C
Today, I am happy because its day 2 of a 4 day work week. I can’t wait to be off this weekend and spend time with my family!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I managed to book something correctly on my own and it feels awesome. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I learnt many new things for the new accounting tasks. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s crazily busy at work with invoices and payments. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Denise C
We saw the Inside Out movie today. It was good! Plus, we were some of the only people in the theater – that’s the advantage of seeing movies on a Monday afternoon.
Having lunch with a friend made me happy.
Sarah L
Happy to have a good swim class and prizes in my mailbox when I got home.
Hopeful I’ll get my TomTom in time for my trip to Santa Fe.
No mad today.
OMG, what made me happy? Win this contest. Wow, prize $50 gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me!
Nancy C
Wedding advice: Overlook the little annoying things and be quick to forgive.
Congrats to Selena and Dan! may be have a blessed wedded life together.
What made me hopeful today is looking forward to meeting up with friends soon. Also, finishing some terrible work at the office.
What made me happy today? I started a new book! Always makes me happy. Reading a witch book for a change
I get really mad with people who leave things to the last minute. And then ask so much of you and expect you to deliver with so little time you know it’s impossible.
I am mad at myself again. I’ve started to clear out my wardrobes. Honestly, what was I thinking? So much money spent on impulse buys that I’ve never worn and definitely won’t fit me now.
I keeping everything crossed that all will go well for Mum’s op tomorrow. She’s scheduled to have the op quite early so at least she won’t be hanging around for too long.
Today is Mum’s last day before her big op to remove the tumour. I’m happy that she had a good night’s sleep & is eating fairly well.
courtney b
Today is my hubby’s birthday so I’m hopeful. It’s going to be a good day, we are going to go out to dinner and other things 🙂
Thanks! xoxoxo
Woohooo!! Congrats to Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Price!! Seeing your happy photos of their wedding made me happy today. 🙂 I’m hopeful that they will have a long and wonderful, happy marriage! I’m mad at the gosh darn furnace outside and in my house, cool down weather!!!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I managed to solve all the accounting tasks on my own without asking for help. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s a warm sunny day and I feel lucky to be sitting next to a window to enjoy the view. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s again monday and I feel the blue of the whole working week waiting ahead. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Jennifer Boehme
Mad-Nothing really mad me mad. I did get irritated with a lady who insisted I go to her basement for the tornado warning…..when the weather was fine, storm passed, and no weather warnings. She really insisted I go to her house! ugh
Jennifer Boehme
Hopeful-Tonight I was hopeful the tornado would pass us by. It was just north of us. I feel so bad for those effected.
Jennifer Boehme
Happy-My neighbor listened to me today and finally went to ER. Pneumonia that is settled in her back, she is in her 69’s. Happy she went finally!
Paol Trenny
I am mad about nothing. Besides the rain these last couple of weeks, the weather has been nice. It is hard for me to get mad about the little things in life when I have so much to be thankful for.
Paol Trenny
I am hopeful that I will see my hubby today before he leaves on a business trip. He has been so busy getting things in order before the trip that I have not seen him today.
Paol Trenny
I am happy because I am “alive and kicking” just like the song from Simple Minds.
Paol Trenny
I am happy because I am “alive and kicking” just like the song from Simple Minds.
I love that song. Oh mind, I am showing my age.
Sarah L
Happy to get email that I won some Halo Ice Cream.
Hopeful that it won’t rain on Friday.
No mad today.
Kathy Ross
Great wishes in your marriage! It’s all what you make of it. Give & take.
Kathy Ross
Nothing has upset me so far today. I wish the dog would stop barking at nothing. lol
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that it storms later on. Like in the evening. I really like the rain when I don’t have to go out in it.
Kathy Ross
I’m happy that it hasn’t really stormed yet. Got good news on something I’ve been looking for.
I’m happy about the awesome thunder this morning. Woohoo!!! We rarely get thunder and lightening and it’s a big fun treat when a storm rolls in. I’m getting really hopeful about this Whole30 diet, we set a start date of July 5th. Wish me luck! I’m made that the forecast says we’ll be kissing a hundred degrees next week. Ewww. I live in a brick oven, it cooled down to 85 last night inside the house…
Not a bit mad, just sad because it would have been Dad’s birthday today. Just not the same without him but Mum is our number one priority now.
I’m hopeful that today goes well for Connie, the happy couple & all her family – looking forward to seeing some piccies Connie so don’t keep us waiting!
Today I’m happy because the sun is shining again after a night of heavy rain & thunder. The air feels really fresh again!
I am hopeful today because I no longer hurt when I run. I am supposed to run a marathon in September. I made it 12 miles so far.
I guess the only thing I am “mad” at is that I did not win the lottery. I think I will give up trying. It is too hard.
I am happy today because I just finished a 12 mile run! I am training for a marathon and I think I can do it. I am very excited!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I took photos of clothes to sell online and hope things will go fast. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I managed to sell some stuff at the flea market today. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because of the strong wind that knocked my clothes hanger off hundreds of time. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Melanie Borhi
im mad because the weather is gloomy and looks like its going to rain I was looking forward to going shopping but cant because of it.
Melanie Borhi
what made me happy today was having the day off work and being able to relax with the man I am in love with.
Jennifer Boehme
Mad, today again my neighbor wants something. Coffee, creamer, oil, filters, soda……I hat answering my door, never know what she wants, many times daily!!! MAD
Jennifer Boehme
Hopeful, today I felt a little hopeful my pug was feeling better. Vet gave her meds for her stomach.
Jennifer Boehme
Happy, today I cleaned the bathroom that I was procrastinating. yay for me
Sarah L
I was happy to have fresh zucchini and garlic for lunch.
Hopeful that I’ll have another good week.
No mad today.
Christina Sparks
A house I looked at to buy made me happy
Melissa S
My best advice to Selena and Dan is enjoy the day. There is so much build up and stress leading to the day that it is easy to forget to enjoy it. Also get a platter of cheese and fruit to snack on while getting ready.
Melissa S
I am so mad that my garden is drowning, too much rain here after all the effort of planting.
Melissa S
I am hopeful that my sons’ computer will keep on going. He spilled a glass of sode in it the other day and we were worried. We shut it off right away and turned it upside down to dry for a couple days and this morning it turned on without issue.
Melissa S
I am happy to have gotten my whole house clean relatively early and now I can sit and relax.
Laurie P
Not happy about all this rain today, I have to walk in it.
The only thing that’s got me mad is one of my aunts. She says the most inappropriate things & is the most self-centered person I’ve ever known but she’s always been this way so more fool me for expecting anything else from her.
I hopeful that we’ll get through tomorrow without too much sadness. Dad would have been 82 & Mum’s 82nd birthday is next week when hopefully she’ll have had the tumour removed. She was born at 7 minutes past 7 on the 7th day of the 7th month! Perhaps she’s a witch!
I had fresh Irish cherries for breakfast & that made me very happy today! A blob of my homemade natural unsweetened yoghurt and yum! Homegrown strawberries for later …
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I plan to make swiss roll again and hope it will be soft. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because I did not exercise yesterday so I hope I have energy for cardio after work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the alarm did not ring and I was late for work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Air conditioning made me happy today, pretty sure I’d just be one big puddle without it. Looking into the Whole30 diet made me hopeful, especially about my PCOS. I’m mad that it’s so stinking hot and the forecast is just not letting up!!
I’d made me happy to have a nice woman at the market sincerely compliment my new blouse 🙂
Sarah L
Happy to have a great swim class.
Hopeful that I’ll have a quiet weekend.
No mad today.
I am happy because my coworker is getting married! She will be a beautiful bride.
I am mad today because I got swamped at work. And the people I worked with today were difficult to work with.
I’m hopeful today because the weekend is almost here. It has been a LONG week!
Tricia Hope
I volunteered @ the local soup kitchen today making the noon meal.Mark was also there,for the first time without his worker.He was so PROUD of himself.made me smile.
Kathy Ross
I had some sandals that I was hoping would fit my mother in law. However, they didn’t so I’ll look for someone else that they might fit.
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that it either rains real good & cools things off. Or that it doesn’t rain at all so I don’t have to take the dog out in the rain.
Kathy Ross
I’ve been happy that it hasn’t rained yet. Took the dog out a few times and it was barely sprinkling.
It is a beautiful day today, sunny, clear blue sky, not too hot! I’ve been waiting for this weather and I’m luvin’ it!
My advice is to cherish each other, and get advice from people who have been married a long time when you are starting to learn how to work things out together.
The Supreme Court ruling on marriage equality made me happy!
“This ruling is a victory for America.” —@POTUS
I’m happy I treated myself to my favorite, black grapes, at Costco yesterday and got to eat them to my heart’s content for breakfast this morning. 🙂 I’m hopeful because my hubby and I bought the Whole30 book yesterday and are really thinking about trying it. I’m mad that I slept terribly last night and my tummy is trying to kill me the last 24 hours. :/
I’m not really mad at all today! In fact I’m too tired to care very much about anything!
I’m remaining hopeful that Mum’s operation will go ahead on Tuesday & that all of the malignant tumour can be removed.
Today I’m happy that Dad’s sisters arrived from the UK for a short visit. It’s lovely to see them again but very much tinged with sadness as he’s no longer here.
Congratulations to Selena and Dan! My advice to you is to discover a new hobby to enjoy together. My husband and I love to do puzzles together – jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, even soduku!
Marta K
I managed to get up early and with energy so hoping that the work today gonna be good!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because though there are many tourists in the city, yesterday remained calm in the restaurant. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s finally Friday and we plan to hit the bakery after work. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the cleaner was doing a poor job and everywhere there’s dust. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
It made me mad when a guy almost backed his huge truck into my car in front of the post office today….he didn’t look back even when I beeped my horn!
Wedding advice? well, been married 3 times so I don’t know if that qualifies me to be an expert. All I can say is enjoy life, enjoy time with each other and good luck!
What makes me mad today and every time I do it is driving. I tend to be very patient but when it comes to driving and seeing other people’s driving ‘skills’… Just gets me aggravated! Seriously..
I am hopeful that soon I’ll find a job. Been unemployed for some time. Today I went to a job interview so things are looking pretty HOPEFUL!
What makes me happy is that my family and I are blessed with good health. We have everything we need in life and we’re thankful for all the blessings. 🙂
Sarah L
Happy when the FeEx lady brought me an envelope to sign for. Tickets from the Ellen Show for a Denver show.
Hopeful that I’ll like the show.
No mad today.
rachel cartucci
Happy wedding wishes for the couple. Just remember not to sweat the small stuff and to laugh at every chance you get.
rachel cartucci
My kid stuffed mac and cheese into my air conditioning vents today which really really made me mad. That kid is always trying to break something.
rachel cartucci
Something that made me hopeful? Well, someone I grew up with put themselves into rehab today which made me very happy…and I wish them well. I am hopeful they will get well.
rachel cartucci
Something that made me happy today was the bassinet I ordered came in the mail. Also,my little dog Geno seems to be getting well from his tummy problems…so yay for that too.
Happy–went to acupuncture and it was a nice session.
Kathy Ross
I don’t let things get me mad. I haven’t even got upset today. Hope it stays that way the rest of the day.
Kathy Ross
I’m hopeful that I won’t have to run the A/C today. Hope the rain will cool things off.
Kathy Ross
I’m happy today because it’s not extremely hot out. But…………..it’s suppose to rain later.
Melinda Fritz
Congrats Selena and Dan on your wedding…
Melinda Fritz
What made me happy today? Doughnuts
Diana So
My son’s laugh. He was watching Pocoyo while I was playing a game on my phone and his laughter is like no other. It makes you smile, it’s contagious and make you feel like everything will be okay even if you’re frustrated.
Kim Pincombe Cole
I’m mad today because it won’t stop raining in the Midwest! My son plays travel baseball, and our tourney in Lexington last weekend was rained out & our tourney in Indianapolis is starting out the same way…
Kim Pincombe Cole
I’m happy today because my parents are arriving from our-of-state for a long weekend!
I swear I can see the grass growing! I wish I was better so that I could learn how to use the ride-on mower but apart from that, nothing’s made me mad and the bees are loving all the clover & buttercups!
Dad’s sisters are arriving in Ireland this evening & I’m hopeful that their flights etc go ok & that they’re not too tired.
Today I’m happy because Mum’s pre-op assessment is finally finished & all her test results were good, my mammogram went well & didn’t hurt & finally I just got an email to say I’d won a prize worth more than €600 (roughly $700)! Happy days!
I’m happy that I woke up feeling like I actually got enough sleep last night. I’m hopeful that it won’t actually hit 90+ degrees today. (It was supposed to yesterday and rained instead!!) I’m mad I’ve got allergies or a cold starting up and I’m all congested. :/
Julie Wood
I am mad today because it is going to be 100 degrees for days. It is too hot!
Julie Wood
I am hopeful today that I will be able to get my project done in time!
Julie Wood
I am happy today because tomorrow is payday!
Bonnie Day
I happy today because I’m alive one more day and that it’s a sunshiney day
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because there was a difficult case at work and I hope I’ve solved it correctly. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I get to eat shrimp rolls for lunch. They are delicious with peanut butter. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because I had to line up in a long queue at the bank and the service is slow. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
jeanette sheets
what made me mad today was my dryer stop working
jeanette sheets
seeing someone help a homeless person made me hopeful today
jeanette sheets
seeing my kids smile made me happy today
Kate F.
My dogs and the nice weather made me happy today.
Sarah L
Happy to have a good swim class.
Hopeful that I can get a call into the massage school tomorrow & set up 10 weeks of appointments.
Mad that it took me 1hr 20 min to drive to DBG. Usually 20 min.
Deborah Wellenstein
I am hopeful for the future because I have great grandchildren!
Deborah Wellenstein
I’m mad because my scale (the liar!) says I gained a half pound-yesterday! I’m not buying it!
Deborah Wellenstein
I’m happy because I am alive and kicking!
Deborah Wellenstein
Congratulations to the happy couple! Great advice-respect each other! Don’t ever engage in put-downs of your partner, especially in public!
Kathy Ross
Nothing has made me upset today. With the rain being relaxing and my meds from getting my teeth pulled I’ve had no complaints.
Kathy Ross
I had some teeth pulled yesterday. I’m hopeful they’ll heal quickly.
Kathy Ross
It makes me happy when we get a light rain. It smells so good. And it’s so relaxing.
Cynthia C
I wish the couple many years of happiness together.
Cynthia C
I am angry that my son’s air conditioner broke and needs to be replaced.
Cynthia C
Today I am hopeful because my son has a good job lead.
Cynthia C
I am happy today because the weather is perfect and I was able to get some yard work done.
Waking up with a killer headache made me mad today. I’m hopeful my headache will go away quickly. I’m happy that I don’t have to go anywhere today so I’m not cancelling plans, nice weather this morning too!
Lindsey L
Patience is a wonderful trait to have would be my advice!
Lisa Weidknecht
I just found out I won a $50 gift certificate to shop at the Family Christian store. I’m excited to get more stuff for my garden.
Happy today because it my husband’s birthday
Hopefully the anaesthetist will be back on duty tomorrow. On Friday we have Dad’s sisters coming from the UK to stay for the weekend, as he would have been 82 on Sunday so we won’t be able to get to the hospital.
Mum’s anaethsetist was unavailable again today but we were halfway to the hospital when we got the call. That means that for 2 days we’ve got up at the crack of dawn for nothing. So annoying especially for Mum as she’s worn out worrying about the tumour spreading.
Yay! I managed to get around the supermarket on my own today!
Julie Wood
What I am mad about is rude drivers. Someone blocked my car in a parking lot and I could barely get out!!
Julie Wood
What makes me hopeful is that my Dad is going to be okay from being sick this week.
Julie Wood
What made me happy today is getting to go to the Lake! It is so hot already this early in the morning!
Mai T.
I’m hopeful that today will go by as easy as yesterday. And I look forward to lunch time with ribs. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because it’s not so crowded in the restaurant and my sushi skill has improved. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s raining heavily on the day I’m supposed to have jogging in the evening. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Nicole Dziedzic
A wedding wish for the happy couple is to have many years together in wealth, health, and in love.
We went to a local play today at a high school, seeing those kids putting on a show really made me happy. It put a smile on my face.
Brandi Dawn
Wishing Selena and Dan all of the best in their future together!!! I love being in love and a wedding makes me all mushy. Happy days to them!!!
Brandi Dawn
What made me mad today: I had to help with overflow sales calls today…I am NOT good sales person! HA.
Brandi Dawn
What made me hopeful today: I made it to work on time with my new schedule, lol!
Brandi Dawn
What made me happy today: My Mom texted me to ask for my advice!
Sarah L
Happy to win $10 Paypal – already got it.
Hopeful my mammogram was good. (ouch!)
No mad today -except: why can’t a woman invent a better way to take mammograms?
Heather Cowin
What made me HOPEFUL today was seeing the sunshine. It had been raining here, daily, for almost two weeks straight. So I sure was happy to see some sunshine.
Heather Cowin
My advice would be to LISTEN to one another, and not just with the intent to reply. Listen! And sometimes it’s best to wait a while before you reply. Even if you are waiting overnight. Give yourself some time to digest what the person has said, and what they are truly feeling before you formulate your reply to them. This can save you a lot of trouble, and keep a small disagreement from turning in to a huge fight.
Mum was to have a discussion with the anaesthetist as part of her pre-op but has to go back to the hospital again tomorrow morning to see him as he wasn’t available today. Why didn’t they just cancel today’s part & do everything tomorrow instead. We were there for almost 4 hours – they don’t realise how draining it is for her. I had to get a wheelchair for her to use and I’m still on crutches! Very frustrating.
Mum had part of her pre-op assessment this afternoon & although a bit tired she’s doing ok. We should get most of the results tomorrow so hopefully they don’t find anything hinky!
I’m happy today because I was able to walk quite a distance without my crutches – onwards & upwards!
Robin Abrams
No wedding advice. But I wish the couple a long , loving marriage.
Robin Abrams
What made me happy today is it is cooler today not so hot as it has been
Pamela Gurganus
What made me happy today is my sister called and asked me out to lunch. We had a great meal and did some shopping after. Such good times!
Pamela Gurganus
What made me hopeful today is that my husband found out he got selected for a new project at work. That means lots of overtime!
Pamela Gurganus
Absolutely nothing has made me mad today! Upon rising, it’s been a great day!
I’m happy today because we had a great night hanging out with our neighbors last night. I’m hopeful that the weather forecast is wrong and it won’t be piping hot later this week. I’m mad that.. it’s supposed to get piping hot later this week. Lol.
Congrats Selena and Dan. My best advice is to remain positive and never, ever put the other one down (whether in conflict or just in your own head). It only breeds discontentment and you will latch onto the words you’ve said and the feelings will grow. If you speak and think positively about your spouse’s those positive feelings will grow, it’s a choice. Don’t join in with your gal pals and bad mouth your hubby because it’s the thing to do, you’ll start to believe every word you said in fun.
Also, live in the spirit of forgiveness. Holding onto anger and resentment doesn’t accomplish anything in a marriage. Constantly forgiving each other is a sure fire way to grow that love between you for decades to come.
Trey Smith
The up coming election coverage made me mad today. Mostly because the elections is useless
Trey Smith
I went out to the store today and people seemed happy. That makes me hopeful
John Thuku
Congratulations to Selena & Dan. My wedding advice would be to enjoy it to the fullest of your life and be happy.
Trey Smith
food made me happy today
Lori Berson
Never ever fight about things it accomplishes nothing and be honest & open with each other about everything, never keep secrets. These things have been working wonderfully for my daughter and her husband for 5 years, my husband and myself for 25 years.
Jennifer Boehme
Wedding advice, leave time for each other, but don’t overcrowd. Talk, communicate. You can not read each other’s minds.
Jennifer Boehme
Mad today, a blogger asking us to share her slander tweet about 2 large companies. When I told her involving us is not right, she blocked me. Now, if those 2 large companies sue her for slander, all those who were sharing are in the same boat with her.
Jennifer Boehme
Hopeful, today nothing hopeful really happened. Hopeful my furkid will start feeling better now.
Jennifer Boehme
My Pug took her meds today! She has an upset belly and vet gave me 2 PILLS to give her. omg, she is like the worlds greatest puzzle solver cause she has found those pills for last 3 days, even if I crushed them. Today, 3 rolled up cheese balls with a pill in one, and the other pill soaked in 3cc of water mixed with braunschuager. I am so happy I found the way to do this, I was worried I paid the vet for nothing.
Mai T.
My wedding advice to the couple: Make programs personal–and allow guests to mingle for their seats. If your wedding consists of 80 people or less (10 tables or fewer), pre-print your programs with guests’ individual names on them so your loved ones feel special the moment they arrive.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because work has been great and I wish there would be no problem when I solve some difficult tasks alone. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because the flight ticket home is so expensive and I can’t quite bring myself to pay such high price yet. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m happy today because boss approved my summer holiday leave for August. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Deb P
I had to go to the doctor for three days and may have to go again this week. 🙁
Deb P
I have a illness and hope to feel better soon. Thanks.
Deb P
Happy, I like ice cream . So I had some ice cream.
emily n.
I had a great dinner of fresh wild caught Alaskan salmon and broccoli. It was so delicious, and it made me very happy.
Looking at the photos of our family Father’s Day barbecue yesterday, made me very happy!
I am hopeful today because I might have saved up enough money to go on vacation. I am so excited!
Sarah L
Very happy to get email that I won the new TomTom 50G GPS. Really wanted it.
Hopeful that I’ll get it soon.
No mad today.
It is hard to be mad today. It is summer and life is good. Life is too short to be mad.
I am very happy today because I returned from vacation nice and refreshed. Work was not too busy which is good. And the sun is shining!
OMG, summer happy. Divine. . Wow, prize $50 gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the gc to shop and eat. A life changing exp.
Pamela Gurganus
Happy wedding to Selena & Dan! I hope you have a long, loving and healthy life together!
Tamra Phelps
I’m not mad about a thing today. It’s been a good day so far.
Tamra Phelps
I’m hopeful the storms will pass us by today! I’m tired of storms.
Tamra Phelps
I’m happy that it’s a nice day today! We’ve had storms all weekend.
Tamra Phelps
Well, I’ve never been married, so I’m not sure my advice is worth a dime! But I’ve watched marriages crash & burn, & it seems to me it comes down to this: stay friends. No matter what, treat the other person like they are your friend. Don’t take their presence for granted, don’t take every bad mood out on them, be honest but kind.
Coffee made me happy today, so far. My teen isn’t up yet and that can go either way as she’s in a depressive state…so coffee, give me strength! 🙂
Big big congratulations to your daughter and her husband, may they have a happy and blessed marriage!
courtney b
im happy because I won a HUGE giveaway today !:) woo hoo
It is summer–Happy.
I haven’t been mad yet but as it’s only lunchtime there’s plenty of time left in the day to lose the plot!
I’m hopeful that we can get what’s going to be a hectic week behind us without too much wear & tear!
Today I’m happy because we got through Father’s Day without too much distress.
Wedding advice: Never been through it myself (not for the lack of offers, I hasten to add!) but wear comfy shoes, try to enjoy the day & don’t start drinking too early! I wish I was back driving or I’d pick them up from the airport myself when they head over here. Hope you both have a great honeymoon in ——- (sh! it’s a secret!).
Liz Julian
My husband woke up, ran the longest he’s run, showered, made his breakfast, packed his lunch, and never even yelled. I’m impressed on a Monday.
Marta K
I’m not married but I’d say, as someone in a relationship.. keep the dialogue open. always!
Sandy Cain
Many. many congrats to Selena & Dan! Advice? Never, in the midst of an argument, dredge up the past. Especially when your spouse told it to you in confidence. That would lead off to the whole, “Oh, you’re throwing it in my face now!” discussion from which there is no safe return!
Mai T.
I’m happy today because I made beautiful cupcakes for my niece’s birthday and she loves them. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m hopeful today because it’s the last week of this month meaning I’m closer to my summer holiday. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.
Mai T.
I’m mad today because it’s again a bleak day and cold when it’s summer everywhere else. Thanks for this great giveaway chance. I hope I win.