Bluenido Super Soft Pajamas For Kids!
I have some great soft pajamas for kids, to share with you today! These are from Bluenido. Soft, well made jammies with absolutely adorable designs!!
Starting with Alice’s favorite pair the Crown Pajamas, because well, a princess is a princess is a princess!
Even when she is sleeping! I’ve told you before that to say Alice is princess obsessed would be an understatement! From dresses to shoes, toys to books this kid loves her princesses. She couldn’t wait for the Bluenido Crown PJ’s to arrive. Super cute pajamas in pink and purple (according to said princess, these are the two best colors in the world) The pants are purple background with pink crowns and the top is reversed with pink background and purple crown. Alice loves her princess pajamas!
The next pair is the Fox Pajamas.
These would easily work for boys or girls. A very light grey background and a reddish-orange fox face stitched on the top. The bottoms are same color as the fox with grey tree design throughout. (I say the design is trees; the 5-year-old argues they are arrows! Ever try arguing with a 5-year-old? It’s exhausting)
Next up are the Heart Pajamas.
Oh my goodness!! The light grey top with a large bright pink heart stitched in the center is so cute! The bottoms have the same pink color as a base color with grey X’s and O’s throughout. Kisses and HUGS!! How adorable is that?! I love these jammies!!

Last and certainly not least is the set of Bee Pajamas.
This set again works easily for a boy or a girl. This set is a matching deep navy blue color with a yellow bumble bee stitched in the center of the top and the same yellow design on the bottoms showing bees buzzing around in swirly designs.
Each set of Bluenido jammies are cuddly soft and just get more so with each wash.
There are no scratchy labels which is REALLY a great feature. These pajamas are not tight-fitting anywhere, not the ankle band, wrist or neck. However the legs and arms stay put when Alice runs, plays or toss and turns at night. Everything fits beautifully. I absolutely love the fact that the tops are extra long so they cover the tummy area and don’t ride up!
5-year-old Alice is 44.5″ tall and 48 pounds, we took the advice of the designer and order up a size. The size 6 jammies sets are perfect!! These jammies have been washed several time and thrown in the dryer they have not faded or shrunk in the least. All seams are still well sewn, no runs, tears or defects anywhere. These really are well made PJ’s!
These are all well made pajamas, so much so that I truly believe these pajamas will be handed down to the next child in our family. Added bonus, included with each set of pajamas is an adorable postcard and a link for a bedtime story. Now, if the kid will just go TO BED!!

Tamra Phelps
Aw, little Aalice was adorable. And the pajamas were so cute, too.
Kate Sarsfield
Alice’s little nose is so cute! As is the rest of her!
michele soyer
These pajamas are soft and they appear comfy and wash well.. great for children….
How cute are these pajamas?) I would like to own the Crown pajamas in my size, haha
My niece loves to lounge around in her pajamas. Sometimes she spends the whole weekend in her PJs!
Sarah L
Alice looks so cute in these pictures. PJs look very comfortable.
I can’t get over how quickly Alice is growing up! Just the other day she was a toddler, and now she’s getting a real ‘little girl’ look.
Karen R
Love the pajamas, so cute! My favorite is the fox!
Tamra Phelps
These really are adorable. They remind me of the classic jammies from my childhood.
I am partial to blue… so I think the blue pajamas are the cutest. I agree with Sarah L. about them coming in adult sizes. I would love to have one for myself! LOL! 🙂
Tamra Phelps
So cute! I like the pink & purple crown pjs! I’m with Alice: those are 2 great colors, lol.
Sarah L
Kate just took my comment about ‘the bees knees’. Yes, at least I use that phrase. I’m just sorry these PJs don’t come in adult sizes.
The Bee pjs are ‘the bees knees’! Do you have that saying over there? And by the way is Ms. Alice on a commission, because she should be; she’s not so much a ‘poser’ as a ‘poseur’!
Veronica Vasquez
These pajamas look great! Very comfy looking! Will have to looking into getting some of these for my daughter soon
michele soyer
The heart pajamas have my heart.. My smallest granddaughter would love these….