SYZ 100 Piece Interlocking Building Toy Set
Hanging out with 5-year-old Alice everyday, I am always on the lookout for toys that can be used to spark Alice’s imagination! These are Club Building Toy Set. Alice and her best gal pal Ashley have a great time playing with these pieces.
This is set of 99 plastic interlocking pieces that resemble snowflakes or flowers. The pieces are made of safe non-toxic plastic. The Club Building Blocks come in 10 different bright colors. Alice’s imagination goes wild putting these pieces together; perfect for fine motor skills. Then there is the whole designing mode. Alice and Ashley love to build magic wands, flowers, crowns, bows and more. The girls have a great time with this building set.
The set has 99 pieces and a cloth bag to store them in. The colors are beautiful. Bright, colorful pieces and each one fits together with the others. There are eight color choices of blocks, however, you don’t get to choose they are randomly selected. The colors that could be included are pink, red, orange, yellow, green, purple, brown and blue. We did not receive any brown pieces.
The pieces are almost 1.25″ around. The are designed for ages 3 and up, however some pieces do require a little force to put together I’m not positive that a 3-year-old can do these. Even the five and seven-year olds had a difficult time with some. However, the younger kids can use these to sort colors and used for counting.
Alice and Ashley have no whines. They are having a great time with this building set. I found them to be sturdy, colorful and entertaining to the kids. There is nothing sharp on these and with their 1.25″ size I don’t believe these pose a swallowing risk for younger kids. Having a drawstring bag to store them away is another plus in my book, while the girls liked the fact that the opening in the bag was large enough to be able to see the colors they wanted without dumping the entire bag.

Kate Sarsfield
What a gorgeous picture. Two little girls chatting and having fun!
Tamra Phelps
It looks like fun to me. It reminds of toys around when I was a kid, like Tinker Toys or Lincoln Logs…but of course those weren’t as colorful as these.
Sarah L
That’s so fun! I like it better than legos. More inspirational.
Veronica Vasquez
This looks like so much fun! My daughter would absolutely adore this!!
michele soyer
These look so amazing and colorful.. They teach coordination so well…
These sort of toys are wonderful: so many skills that can be learnt whilst still having fun. That’s what education should be all about!