One word….

I stole this one from Facebook. USING ONLY ONE WORD answer each question. Now…. you can learn more about me in just one word.

Where is your cell phone? Table

Significant other? Yes

Your hair? Red

Your mother? Cooking

Your Father? Buried

Your favorite thing? Family

Your dream last night? None

Your favorite drink? Champagne

What room are you in? Livingroon

Your hobby? Gambling

Your fear? Heights

Where do you want to be in 6 years? Alive

Where were you last night? School

Something that you aren’t? Male

Muffins? Banana

Wish list item? Cruise

Last thing you did? Ate

What are you wearing? Jeans

TV? On

Your pets? Dog

Friends? Please

Your life? Boring

Your Mood? Foul

Missing someone? Yes

Drinking? Soon

Your car? Audi

Something you’re not wearing? Shoes

Your favorite store? Ross

Your favorite color? Green

When is the last time you cried? Wednesday

Where do you go to over and over? Work

My favorite place to eat? Oscars

Favorite place I’d like to be at right now? Cruise

One Comment

  • Shannon

    Where is your cell phone? bedroom

    Significant other? Yes

    Your hair? brown

    Your mother? Beaverdam (VA)

    Your Father? Questionable

    Your favorite thing? furbabies

    Your dream last night? None

    Your favorite drink? (Diet) Coke

    What room are you in? Livingroon

    Your hobby? crafting

    Your fear? water

    Where do you want to be in 6 years? Alive

    Where were you last night? home

    Something that you aren’t? happy

    Muffins? cappuccino

    Wish list item? happiness

    Last thing you did? Ate

    What are you wearing? tee

    TV? On

    Your pets? many

    Friends? nope

    Your life? depressing

    Your Mood? sad

    Missing someone? Yes

    Drinking? maybe

    Your car? Prelude

    Something you’re not wearing? pants!

    Your favorite store? Kohls

    Your favorite color? purple

    When is the last time you cried? today

    Where do you go to over and over? nowhere

    My favorite place to eat? Giovanni’s

    Favorite place I’d like to be at right now? Maymont

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