LivingMyDream!! Vision Board GIVEAWAY!

The power of positive thinking. I’m a firm believer in positive affirmations, positive thinking and visualization.  I believe what you put out into the universe comes back to you a thousand fold!  I believe in the Laws of Attraction. I BELIEVE anything can happen!! With all that said, I need reminders. I need DAILY reminders. Oh hello, LivingMyDream!!  I am over the moon giddy to present to you my review of LivingMyDream Vision Board!

Why a Vision Board?

Well, first because vision boards provide clarity. You can say you want your life to be better!  But, really? What does that mean?  WHAT will make your life better? When you envision YOUR better life what do you see?  Does your better life mean a new car?  A new house? New wardrobe?  A new love?  A baby?  Put pictures of those things on your board to bring clarity to your goals!!  See it!! Believe it!! Achieve IT!! Find phrases and quotes and words to add to your board too. Personally, I have found pictures from the Internet, magazines and catalogs too.

Use a Vision Board for Daily Affirmation

Once you have your vision board set up, start believing!! Look at your board every day. Read your positive affirmations daily. BELIEVE them!! Visualize!! Stay FOCUSED!!  Stay POSITIVE!!  Your Vision Board is a constant reminder of your GOALS!!
Motivation is KEY in every successful persons daily life.  You have to stay focused, determined and committed to being the best you!! Dream it, BELIEVE IT!!

LivingMyDream Vision Boards

These are wonderful Vision Boards!! Beautifully framed and available in two sizes. 12″ x 12″ and 22″ x 18″ With different color borders available too!  Pick the board that is best for you!  Health, Love, Travel or Wealth. Not only are these beautifully designed boards but each LivingMyDream board arrives with pictures, quotes and sayings to get your started.  Not to mention thumbtacks are also included!!  I literally had my board up within minutes!! I LOVE THIS BOARD!!! This is my dream life!!

The painted white frame is solid wood. The cork board itself has great graphics stenciled on with a green and black border that I LOVE!! Over all it’s a vision of perfection! The board arrived well packaged, the frame had no dents, dings or scratches. Hanging is super easy too, with the saw-tooth hooks on both corners.


Place your Vision Board anywhere you want. I tried my new LivingMyDream Vision Board in several spots around the house. Bedroom, family room, hallway then it dawned on me, I start and end every day in the bathroom. It’s PERFECT!!! Every single morning I read my positive quotes. I visualize myself with wealth and happiness. I READ my quotes and affirmations while I’m brushing my teeth.

Why Use A Vision Board?

“You have within you an awesome power that most of us have never been taught to use. Elite athletes use it. The super-rich use it. And peak performers in all fields are now starting to use it. That power is called visualization” – Jack Canfield Through visualization you can bring to you money, love, health, or anything that you want.

How It Works

By thought, the thing you want is brought to you. By action, you receive it.” – Wallce D. Wattles

When you see pictures of your dream life it creates a strong positive emotion. This emotion is the energy needed to attract it to you. When you use a vision board, you subconsciously pick up day to day queues that guide you towards your dreams. Use that power!
LivingMyDream Vision Boards help you achieve your dreams! Pin pictures of anything and everything that you want in your life, and see yourself already having it. Take action every day and make your dreams become reality. Whether you want more money, improved health, more love in your life, or you want to travel the world; we have that board for YOU!

What will by on YOUR vision board?

Love? Wealth? Baby? Car? This LivingMyDream Vision Board may be the most important thing you do for yourself this year!!

LivingMyDream helps me stay motivated and positive that I am on the road to success. My new board is motivational and inspirational!!  I’m THRILLED!!! This board is designed to provide a quick motivational boost into my day. EVERYDAY!!

LivingMyDream is a small start-up company with a big mission. Providing products that help people to dream big, work towards their goals, and celebrate their accomplishments using visualization and the law of attraction. They have a wide variety of products including themed vision boards, jewelry with vision charms, and more.
Follow LivingMyDream on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube and Instgram
Two very enthusiastic thumbs UP, WAY, WAY, WAY UP for LivingMyDream!!  I’m on my way to living mine!

Grab this COUPON CODE for 10% off vision boards, jewelry, and wineglasses at LivingMyDream!! Coupon code is 0715CG10


I am GIDDY! One very lucky Peanut Butter and Whine follower will win a LivingMyDream Vision Board of their very own.  Good LUCK!!

Giveaway: No Purchase Necessary. This giveaway is only open to residents of the United States who are 18 years of age or older. Ends on August 16, 2014. The email addresses that are collected for this giveaway will only be used for the purpose of contacting the winner and will never be given out to anyone nor sold. The winners will be randomly chosen and contacted via email. (IF you add your address to Giveaway Tools you will be considered the winner and will not have to respond to an email.) The winner will have 72 hours to respond. Only one winner per household. Please make sure you check your junk mail folder. The prize will be sent by LivingMyDream.

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


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