Move over Pinterest!! FamilyShare is HERE!!

Have you ever heard of  I hadn’t until today and already I’m in love!! At first glance FamilyShare resembles the layout of Pinterest.  That’s about as far as the resemblance goes. FamilyShare is about FAMILY!!  Ton’s of different subjects like, “Love” with topics like ‘The little things’.  The topics are everything from Marriage to Pregnancy, Health and Fitness to Grandparents!!

It’s about FAMILY!!!  It’s about “Tools to Strengthen Family!”

Screen Shot of FamilyShare

I hope you will go and check it out!’s, mission is to be trusted voices that enlighten, inspire and strengthen hundreds of millions of families worldwide. Our site is dedicated to helping individuals find practical solutions for their families.
With over 350+ contributors from a variety of backgrounds, and life situations. Sharing life stories, each of us can help others who want to learn from people who have “been there and done that.”


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