Pity party

I’ve had a bad week. I didn’t exercise like I should have. Actually, I didn’t exercise at all! That is so BAD for me!! And I paid for it to!! No weight loss and I was tired all the time!! (Okay saying it out loud is making me feel worse!!) In my perfect world I would have more energy if I slept in….. chocolate would be one of the 4 basic food groups too. (The big group!! I’m a greedy girl) But in the real world if I walk and sweat I have energy all day??! I sleep in? I drag all day. Shouldn’t I be tired AFTER I sweat and exercise?? This week has just been so hard. I was unmotivated, overwhelmed and tired of dieting! (eating healthy… ugh whatever!)

BUT the pity party stops NOW!! I have to get back to work!! I have a Challenge to win!!! And really not a lot of time left! I better find where I hid that motivation! Seriously! WHY is losing weight SO DANG HARD??!?!? (Waaaa waaaa waaa Okay I’m done. Honest. I mean with the oh poor me part. Tomorrow I’m walking AND doing crunches!)

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