Kalo Hair Inhibitor!! Kalo Ingrown Hair Treatment. A Perfect Match!

KaloKalo is a true hair inhibitor for permanent hair removal. Kalo is applied after your regular hair removal method. Each time you use Kalo the hair will come back weaker, finer and slower until the hair is completely gone.

The older I get the more mystery hair arrives!! I’m a GIRL why should I have to wax my upper lip??  I HATE having my lip waxed. I am way too much of a wuss to wax my legs. That hurts!! O-U-C-H!! I tried the epi-lady years ago…. I’m a big baby, I know, BUT, that really HURT!! So I shave my legs, I use depilatories, creams, and if it wasn’t so expensive I would try laser hair removal.  So, trust me, when I was offered a chance to review Kalo, a true hair inhibitor for permanent hair removal. I jumped at the chance!!  Shaving less?? Waxing less?? YES, PLEASE!!

Kalo is applied after your regular hair removal method. Each time you use Kalo the hair will come back weaker, finer and slower until the hair is completely gone.

Kalo works slowly if you are only shaving. (Kalo works better if the hair and root are pulled out) So the hair on my legs, while it is coming in slower and softer isn’t as noticeable as my upper lip! The hair on my upper lip is so fine and so much thinner that I am actually waxing less often!! By half!!  I am thrilled with the results.

Am I hair free today? No, but, I believe with repeated use I will get to a time when I won’t have to wax my upper lip ever again!! If you are more fair-haired, I believe you’ll have much more dramatic results. It takes awhile to get results is because you actually have at least 3 hairs that sprout out of each follicle. It takes repeated hair removal sessions to treat each of these.

Kalo Lotion is ideal for treating small and sensitive areas like the face or genitals. Kalo is applied after the hair has been removed by the root. Kalo is applied 3 times the day of hair removal and 3 times the next day. Stop Hair Growth with Kalo Post Epilating Lotion – Kalo will prevent about 10% of the hair from growing back when used after the hair has been removed by the root. It will slow hair growth down when used after shaving. The lotion is very easy to apply and soothing to the skin. 

I have been using the Kalo Hair Inhibitor along with the Kalo Ingrown Hair Treatment.  This is amazing stuff!! Kalo Ingrown Hair Treatment truly does reduce ingrown hairs and razor bumps by gently exfoliating dead skin cells, leaving younger and fresher looking skin. Cleanses oily, acne prone skin. Kalo Ingrown Hair Treatment is safe to use on the face or other sensitive areas. Apply the Ingrown Hair Treatment up to 5 times per day as needed.

Really, is there anything worse than an ingrown hair?  I don’t think so!! Kalo Ingrown Hair Treatment comes in a spray bottle. Easy to use. It not only feels cooling but it also takes that sting out of freshly waxed skin!! NO little red bumps afterwards!!

For large areas spray directly onto affected area. For smaller and sensitive areas (eyebrows, bikini area) apply with a cotton swab. Massage thoroughly. Apply 2-3 times daily to improve the look of your skin. If using Kalo Post Epilating Spray or Lotion allow 2-3 hours before applying the Kalo Ingrown Hair Treatment.

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review and or any banners on this site. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


  • Diane K. Brimmer

    Boy could I ever use this! I am so conscious of my facial hair I quickly run and shave it off as so as my feet hit the floor. There are way too many to pull them out with tweezers. I could wait long enough for them to get that long. LOL I will be checking this out. Thanks for the information.

  • ANN*H

    Now this sounds like something I sure need. More so for the hair on my upper lip than my legs. If this works is wonderful. Not many products really do that. Alot of woman as we get up in years experience light facial hair. You would think that there would be more products out there for this. I am going to check in the store for this one for sure. thanks for the honest review.

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