Pure Green Coffee Bean (Dr Oz) Top Weight Loss Product #XiumWeightLoss

I am so excited!! I’ll be going to Hawaii in October for a GIRLS only trip!! I’m so excited and just a little stressed at the same time! HAWAII!?? With 40 extra pounds?? I don’t WANNA!!!! Yes, the WHINE is back!  I’m really setting my mind to ditchin’ the weight. I’ve been swimming with Alice everyday. I’ve been doing yoga classes.  I’m trying to make good food choices, but it’s HARD!!!  I LOVE FOOD!!!  I love chocolate, I love meat, I love gooey dessert and rich sauces.  I’m making myself hungry here!  To help me not over eat, and not munch all day, I’ve added Pure Green Coffee Bean by Xium to my day.  Two capsules in the morning and two in the afternoon.

I am thrilled to report, I didn’t experience any jitters, no rapid heart beat. I also wasn’t wired and unable to sleep at night.  I did experience extra STEADY energy. Which I absolutely LOVE!!

I haven’t been starving. I fill up faster.  I also didn’t feel the need to snack all day.

What’s great about Xium Pure Green Coffee Bean is the excellent ingredients, like Chlorogenic Acid  which slows down your body’s fat absorption from food!!  Hello!! I LOVE that!! It also increases your metabolism!! Hello Energy! I’ve got more, Chlorogenic Acid also aids in your bodies release of glucose, which combined with your increased metabolism, stops weight gain and blasts fat!!  Swimsuit in Hawaii here I come!!

Xium’s Green Coffee Bean Extract is better because it’s raw and unroasted, leaving all of the essential Chlorogenic Acid intact. Roasting coffee typically removes these weight loss helpers, so be certain your getting UNROASTED!

I love that Xium Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract, provides safe and effective weight loss for all body types

It doesn’t matter how much weight you have to loose. I truly believe Xium Green Coffee Bean can help you stay motivated and on track. Y’all know me, I have a horrible time with MOTIVATION!!! I’m 56 years old. I’m overweight and miserable because of it.  I am one of the lucky few to be retired. It’s AWESOME, except it means I don’t have to work at staying a size 6. Nope, my work clothes are just decorations in the closet.  All of my beautiful suits and dresses, just hanging there. I’m certain that I would bust out seams just by taking them off the hanger, let alone try to put my body inside!!

So, I’m working on 5 pounds at a time. Baby steps. I will ditch the weight!! I will!!

Xium Pure Green Coffee Bean is truly an effective weight loss product. I love that the weight loss effects are not caused by caffeine. Again, no shakes or jitters!  Remember that Chlorogenic Acid, I talked about earlier? It’s an especially strong antioxidant. Antioxidants act as sponges that stop and sop up free radicals within the body, preventing them from causing oxidative damage.

I’m not the only one that loves Xium 100% Pure Green Coffee Bean Extract, check out this from Dr. Oz

I give Xium Pure Green Coffee Bean two enthusiastic, slimmer thumbs up, WAY, WAY UP!!

One bottle contains 60 capsules. Right now #1 Bestselling 90 Capsules Pure Green Coffee Xium Weightloss 800mg 50% GCA Pure – 3 Day Sale $9.32 and FREE SHIPPING!!

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Tomoson.com. Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.


  • nancy chipriano

    A lot of weight loss products keep you up at night, I’ve heard. That has been my reason for not trying any, even though I’d like to drop a few pounds. If this one really does not effect your sleep, that is something I will definitely consider!!

  • Sonya Sparks

    I’ve really wondered about this. Thank you for telling me about it. I never really know if something will honestly work or not. I have weight to lose too. I appreciate it!

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