New Theory

Friday’s are my day off. I used today to it’s fullest advantage! I cleaned my closet’s out! (Yes, I said closets. I’m an empty nester! It’s what we do!!) I cleared out so many things that don’t fit. (So anyone interested in throwing a garage sale I’m in!). Now don’t misunderstand my little four pound loss doesn’t mean I’m all of a sudden swimming in my clothes. (ALTHOUGH!!!!!!! You know I woke up one morning 30 pounds over weight shouldn’t it come off that quickly too??) Anyway, I have clothes that I have kept that I like to call ‘comfort clothes’ they are loose or they have elastic waistbands. And now they are GONE! I divided my closet into 5 pound lost sections. So from now on as things become loose they are going into the AWAY box. That way when I get to my goal weight I will be forced to maintain. WOW! How smart am I?!?!?!?

Also I want to clarify the whole “PUSH UP” thing………..

Kitchen counter + Weighted Vest = Push Up

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