Nonni’s THINaddictives Biscotti Review and GiveAWAY!!!!!

I hope you aren’t hungry right now, after these pictures you will be. You should probably go get your car keys now, you’ll want to run to the store soon for Nonni’s THINaddictives.

Ohhhhh my goodness!! There are so many MANY reasons I LOVE Nonni’s Biscotti!! First, taste. WOW!! This isn’t like the biscotti that I am use to. This is THIN. Crunchy! PACKED with flavor biscotti. This biscotti is made with REAL fruit. For instance when you open a package of Blueberry Oat Almond Thins you can SMELL the blueberries! You can really taste the blueberries too. Then the almonds. I LOVE ALMONDS and Nonni’s are packed with ’em!

The chocolate and banana is sooooo good!! Little bits of bananas, chocolates and almonds. OH MY GOODNESS!! Deeeeelicious!!

Almond and pistachio. Biscotti and nuts. Oh man that is a heavenly taste!!

Cinnamon raisin, wow just opening the bag makes me drool. These were DH’s favorite.

Cranberry Almond is my favorite! Cranberry and almonds in each and every crunchy bite.

Each box has 6 packages of THINaddictives biscotti. Inside each of those 6 packages are 3 of the best tasting biscotti. AND ONLY 100 CALORIES!!!

Nonni’s couldn’t have named these better if they tried!!! THINaddictives are SO ADDICTIVE!!

The last reason that I love Nonni’s Biscotti?? My Grandbabies call me Nonnie!!  So this review was meant to be!!

Now a quick message to the people over at Nonni’s. I’d like to see THINaddictives at the big super store. In a HUGE BOX. Please!!

For now, I did find THINaddictives at Walmart. Check the store locator to find them near you.

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The awesome folks over at Nonni’s are giving 5 Peanut Butter and Whine followers a box of Nonni’s Biscotti Bites! Yummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Good LUCK!!!

Disclosure: I have received complimentary/free products for the purpose of this review and or any banners on this site. The opinions are 100% mine. I have not been influenced in any way. I am disclosing this in accordance with Federal Trade Commissions 16 CFR, Part 255 Guides Concerning the use of Endorsements and Testimonials In Advertising. Peanut Butter And Whine.


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