Night of the Living Cuddle Bunnies by Jonathan Rosen!
October is upon us!! With that comes my favorite tradition, inspired by Neil Gaiman – ‘All Hallows Read’ the exchange of scary books (with modifications for little ones). Writing a blog is kind of along the same lines where we get to try out fun new reads and rave about them on the net.
Night of the Living Cuddle Bunnies by Jonathan Rosen!
Written like a 12-year-old boy talks – its like being a kid again, with your eyes wide open – peeking behind the veil of childhood as only a kid can explain it.
Finding THE TOY each year isn’t just a nightmare for grownups anymore…
My 6-year-old and I started reading it at bedtime, the downside of that is I get really enthusiastic reading it and I start to talk fast like kids do – then I look at her like “Why are you still awake?”
We knocked out 3 chapters in the first sitting.
This is not scary but it is hare-raising!!! (Yes, folks the nut does not fall far from the tree!!!)
Here’s an excerpt that made me laugh out loud!
Night Of The Living Cuddle Bunnies is the perfect way to ‘read’ in October!!! I will never EVER whine about a book. Especially a book that Alice thoroughly and completely enjoys.
Jonathan Rosen is a teacher and freelance writer who spends his “free” time being a volunteer coach for his daughter’s softball team and a chauffeur for all of his kids. Jonathan was born in New York and is of Mexican descent, though neither place has been really willing to accept responsibility. You can find him on FromtheMixedUpFiles.Com, The Swanky Seventeens, Twitter, and Facebook as well as his own website coming soon. Night of the Living Cuddle Bunnies is his debut novel. Jonathan lives with his family in sunny South Florida.
Publisher: Sky Pony Press
Author: Jonathan Rosen
Publication Date: August 29, 2017
Number of Pages: 256 Pages
Book Type: Hardcover
Size: 5.50″ by 8.25″
This review was written by my darling daughter Selena.

Calvin F.
Spooky and cute
Tamra Phelps
If Neil Gaiman likes it, it must be good, lol. I love his books.
Miranda Wood
Thanks for this introduction. All the young readers in my family would love this.
Nikolina Vukelic
Thank you for your honest review, it’s much appreciated!
Terri S
I love books! I believe all kids should be read to and showered with books!!! They do so much good for a growing mind.