Keep Your Teen Safe as They Prepare to Enter Adulthood With These Five Tips
There’s a lot to be excited about as your teen approaches adulthood and they’re getting ready to go to college and live on their own. However, there is a lot to be nervous about too. Learn to keep your teen safe.
As a parent, you want to make sure your child is safe, happy, and healthy when they strike out on their own, and you want to make sure that they feel prepared for anything that comes their way. That’s exactly what you can do when you follow the safety tips on this list.
Outline Safe Driving Expectations
One of the most exciting moments in a teen’s life is getting their license. That doesn’t mean you’re ready for them to get their license! Letting your child drive alone can be scary, especially when you know the statistics. Studies show that an average of six teens die and 650 are injured in motor vehicle accidents in American every day.
You don’t want your teen to become part of those statistics. Keep them safe behind the wheel by outlining your expectations for their behavior so they become a habit when it’s time for them to leave home. Your expectations might include a curfew, no cell phone use while driving, and keeping passengers to a minimum. As a precaution, take time to discuss what steps need to be taken if a car accident does happen.
Teach Them How to Be Safe Online
Teens today face a challenge that their parents never had to face at their age—online safety.
Teaching online safety is important, but it isn’t easy. Many teens spend a lot of time online, and they feel like there’s nothing wrong with the apps they use and websites they visit. However, they could be in for a lot of trouble if they don’t practice some safety tips whenever they’re online.
A few tips for teaching online safety to your teen include:
- Never give out personal information, like their address or what neighborhood they live in.
- Never share your username or password for any website or app.
- Always meet new people in a public place, and bring a friend, if you can.
- Don’t post anything online that you don’t want the world to see forever.
- Don’t be afraid to block or unfollow online bullies.
Keep an Eye on Their Health If They Play Sports
Sports can be great for teens. It can set them up for a lifetime of physical activity, and it can teach them teamwork. Unfortunately, it also has the potential to be bad for their health.
A sports accident as a teen can affect your child for the rest of their life. No matter what sport your teen plays, it’s important to make sure they have the right safety equipment.
For example, if your teen plays football, it is extremely important to make sure your child has a helmet that fits properly. The right shoes are important if your teen is a dancer, and eye protection is vital if your child likes to play ice hockey.
Talk About and Model Healthy Relationships
As your teen gets older, they will continue to develop relationships with new friends and significant others. It is important to make sure that those relationships are safe and healthy, and if they’re not, your child feels empowered to walk away.
Teaching your teen about healthy relationships includes discussing how they feel in that relationship. Healthy relationships are marked by the freedom to be yourself, respect, and support. It’s also a good idea to teach children that setting boundaries is healthy, even with those we love the most.
Talk about relationships, but don’t forget about your own. Modeling healthy relationships is a powerful way to set your child up for success in their future relationships.
Teach Them Basic Household Skills
Basic household skills are often overlooked. Many parents get into the habit of cooking and doing laundry for their children, but that leaves them at a disadvantage when they leave home.
Not knowing how to use the oven safely can be dangerous, as can undercooking certain foods, like pork and chicken. Teaching your child the importance of cleaning out the dryer vents can prevent a potential fire, and teaching basic cleaning techniques will keep germs at bay.
Preparing your teen for life as an adult includes teaching them skills that will keep them safe as they step into the world on their own. You’ll sleep a little easier when your child leaves home if you follow these tips in the years before they move into their own place.

This is a great post for parents to read. There is so much to teach a young person about the world.
Tamra Phelps
My niece and nephews are all teens now, and my niece is off to college, so their parents are definitely having issues with letting go, lol. It’s hard to think of them as adults!
My niece is about to graduate and head off to college. I have so much trouble accepting that she is an adult, lol.
Tamra Phelps
I’m always amazed at how many adults share too much private info online, like the fact that they’re on vacation and no one is home! I’ve seen Facebook pages that list the person’s phone number. I wonder if they realize that it’s visible?
Connie: The Head Peanut
Sometimes people are all and all out stupid. Oops did I say that out loud?