• USB Memory Direct Card

    My Business Card is BETTER Than YOUR Business Card!

    Can you merge a business card and a USB card together?! OH YES YOU CAN!!!!! AND THEY ARE SO COOL!!!!!!! (I KNOW… stop yelling! I’m TRYING! They are just so COOL!!) Before you shake your head hear me out. Business cards are important EVEN if you aren’t working or you’re retired. Now, hear me out. Let’s start with CONVENIENT! I’ve personally given up carrying a purse. WEIRD right?!? The queen of purses doesn’t carry one. Slim my skinny (hey, something about me has to be skinny right?!?) wallet and car keys in my pocket and I’m out the door. Course, one draw back to that, is I’m not carrying around…

  • Common eCommerce Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

    Running a business can sometimes feel a little like climbing a mountain. The reason being is that sometimes you are right up at the top, with a clear view of what is going on, and at other times you can encounter problems and issues, and perhaps get a little lost along the way; not to mention the exhaustion and fatigue that can come from being a business owner. But just like someone climbing a mountain, you need the right tools, like a compass, map, and good walking shoes, to help you to reach the top. That is why it is so important to prepare yourself for business success by making…