San Diego Safari Park

When our kids were little the first stop inside the Safari Park (Wild Animal Park) was the Brass Rhino for a picture op. I can’t believe I’m now taking pictures of my GRANDBABIES!!!!!
Kids on the Brass Rhino at Wild Animal Park Escondido
On to the petting pen to feed the babies!
Sit on the Brass Gorilla.
Little girl with a Brass Gorilla
 Emma needed a picture infront of the bamboo. I could get 3 outta 4 smiling AND looking at the camera…… but no matter what I tried. 4 outta 4 wasn’t happen’in
See? Little Man smiled and no one else was looking at the camera.  I think he did that on purpose… hence the laugh!
Carousel was a HUGE hit! Nonnie & Emma
Eli and Mommy.
The carousel was such a BIG hit Eli screamed when it was time to get off. You can’t see it from here but his knuckles were white his grip was SO tight!! He was NOT getting off!!!

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