Snot-A-Rator Nasal Aspirator Review
Ya’all know I’m a sucker for packaging and for names! Snot-a-Rator had me at SNOT!!
This review really came at a perfect time too. Baby Alice had a runny icky nose for a week.
Moms and Dad’s everywhere are very familiar with that little green bulb. First you never know what you’ve got…… besides getting it clean…… you really can’t judge how much suction you’re using. There just has to be a better way…….. (ya like that lead in?? Me too!!) THERE is!!! Meet the Snot-a-Rator Nasal Vacuum.
I was amazed at what the Snot-a-Rator could do!! (and you are SO VERY WELCOME for not taking those pictures!!!)
First it did NOT suck out my brains.
Not only is the suction gentle and constant but it’s so quick.
I let Alice do her nose. Then Alice let me do her nose as well. The Snot-a-Rator is quick and efficient.
Alice’s runny nose has already cleared up and without all that constant rubbing of her little nose.
Clean up…… ohhh my goodness!! A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!! The entire thing comes apart for thorough cleaning!! Air dry and store away for the next bout of snotty noses!
I will 100% use this during cold season for everyone in our family!! AMAZING!!!! This is one of those things I wish I would have had a LONG time ago!!
Alice and I give the Snot-a-Rator 4 very enthusiastic thumbs WAY up!!
There is a wonderful Frequently Asked Question section on their website if you have more questions. The Snot-a-Rator has been sold in England for over 15 years under another name. It’s been clinically tested to be safe. I truly believe it’s a must have for every home. Order yours now and receive 10% off use BREATHE11 (Thank you Snot-a-Rator!)

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.
Jenn Aikens
this sounds pretty awesome. We got one of those things that you suck the snot out and I would prefer this for home use and the snot sucker on the go. My daughter flips the freak OUT when we use the snot sucker on her so QUICK is deff the way to go when it comes to sucking out snot on an infant/toddler.
Robin Wilson
Okay ~ you are right the name is hilarious, but it def caught my attention when I saw it! Wish they had these when my son was young, but maybe for my “future” grandkids! Looks great!
Maria Iemma
The name is funny however if it works it would be a fabulous thing. It is so hard to aspirate on little kids and uncomfortable for both mom and baby.
Lisa R
wow, I feel like I could use one of these myself. the only thing is I don’t like the idea that it will go into the vacuum pipe and get yucky
sibabe64 at ptd dot net
Amanda Greene-Lebeck
Hey this is awesome, too bad they did not have this when I had my daughter lol. It might just have to be part of a goodie bag for the next baby shower since its so cool and unique (thats my style lol)