• Win $35 Single Blog Giveaway

    $35 Single Blog THANK YOU Giveaway!

    GIVEAWAY!! Welcome to my monthly $35 Single Blog Giveaway. This is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower. Last month was another very successful $35 Giveaway!! Congratulations goes to: Sarah C.  Sarah chose a Target Gift Card.  Thank you all!! Thank you Helen for reminding me I didn’t announce the winner on here!! : )  I love my editors!! So, exact same spiel as last month! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I can’t help myself! I LOVE my FANS!! This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is…

  • Win $100 Amazon GC!!

    Win $100 Amazon Gift Card

    Giveaway Time!! Win $100 Amazon Gift Card. Makobi Scribe is bringing you this Amazon Instagram blast where one lucky reader will win a 0 Amazon gift card. The giveaway is open to everyone and provided by Makobi Scribe. Good Luck! If you are a blogger, you can sign up for this blast here. Entry-Form