Spy Killer by L.Ron Hubbard

L. Ron Hubbard has to be the most prolific writer of the pulp fiction era! He can spin a tale that is enjoyed even now. So descriptive and so entertaining.  Having these stories read on cd is even more entertaining! These cd’s are full amazing sound effects. Water, paper wrestling, foot steps and engaging music and multiple cast readings make this book 100% entertainment.  Today’s review is about Spy Killer from the Tales from The Orient collection.

L. Ron Hubbard may have made his name by founding The Church of Scientology. But, before the Church was founded Hubbard wrote Pulp Fiction. Pulp Fiction is a term used to describe the low quality paper used to write books and magazines. (ahhhh you thought it was just a Quentin Tarantino movie didn’tcha??)
Spy Killer might be my favorite so far in the series of L. Ron Hubbard books. Intrigue!! Suspense!
Falsely accused of murder and grand larceny, Kurt Reid flees to Shanghai. After rescuing a White Russian spy, he’s captured by the Chinese and forced into the cloak-and-dagger world of espionage and intrigue, where everything and everyone are not what they appear to be.

If you need a Mother’s Day gift or a Father’s Day gift, I really think you should check out the series from The Golden Age Stories.

Disclosure I received complimentary products for the purpose of my review. No other compensation was provided. The opinions are mine and 100% honest. I have not been influenced in any way.


  • Bonnie

    I never really thought to read his pre-Scientology work. Kind makes sense that he might have actually been a good writer to end up with such a cult following. (Get it? Cult following? Ha!) I may just have to check that out. I love spy novels!

  • Shawn Yankey

    I thought L. Ron Hubbard only wrote sci-fi. I had no idea he wrote Pulp Fiction as well. The scientology thing makes it really hard to take him very serious as a writer but, maybe these are worth a try. Thanks.
    Shawn at Laughing at Life 2

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