$35 Single Blog THANK YOU Giveaway!
Welcome to my monthly $35 Single Blog Giveaway. This is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower. Last month was another very successful $35 Giveaway!! Congratulations goes to: Sarah C. Sarah chose a Target Gift Card. Thank you all!! Thank you Helen for reminding me I didn’t announce the winner on here!! : ) I love my editors!!
So, exact same spiel as last month!
For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I can’t help myself! I LOVE my FANS!! This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for awhile, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated.
My Favorite Entries are:
Voting for me on Picket Fence and Top Giveaway Blogs. Hint hint!!
Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!
Comments! I love Comments!!
I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! You guys ROCK!!!!
$35 Paypal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks or Amazon Gift Card giveaway!! Your choice!!
Thank you all so much for your support!! I really am blessed to have each and everyone of you!!
The entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.
If you are new here…welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!! There will be a $35 giveaway every month!! AND a Diamond Candle Giveaway too!
Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!

Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at my man for letting me clean the whole house myself today.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy we had Tex Mex today for lunch.
it is stunningly beautiful out today for late October.
Mad at myself again today – just as well I’m single! I left one of the car windows open by mistake last night & it poured down so now I have a very soggy car seat – ugh! Like putting on a cold wet bathing costume.
Charlene Kuser
The car tailgating me when I was going the speed limit made me mad
Charlene Kuser
Getting myself organized today made me happy.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the melting snow weather. So slippery.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I had a nice haircut today.
Rae L.
Nothing made me mad yet. I hope it stays that way. Good luck to all. A good day so far.
Rae L.
Seeing this contest made me happy. The name of the site makes me smile. Good luck all. Thank you for the contest.
Connie Tucker
Getting a letter that our insurance was being dropped made me really mad today. All those years of paying premiums and hardly ever using the insurance and now that we really need it, we are left having to go with less coverage for more money. *sigh*
Connie Tucker
Our new kitten made me happy today. Just watching him play and enjoying his life always makes me smile. I’m so happy he found us!
What made me mad, well more sad than mad was to find out that one of my dear friends who has struggled with alcohol addiction is drinking heavily.
I’m happy that my health is getting better and I got to spend great quality time with my parents.
Trisha McKee
What made me happy today was that it is Friday. Also, my aunt from out of town came to visit for the weekend and brought some good champagne. We ate, drank and are now indulging in crime shows on television. Happy happy.
Brian E.
Thanks for the giveaway… was happy today to see that my car repair bill was much less than I expected !
Brian E.
Was a bit annoyed today because my plane was delayed 2 hours !
Shari Klyn
I interviewed for a job and didn’t get it. The lady that did get it, called me and rubbed it in my face. Not a good day today.
Shari Klyn
‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! LOL The one good thing that happened to me today was that my husband took me out to supper as a surprise because I had a terrible week.
Erica Barnes
Getting caught in a traffic jam on the way to the doctor made me mad today.
Erica Barnes
I was happy to receive my new shirt from Macy’s today.
My teenagers had the day off and we got to hang out laughing until our sides hurt. 🙂
Seeing my adorable niece today, made me happy!
Michelle S
Nothing made me mad today. YAY!!!!
Michelle S
The weather made me happy today! It was such a gorgeous day out!
Susan Smith
What made me mad today was a car pulled out in front of me and I had to slam on the breaks.
Susan Smith
My husband coming home from his business trip made me happy.
You know when you have that déja vue sensation? I just knew I had to put something in a safe place or I’d lose it – well I didn’t and I did! Pulling the place to bits trying to find this piece of paper – so annoying and, what’s worse, ALL my own fault.
Today was a glorious Autumnal day – dry & crisp with just a touch of damp in the air, sunshine and then the most wonderful sunset, all pink & red skies – simply beautiful to behold!
it is a bit warmer today:)
Michelle H.
Last night my younger kids needed help with homework and a school project. I am happy that it is Friday.
Rae L.
The news made me mad. It’s a good day otherwise. Good luck all. Thank you for the sweeps.
Rae L.
The sunshine made me happy. Glad the contest is still here. Good luck all. It’s a good day.
Teresa Thompson
My son called this morning. Always brings a smile.
Gaby G
I’m happy because today I can spend the day at bed resting, reading and eating delicious fruits!!
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
angie lilly
Today I am angry because my printer is making me violent. It won’t print at all anymore and to make it scan I have to reinstall the drivers every time. SO frustrating! Time for a new printer but I can’t afford one! grr!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I have won two more giveaways since yesterday morning! I won stuff for me and stuff to donate to charity! YAY!!! I love it when I am able to give back and get! 😀
Anita Mitchell
What made me mad is it is not raining,lol… I like the rain sometimes. 🙂
Anita Mitchell
I was happy when my new push up bra fit great! Lol
Megan Filzen
My coffee got cold fast!
Megan Filzen
My Puppy Lillie-Belle
Karen Drake
What made me happy was a package I sent that was lost by the post office was found and is on it’s way to it’s destination.
Geoff K
Breaking in a new coffee maker this morning made me pretty happy! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Geoff K
Getting awakened by a lawn mower before the sun came up made me a little peeved today!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad to see the first snow storm of the year today. Everything is covered in white.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to be having coffee and pavlova on this Friday morning with my man before work.
margaret franksduncan
I woke up to a nice sunny day to day.
While we were at the park today, I dropped my phone. I knew I had it at some point while we were there but I could not figure out where I might have left it. Finally I found it in the grass!! So thankful that I found it but it made me mad to have to spend all that time looking.
The thing that made me happy was taking my kids to the park. The weather was beautiful!
Stacey A Smith
what maid me mad today was that there was a note on my door by the manger that we had 3 days to get rid of all the homeless cat’s in the back yard and all there shit that they shit’ed in 3 days time it’s crazy I have been trying for months to get help for the homeless cat’s and so far only got 3 cat’s help there is at lease 17 or more left how am I to get them a place in 3 days if a few months have not done the trick!
Going to the gym and getting a run in made me happy today! Also knowing tomorrow is Friday made me happy!
Sue E
A perfectly relaxing day made me happy today!!
Sue E
Sarah L
I was happy that the chorus I sing with got to sing at a big luncheon (1,000 people) and we did well.
I was a bit upset that my scanner doesn’t want to talk to my computer…
Michelle H.
Hearing in the news about kids who have been bullied made me mad today.
Not thrilled about the fact that I have a headache.
I love spending time with my husband.
Nothing really made me mad today. I was a little upset that I couldn’t catch the neighbor’s dog for them but I didn’t have shoes on and the dog ran away from me.
I was happy that I slept well last night. It is great to be sleeping so well lately.
Rae L.
Nothing made me mad. I’m glad to see the contest. I’m glad not to be mad. It’s a good day.
Rae L.
I liked finding this contest. I like the name of the blog. Good luck all. This is a good day.
Jody Dietz
Of course my Hubby made me mad today!
Had my annual flu jab this morning & it hurts like hell but with 81 year old parents in the house I’d never forgive myself if I brought the bug home. Oo,oo, oo & ow, ow, ow! And I’ve got a Pilates class tonight so it’s going to hurt even more…
Bought my mum some big pom-pom chrysanthemums this morning – haven’t seen them in the shops for years. Dad gave her a big bunch of them when she had me (the first-born), so they’ve got a special significance for her.
angie lilly
Today I am mad, or rather annoyed, because the gift card that I won came in the mail today and it was not activated by the sponsor and they did not include the needed information for me to activate it. I hate it when stuff like this happens. Once again, paying attention to detail is sorely lacking in the customer service world.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because the Crockpot that I won came and it was the EXACT one that I wanted. I was not sure which one I had won and neither was the blogger, so this was a really nice surprise!
Hesper Fry
Having a pinched nerve in my neck is making me mad today.
Hesper Fry
Seeing my kids each morning makes me happy! ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the low temperature here in the north pole.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy my man is recovering from his surgery.
Starla B
I had chicken fingers and fries tonight, which was my cheat meal. That made me so happy! Thank you for hosting such an awesome giveaway!
Nothing made me mad today. Huh. I guess it’s good when I have to think about it, right?
Today I took my daughter shopping. She found several new tops. It made me happy to see her enjoy herself.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad today was the fact that I laid my granddaughter down for a nap and I had to pretend I was sleeping next to her so that she would go to sleep. You guessed it, I was the one that really fell asleep and she laid and played right by me. I felt like a real good grandma!
Diane K. Brimmer
I was happy today to get my initial therapy session started today. I think the other therapy sessions should go very well. I will be glad to get this one over so that I can start the other physical therapy sessions.
margaret franksduncan
I felt good when I woke up today,thats a happy day.
Sarah L
I got my new Vitamix blender today that I won. Made me very happy. No mad/sad.
Sue E
I was kinda mad that I woke up with a scratchy sore throat. I really hope I am NOT getting sick!!
Sue E
I was happy that 3 of our grandkids stopped by & visited & that my husband cooked!!
Cathy French
cleaning up kitty vomit always makes me mad and today was no exception
Cathy French
Getting my couponing and grocery lists done a day early made me very happy today
What made me mad today?
Not much. 🙂 I don’t get mad too easily.
What made me happy today was knowing that I had the ability to take a sick day to recover from being under the weather. SO thankful for that!
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Rae L.
The news made me mad. The news usually makes me mad. I’d rather be happy. The news is not good here.
Rae L.
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
I actually won something on a blog comp today – yay I thought! Unfortunately the cost of shipping is more than the cost of the item – I mean what’s the point of that? Bummer…
Finally getting around to cleaning the house after days of being ill & looking at the cobwebs – feels good when my wall of books are dust-free & the ornaments are sparkling!
Christina Sparks
What has made me mad: Watching the News and things that are going on in the world.
Christina Sparks
Having the day off of work today and being able to enjoy coffee in bed with my husband and two dogs.
angie lilly
Today I am angry because I just simply can’t get a particular blogger to answer some questions I have about a giveaway she is hosting (not you!! LOL). I have emailed her thru her site, left a comment on the giveaway post on both Pinterest and Facebook. No response and I have tagged her repeatedly in the social media posts. It wouldn’t be so bad, but she has posted multiple times on both FB and Pinterest since I left my comments/tags, so she SHOULD have seen my posts/tags. It makes me nervous to even participate in her blog giveaways. What happens if I win and I have an issue and she is MIA? VERY bad PR!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because it is hump day! Only two more days until a whole weekend with hubby! He has worked the past two Saturdays, so I am really looking forward to two days off with him!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad the shoes I ordered from Aliexpress broke after 10 minutes walking. What a typical Chinese products incident!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy the shoes I ordered from Aliexpress arrived today.
Starla B
I made potato soup tonight and it was a success. I was quite shocked, and my Nana loved it. I don’t cook often so I am glad this was something we could actually consume, lol. Thank you for this giveaway, you have so many awesome entry options!!!
Michelle H.
I have been putting together some recipes for my family to enjoy and that makes me happy.
What the hell is wrong with my pc? It isn’t doing what I want it to do – agh!
I am so glad I decided to get away from my pc & join a choir – a great bunch of talented women all doing what they enjoy, what could be better?
Rae L.
Finding this giveaway still available made me happy. It’s nice to win. Good luck to all. Thank you for the sweeps.
Sarah L
I’m happy to be going to a cooking class tonight. No sad/mad
Michelle S
The weather made me made today! The humidity is back and it’s too warm.
Michelle S
Nothing made me happy today. I’ve been rather grumpy all afternoon.
Marta K
Just spend the day with my bf is always good 🙂 and makes me happy
Cathy French
Waking up with this horrible chest cold again today thinking I should be over it by now of course made me mad today
Cathy French
Realizing I actually get my disability check tomorrow instead of next week made me very happy today.
angie lilly
Today I am angry because my student loan economic hardship forbearance was denied. I don’t know why but I do know that they can’t get blood out of a turnip. If they won’t work with me, they won’t get a cent from me!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because our fur baby, Marilyn’s, ashes/urn are coming home. It is bittersweet, but ultimately she is free to become whatever she wants now. No more pain and no more watching her suffer.
Nothing made me mad yet but yesterday my dog knocked over a container of pop tabs and traipsed them all over the house. Ahh, Sorcha!
Actually sleeping last night made me happy. I have been having a hard time sleeping lately.
I read a blog post today about an author who stalked a book blogger that posted a bad review of her book. It didn’t really make me MAD, but it freaked me out!
Well, I got to sleep in until 6:30 because of no work today. That was a nice thing that made me happy!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the slow process in a big corporation where people need to ask permission from boss to boss in order to proceed one small inquiry.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I got flowers from a colleague at work.
Sue E
I didn’t think anything would make me mad today, BUT something did.
Our neighbors next door are having a deck built and last week they had a garage built.
Well, the contractors, who are working on their home, think it is OK to block the opening of our driveway – especially without asking if it was alright!! I mean not for a short period of time – for hours!! My husband had to ASK them to move their vehicle so he could get out and go to the store & to pick-up 3 of our grandchildren. I think this is ridiculous – it is our driveway!!!
Sue E
Waking up with a little more energy than I’m used to made me happy!! Plus seeing the pics of my grandson’s baptism on FB made me really happy!!
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today is all the bills got paid! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Gurganus
Not one thing has made me mad today! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Jill McHale
I had a particularly rough day and my husband brought me home flowers. He also told me that he was appreciative of everything that I do for the family. I really love this goober 🙂
Jill McHale
After a hard day at work, my 5 year old decided to coat her body in magic marker after I had given her a bath 🙁
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad today is I had another anxiety attack. It is absolutely one of the worst things I’ve had. I really hate good byes and that was what finally triggered another one. Makes me mad! I need to get this under control.
Diane K. Brimmer
Finally getting all my paper work copied and ready to send in. It will be nice to have that done and over with. Kinda like being in school again and Cramming for finals, only much harder because I am older.
Michelle H.
My husband finished laying ceramic tiles in our kitchen and that makes me happy.
Sarah L
I was happy to have a good swim class. No mad/sad.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the slow service of my local post office.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy my man finally got his eye surgery today.
Lost another 3 lbs – woohoo!
Why, oh, why, does my pc seem to have a life of it’s own? It suddenly decided to slow down today when I have 73 mails that need answers. I know it’s not the computer’s fault it’s the server, but it’s so annoying.
What was a joy today –seeing my husband’s smile.
What made me upset it that I did not feel well this morning.
Cathy French
Having a rough customer service experience with a company I have used for quite awhile made me mad today
Cathy French
Waking up a little less congested this morning made me happy today.
My daughter takes sooooooooo looooooonnnnggggg to get in and/or out of the shower. I was ready to leave maybe 3 hours ago. It makes me so mad!
I woke up this morning and didn’t have to go to work because it’s FALL BREAK! That made me happy.
angie lilly
Today I am angry because I am four days late (not preggers) and super cranky about it. I am NEVER late and this never-ending PMS is really bumming me out.
angie lilly
Today I am happy for a little thing called pumpkin spice latte. LOL Sipping it as I type and enjoying every little drop! It is the little things, right?
What made me mad is um….nothing yet? I guess if I had to say something I am bummed out that my tire on my car hasn’t been fixed yet.
What made me really happy is that I actually slept good last night.
Michelle H.
I was happy today because I found a recipe that I was looking for.
Kimberly Hilbert
What made me mad today? It’s been such a happy day, but the one downside was going to the store at 10am I was in a huge line of traffic. I must have hit the church crowd at just the wrong time. The line went on (I kid you not!) for a mile ahead of me and I’m not sure how far behind me it went.
Kimberly Hilbert
One thing that made me happy today was my cat in the craft room. He is a nut. He picked up a paintbrush in his mouth and it looks for all the world like he’s painting. He has such a serious face, too. I should rename it the Cat Craft Room, since nothing gets done without him being involved.
Pamela Gurganus
Not one thing has made me mad today! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Why can’t my mum load the dishwasher ‘properly’? I like straight lines & am very practical while mum’s brain works in a higgledy-piggledy way (she calls it being ‘creative’) and, much like her cooking, she tends to chuck everything in & hopes for the best & then can’t understand why the handles keep breaking off mugs etc. AGH!
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today is going to worship! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Every second Monday is our ‘dirty’ bin collection day (as opposed to the ‘clean’, ie recycling bin) & on the Sunday I always get a great kick out of collecting all the dirty rubbish in the house & wheeling the bin down the lane to the road. In fact on Sunday 21st Sept, which was my birthday, the best thing was putting out the dirty bin – it almost felt like starting another year with a clean slate! Ah, if life were only that simple! And anyway, what kind of person finds happiness in putting the bin out? What an odd person I must be!
jeanette sheets
so far nothing had made me mad today! but give it time lol!
jeanette sheets
waking up to another beautiful day !seeing my kids smile
my husband and I were baking together.
angie lilly
Today I am mad, AGAIN, due to a CSR not paying attention to my original email. It gets so tiring having to repeat oneself because people are not paying attention or don’t even bother to read what you have emailed them and just shoot off a useless form letter response that doesn’t help at all to address your issues. grrr!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because the sun is shining and hubby is home and we are going to work on his haunt outside again today. Going to be a great day!
Cathy French
Waking up to cat vomit on me in bed made me mad today
Nothing made me mad yet today…but let’s give it a little more time. It’s only 7:30 AM. HA!
When I woke up, my son wanted to cuddle with me. He’s getting to be too old for that, so getting to snuggle for another day made me happy!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the CPU for making constant noise.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I got to sleep til 11am on this rainy Sunday.
Dawn G
What made me mad today? Nothing serious, just thinking about challenges and how life just isn’t fair!
Dawn G
What made me happy today was my golden retriever curling up next to me while he took a nap. Such a sweetie!
margaret franksduncan
I’m happy today to have woke for a nuther day(0:
Sarah L
I am happy to see all the beautiful trees. This has been the nicest fall that I can remember. No mad/sad today
Michelle H.
My computer crashed and that made me mad.
Got really angry at myself today – did something stupid that could have been costly. I was digging in the garden so decided to take my rings off just in case. I had them safe in my hat but dropped my hat on the way back to the house & lost all 3 gold/diamond rings, including my Mum’s eternity ring. Found one & scoured the path, piles of leaves, even up to my armpit down the drain searching for the others. Thankfully, even though I felt like screaming at myself, I didn’t give up & found Mum’s ring in some shrubbery & the other had rolled under the car. Phew! It’s not just the monetary value, but I’d never have forgiven myself if I hadn’t found Mum’s ring.
Very warm (for the time of year) but wild out – great for walking one very happy dog in the forest!
Cathy French
My interaction with customer service at SavingStar this morning made me very mad. The last two people I interacted with were more than helpful but this last rep needs a refresher course in good customer service.
Cathy French
Waking up early today to actually get some things done made me very happy today
Marta K
It made (and it still is) me headache trying to work at home when everyone’s here. It just impossible
angie lilly
Today I am mad because my mom, once again, made it all about her, even while I was CRYING on the phone needing support, she turned it around to her issues. I just want to scream! I am more mad at myself for expecting her to be there for me, even after 41 years of lessons learned.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I get to go shopping for freebies tonight! LOL I LOVE getting stuff for free!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at my man for wanting to waste money on Nintendo.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to know I could return Amazon item for free and could also get a refund for it.
Erica Barnes
My mom’s dog made all of us mad earlier tonight when she woke up and came downstairs, then proceeded to bark nonstop. Glad I was still up!
Erica Barnes
Winning tickets to an event made me happy today.
Nothing really made me MAD today, but my husband had to go to work tonight even though it was his day off. It made me upset even though I understood. 🙁
Today at 3:00 my fall break started. I get to be home with my kids for a whole week. That made me happy!
Mad today? Well, more fed up than angry. Managed to get some gardening done & was all hot, sweaty & muddy & looking forward to a really hot shower when we had a powercut. No power means no water as we have our own well with an electric pump. Power came back 3 hours later by which time I was cold, dry & still muddy! Madly catching up on emails & cooking in case it goes again – we’re expecting more gales & the powerlines are over ground, so all it takes is 1 fallen branch/tree & the whole area is out! Isn’t modern technology wonderful!
Feeling tons better so happy days! It’s always the little things, isn’t it?
What made me mad today? So far, nothing! lol (Knock on wood!)
angie lilly
Today I am mad because I emailed a company with some issues from a retail location and specifically requested that they NOT call me and only correspond via email or USPS mail because my phone is a pay-as-you-go. They forced me to leave a phone number or I could not submit the form. Guess what? They called me rather than email me. HUFF! Attention to detail people! Now I am madder than I was when I originally contacted you!
Today I was so happy to get a book I ordered from Amazon in the mail! 🙂
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because my vet called me to let me know that the food that I buy from them now comes in a larger bag that will save me $17 every time I buy food! It really is the small things that make me smile! LOL
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad my flowers are dead.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I won a series I’ve always wanted to read.
Pamela Gurganus
My TV show wasn’t on today. That made me mad! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Gurganus
Nothing made me mad today! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today is my husband bought me a candle! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Why is it that some people seem to lose whatever grasp they had on reality when in a supermarket? Honestly, shopping should be: write a list, go in, get the goods, pay & go home. But no, they wander around in a daze, with all the time in the world! Makes me feel like shaking them!
Happiness is coming home from a Pilates class & soaking in a hot bath with candles & bubbles up to my boobs!
Michelle H.
I am getting mad about getting calls from bill collectors for someone who had my phone number years ago. The same people keep calling me.
Michelle H.
Someone I care about got engaged last night and that makes me happy.
Kimberley Thomas
Super Excited and Thanks for sponsoring!
Sarah L
I’m just happy to be home from house sitting. Doing all the little things I’ve missed. No mad/sad today.
Pamela Gurganus
Not one thing has made me mad or unhappy today! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today is that it is finally cooler here in central Florida! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Dijah W
It’s 10 am and my son is finished his school work. That makes me VERY happy! lol I love the easy days.
angie lilly
Today I am mad because a certain social sharing site has once again given me a task to complete in hardly any time at all. They send me 12 samples of something and expect me to share all 12 samples with 12 different people and take a picture of each share and yet they give me less than a week to complete the task! That is JUST crazy! OH well, their loss and they will hear about it, as it is NOT my fault I can’t do it.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because it is the last day I am dog sitting for my friend. I love her dog and, thru the loss of my fur baby this week, it has been a nice distraction to get out of the house, but I am growing tired of it cutting into the middle of every day. LOL Guess that is why I am a cat owner eh? LOL
Chris O
‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
My special needs son learn how to make fart noises with his mouth & arm today. 🙂
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at people with a wrong definition as unreasonable fear of ebola.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m received position review on a project I’m managing at work.
Esperanza Gailliard
Hi Connie: I just love coming over here to your blog. It is always so relaxing and fun!
Esperanza Gailliard
I was happy to speak with my husband today but very angry that his family is so negative against us being happy! But life goes on.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad today was myself. I need to not give so much advice. I need to install a zipper on the lipper! My mother always said you never learn anything if you keep talking. I need to learn to listen.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today was I have searched for about a week now for different important papers I need to take to an attourney. I finally found the one that has me pulling my hair out. So happy.
Sarah L
I am very HAPPY today because I just got an email saying I won a Vitamix blender.
No sad/mad today.
My husband had the day off so we spent it together
Michelle S
So far, nothing has made me mad today!
Michelle S
I’m very happy that the rain is over and we’ll have slightly cooler and dryer weather.
stephanie landeros
Thank you so much for the giveaway, I would love to win! The thing that made me happy today was waking up to my little guy singing his ABC’s to me!
Tammy Woodall
I’m mad – just found out I’ve torn a ligament in my leg.
Michelle H.
I had a surprise visit from a family member yesterday and that made me happy.
Cathy French
Right after I emptied out the kitty litter box, she went in and I had to do it all over again. Kinda made me mad, I would be lying if I didn’t also think it was a little funny. What a brat.
Cathy French
I slept in this morning. That made me very happy indeed.
angie lilly
Today I am angry because I am having a pity party for myself. I am so angry at the world right now for taking my two fur babies away from me in such quick succession. It is just not fair that I should have to hurt this much. I just want to hit something.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because we got our house decorated for Halloween and I just love it! It makes me smile everytime I walk into our bedroom and see the lights and decor!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! I’m mad at somebody who spreads untrue rumor about me.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! I’m happy I donated some money to a dog shelter today.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad today was the fact that I totally forgot my doctor appointment. Like who does that. I felt so dumb. Called apologized and rescheduled. Think I am just getting a little forgetful.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today was that my niece had her baby girl and everything went well. She has had a few complications so we were kinda worried. That little one is definitely a keeper.
Bertha Wilson
Not one thing made me mad today. I usually don’t get mad and if I do it’s for a short time. But everything was Good today and went well for me!
Bertha Wilson
My husband and I got all our wood for winter finished today and now we get to visit my sister for the week-end!!! She lives in Tennessee on a farm and we LOVE to go there!!
My husband got bad news at work that made me MAD.
My kids both had great days at school – that made me HAPPY
I got to see my parents.
I was a bit upset because of the rain and the humidity that my hair did not stay straight.
Hanging out some washing this morning I saw some swallows – thought they’d all upped & left for the winter – beautiful sight!
Michelle S
The never ending rain is making me a little mad today.
Michelle S
A quiet evening is making me happy today.
Sarah L
I was happy to be home from house sitting and to spend the whole day at home. No gripes.
Um? Nothing really made me mad today. Thank you for this chance to win.
Talking to a friend that I haven’t talked to in a long time made me happy.
Cathy French
Made a quick trip to the grocery store today to get in on some special deals before the prices went up tomorrow. Made me very happy to get 68% discount.
Michelle H.
The weather is finally cooling down a little bit and that makes me happy.
angie lilly
Today I am angry because I have to walk in the rain to let out my friend’s dog at noon and I have to talk to my insurance company about how I haven’t lost any weight. Both are just down right annoying.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because hubby is home with me and I don’t have to be alone after all that happened yesterday. So thankful!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at my old fashioned boss.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy my puppy is keeping my mom company when I’m away.
Michelle S
Nothing made me mad today. Not a thing!
Michelle S
I had a fabulous day! That made me happy!
Sarah L
I’m happy that I finished my house/dogs sitting and I get to sleep in my own bed tonight. No sad/mad today.
Ally W.
Waking up to my sweet new kitten curled up sleeping on my chest absolutely made my day this morning. Definitely made it difficult to want to get out of bed though!
Dawn Keenan
It’s my only grandchild’s birthday today. He has just turned five, and is the apple of my eye. I am especially happy to be sampling the ice cream sandwich cake that my daughter is preparing for him. Yum!
This morning I worked it out that by being in bed & unable to get out & about, I’ve probably saved about $200 in shopping & petrol etc. Silver linings, eh?
Not only did I have to fork out money I couldn’t afford to get the septic tank emptied (we live in the middle of nowhere so aren’t connected to the national water system & have our own well) but as it was leaving the tanker clipped the guttering so now THAT has to be fixed as well – I’m hopping mad, well would be if I was well enough to get out of bed. Actually typing all of this has helped a bit – phew!
Michelle H.
Listening to some items in the news made me mad.
Michelle H.
I am happy that some of my family is coming over today.
Not happy about the fact that my hair is not going the way I would like.
I had a great lunch.
As I said, my son was sick today so he had to stay home from school. Which means he missed his field trip to the pumpkin patch. That made me sad…not exactly mad, but 🙁
My kids had the stomach bug today. While I still had to stay home from work because my son was still sick, at least he’s not throwing up anymore! That made me HAPPY!
Pamela Gurganus
Nothing had made me mad yet today! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today is my cat, Elroy, woke me up with all kinds of purring love! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
angie lilly
Today I am angry because I have to say goodbye to my fur baby, Marilyn. She is 17 years old and has had a long and happy life, but it is never easy to say goodbye, especially after saying goodbye to another fur baby only a few short weeks ago. I am just overwhelmed with grief and rage at the world today.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I have a partner in life who is truly my best friend. I am so blessed to have him in my life. He is my rock.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at my man for whining about his blood test for hours.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I succeeded in changing my hair style from long to super short.
Diane K. Brimmer
Something that made me mad today well I seem to be doing pretty good in this department since I prided myself in never being mad. Today it would be my son! I would love to give him a swirly even if he is 26 years old. I gave him life and today I could probably take it away. He has so much mouth! He will never learn to respect older people’s feelings and except we are doing the best that we can! They are staying with us for now and I explained earlier in my other ? how i will be grateful for water. He is ranting and raving about not having water. for 400. a month and I babysit their daughter, I don’t think he has much to say. Wow! I’m sorry Connie, but you did ask!
Diane K. Brimmer
What has made me happy today is that I think we are finally going to get water after not having it all day. We had the hot water heater go out so he was fixing that when we lost the water, so I am pretty excited to get the water back. You never realize how much you are dependent on something till you don’t have it.
Nancy C
Today I got a little mad because my kids both have colds and it seems like this illness will never end! Not mad at them of course, mad at the virus!!
Nancy C
Today I was happy that I got to sleep in. It doesn’t happen very often for a mother of 2 under 3!
Sarah L
Happy that I got to sleep in. Sad that it’s a gray, rainy day.
Michelle S
Nothing has made me mad today, but there’s still time. 🙂
Michelle S
It made me happy to sleep in today!
Maddening: I found a flea in my bed today AND the cat likes to sleep in the airing cupboard so they could be all over the sheets & towels etc. Wasn’t there an old movie called ‘That Darned Cat’? He’s definitely in the bad books today.
Still ill & feeling so tired – the sun was shinging & all I could see was the dust & cobwebs I haven’t got around to dusting yet. So frustrating.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the fact that all restaurants are closed on Sunday, the only day I’ve time for them.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’ve had a nice birthday party at a friends with tiramisu.
Lisa L.
Mad? Fleas on my cats.
Lisa L.
Happy? Good coffee in the morning. I added a little of this and a little of that and 2 different kinds of coffee and it came out tasting like a good fresh donut. Yum!
All of the young kids in Sunday School came up to sing a song to start the church service today. That made me happy. 🙂
Marta K
My work is finally gaining some form and it motivates me more!
Not so happy is that I am a bit tired.
What made me happy was the enjoyable evening last night with friends.
Cathy French
Another in and out of sleepless night made me mad this morning. Tonight I’m taking a sleeping pill for sure.
Cathy French
My boyfriend making his venison chili made me very happy today.
This morning I had 2 hours to myself. Then Rafflecopter wasn’t working!
It made me happy to know that today is Sunday. Both my kids are sick, so we stayed home from church and just relaxed.
Alesha Lane
I am happy as we went to stock up on meow supplies yesterday w sales, coupons I saved r abt 90.00 I just have a feeling it’s going to be a rough winter and want to be prepared.
Alesha Lane
I am unhappy as my daughter is in so much pain from a broken fractured foot, the Dr did not call Fri, so she has had to wait the weekend in pain, just wait till Monday when this momma let’s loose!!!! Grrr
angie lilly
Today I am a bit angry because of the weather. It is gorgeous now, but it is supposed to get cloudy and maybe rain later. grrr!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because hubby is home and we are going to start building his home haunt for the year! WOO HOO!
Seyma Shabbir
My son made me mad today. In swimming he was playing around and jumping on another kid.
Seyma Shabbir
I was happy that hubby took me out for date lunch today.
Michelle H.
Cooking for my family and enjoying their company made me happy today.
Tanya White
It;s the weekend and I have nothing to do but relax that made me happy today.
Sarah L
Had a fun time working on the chorus library with friends. I was happy to help.
Nothing mad/sad today.
Michelle S
I was mad that there were rude people with large dogs in the SMALL dog park today; especially when one of the large dog areas was completely empty. 🙁
Michelle S
It made me happy that I’ve been so productive today!
I do not like that my hair didn’t turn out the way I wanted today.
Our septic tank overflowed last night after all the heavy rain & gales we’ve had recently so human waste etc on the lawn – yeuch! Cost about $300 to have it emptied – could have done without that so close to Christmas!
Cathy French
When boyfriend came home from work we sat and talked about our day and plans for the weekend, always makes me happy spending time with my soul mate
It’s a glorious Autumn day today – sunshine with a bit of a chill in the air & that smell of damp leaves – mmm!
Kelly Kimmell
Waking up with an earache from this darn ear infection made me mad today:(
angie lilly
Today I am mad because I am finding out that some of my oldest friends just can NOT be counted on for anything that does not involve having fun. It is sad, but I fear most of my friends are total narcissists! ugh.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because last night we got with some friends we had not seen in nearly a year. We had a blast and I am still smiling about it!
I am mad that my husband had to work almost all last night and he isn’t even on call GRR. Now he is asleep and I can’t spend time with him.
What makes me happy today is being able to watch Youtube videos without commercials on the Chromecast and not having to “make” the Wii work. I shall take it in the yard and beat it up like they did to the copier in “Office Space”.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at the fact that winter is coming soon and everything is so cold.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! We took our dog to the beach today and she was so happy.
Michelle H.
Today is my little boy’s birthday and he makes me happy.
Tanya White
I woke up this morning feeling better, I have been sick all week so that’s why I am happy.
I didn’t really get mad today? I am sure the people driving in the rain will make me mad in a few minutes when I go grocery shopping.
What made me happy is learning that they may have a Labyrinth 2 in production!!!!
Diane K. Brimmer
I guess today I could say I might have been mad for a few minutes for the first time in years. I am just so sick of the callers asking how I am going to vote. Oh I forgot I thought we still got to vote behind a curtain. I didn’t know I was on a spot light to announce to everyone how I vote. Wow I guess I am definitely mad!
Diane K. Brimmer
Tonight all my little ladies are coming over for a sleep over at grandma’s house. Not sure what kinda movie we will watch as they range from 12 to 2yrs old. I do know we will have a blast in this house with 8 girls!
Michelle S
Nothing has made me made today. I’m in a fantastic mood!
Michelle S
A beautiful day has made me happy today!
Gabrielle Compolongo
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy today because I feel healthy! It doesn’t always happen everyday but today is a good day!
Finally got a problem with the bank sorted and in my favour – I knew I was right – girl power!
Still ill in bed & so frustrated. Grr, it’s maddening AND it’s only October …
Sarah L
I was happy to get an email saying I won a $25 GC to Safeway. I’m a bit unhappy that it’s chilly and cloudy, but then I’m spoiled here in Colorado.
Marta K
Little arguments during the day
It is friday.
Sonya Sparks
I was really mad today because I had to ask off from work to accept a delivery from Fed Ex. How Silly!
Sonya Sparks
Honestly, what made me happy was my daughter saying her locker was messy. I’m glad that she noticed and that she had a plan mapped out to clean it out for herself. She’s becoming so self reliant!
angie lilly
I got mad today when my mother, once again, turned the conversation back to herself when I was trying to vent about some personal issues. I really needed a sounding board but she couldn’t be that for me. I honestly don’t know why I keep trying.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I am getting with friends I have not seen in over a year for dinner tonight! Should be a blast!
Olesia Flegka
It’s Friday! That;s why I ‘m happy today:)) Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at a stranger who praises his prophet/religion and puts down others.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I had a good sleep last night and woke up this morning feeling refreshed.
Alesha Lane
DH and i went to a concert a couple of nights ago, nice, so even though we haven’t bed getting along, we can still get along, if that makes sense
Alesha Lane
I feel sick, so it has been rough, ugh
Pamela Gurganus
My neighbors upstairs made me mad today. They’re too loud! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today is my husband surprised me with flowers! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Michelle H.
My family makes me happy.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me disappointed today was the fact that my daughter in law would like to have a house that is turn key home. With the budget they have, they can’t afford that kinda home. I think she is really kinda unrealistic. I love her to death but I think they need to rethink what it is that they really want.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today is going to look at houses with my son and daughter in law. So much potential in some of the houses we looked at. I really love the one house they looked at. Wish we had found one that nice.
I was able to sleep in.
Tammy Woodall
I got mad today when I went to pick something up and my thumb nail flipped back – very painful.
Nothing made me feel particularly happy or mad today – ill in bed with a chest infection & back on steroids & antibiotics. Feeling a bit sorry for myself! Poop!
Um what made me mad today? Nothing as of yet but I am sure it will be something dumb my cat does. He is being super annoying lately, and begging for treats like 5 minutes after I already gave them to him and then that gets the other cats going.
I was happy that my husband didn’t have to go into the office today and got to stay home with me. That always cheers me up.
Cathy French
My first cup of coffee this morning made me very happy today. Have been waking up with headaches lately and the caffeine helps.
angie lilly
Something that made me angry today is my hubby keeps shoving the empty toilet paper rolls into a crack in the wall (our drywall is down right now) rather than taking them to the recycle bin. He thinks he is being cute but it is getting annoying. LOL
angie lilly
Today I am happy because our fur baby, Gus, is back home with us forever. Hubby picked up his ashes last night from the vet’s office. I was very happy with the urn they chose and the engraving of his name on the brass plate. I was also very touched that there was a card with his paw print on it and a clump of his hair. It may seem morbid, but it really means a lot to me to have a part of him with me like that.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad when some colleague asked if my national language is Chinese even though he knows I’m not Chinese. Westerners assume all Asians are Chinese.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! My effort was acknowledged today at work by boss. Hard work has paid off.
Lunch with a friend made me happy today.
My tween got mad for no reason this afternoon. Perhaps lack of sleep, i don’t know. His sass made me mad, I tried really hard to not show him how upset I was and in response I went to him and gave him a big huge hug.
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! What made me happy today is that my little came running up to me when I came home from work and gave me a kiss. She was so happy to see me.
Michelle H.
I was happy that I got some things done today that needed to get done.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me not mad but sad was my x-rays came back it shows that I have shrinking tissue between my vertebras and had quite a bit of arthritis in my spine and hips. Now hope that some physical therapy will help.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today was my blood tests came back all okay. That is really great news to me. My x-rays came back as well and that was the one thing I was worried about but it wasn’t as bad as I was prepared for.
Pamela Gurganus
Nothing made me mad today. Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today was spending the day at the beach. Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance!
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! This would be great. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
What made me happy today is waking up with my kitty purring beside of me. That always cheers me up.
I was mad/upset that my husband had to go into work today and he wasn’t supposed to go in. Oh well.
What made me happy today was waking up with my kitty purring beside of me. That always cheers me up.
Marta K
The conversation with my professor about the thesis went smoothly and was very good.
Cathy French
Receiving a knock at the door at 9am is not usually something that would make me happy however today it was from Federal Express delivering a prize pack I won. Made me very happy.
I’ve got another chest infection – so frustrating Kicking myself – grr!
I got a cheque in the post today for €50 (Euros) – totally unexpected & certainly put a smile on my face. Every little helps, right?
angie lilly
Today I am mad because the FedEx guy didn’t even bother to knock on the door. I didn’t even know I had a delivery on my porch until I got an email from FedEx saying my package had been delivered! LAZY!!!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I received a prize pack in the mail that totally exceeded my expectations on what I thought I won. LOVE THAT!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy the meeting was finally over and I could have some good food for lunch.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at a 2-hour long meeting at work.
Sarah L
I was happy that it was another beautiful day and I liked that I had a bunch of tomatoes to take to the nurses. Not exactly mad, but sad that I had to go in for my infusion. Great nurses.
Jan Lee
Today was a day I had to go shopping for household supplies. I first went to Target and they were out of Shout which I had coupons for sooooo I couldn’t get it there and get my Redcard discount on top of the coupons. Nevertheless I went to Walmart to get the Shout and some other supplies. I usually use one of the electric carts because of my MS. Well there were no carts available so I had to walk thru the store. I plotted my route to make it the easiest possible and get out of there quickly. In the checkout lane, the woman behind me was creeping up slowly and shoving her items on the belt so I could not stand by the register and watch the prices. I was very annoyed but didn’t say anything until… the cashier asked me to swipe my credit card and I couldn’t even get to the machine because bossy pants behind me was standing right in front of it. I said to the cashier well I’d like to do that but this lady seems to be frantic about crowding the register, I guess she wants to pay for my order. This lady looked at me and said…. Most people would say “excuse me”, I said well I’m not most people and I give the person ahead of me room to complete their order!! She was just a B**** lolll That’s what made me mad today!
Jan Lee
My assistant was able to get out and get all my laundry done, which made me very happy today 😉 Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance.
Michelle H.
Some controversial calls from umpires in the baseball game I was watching made me a little mad.
Michelle H.
A nice phone call from my mom made me happy today.
What made me mad today was hearing a noise outside & finding the crows had pulled my bin to bits. My own fault as I’d left the lid open, got distracted & forgot about it. Nearly an hour picking up the bits – yeuch!
Just got back from choir practise & I’m loving it! Happy days!
Diane K. Brimmer
I wouldn’t say it made me mad but it took me a long time to really enjoy our fall season here in Michigan. Don’t get me wrong it is absolutely gorgeous here. But to me everything was dying and next came winter. Our winters are long and hard. I have come to embrace our season’s and see the beauty through the dormant season’s.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today was one of the first sunny days we have had in a few weeks and it was so beautiful. Our trees are starting to change color as well and it is just breath taking. I love the fall season in all it’s beauty.
I am not thrilled about the fact that I had to drive someplace that is about an hour away–waste gas and time and money and not do anything.
I am thrilled it is a beautiful day.
Cathy French
Finding what should be in a litter box instead was in the basement laundry room made me mad today. Kitties are sometimes leaving me little gifts where they shouldn’t be. Makes me mad.
Cathy French
Waking up and seeing my two beautiful kitties waiting for breakfast made me happy this morning.
angie lilly
I am mad today because people don’t pay attention to detail and make me repeat myself. It makes me NUTS! I emailed my veterinarian requesting they hold me TWO bags of the food my cats eat. She confirmed she was holding back ONE bag of food. I wrote her back reiterating that I needed TWO bags and asking AGAIN if she had TWO bags for me. She confirmed that she did and would hold them both for me. Why didn’t she confirm two the first time? Not paying attention to detail. This is just one example of things that happen at this office and just about every office/retail place I deal with on a daily basis. Its like workers are just zombies or something. It is so frustrating to have my time wasted.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I am spending the day with my hubby getting ready for his home haunt! 😀 Fun, fun, fun!
Dorothy Boucher
One this that made me happy today is looking on facebook at some pictures of my grandchildren, I am truly blessed……….
Gina H.
What made me mad today was not getting everything done because of my back pain.
Gina H.
Seeing my nieces made me very happy.
amy deeter
my children always makes me happy to see them
Alesha Lane
KC Royals postseason baby!!
Alesha Lane
I am angry about a meeting we had at the school on Friday am..so very angry! !
Stuck in traffic made me mad today.
Playing with my dog made me happy today.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! I’m mad at a colleague at work when he’s always trying to open a conversation at the least convenient time.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I’m having a not-so-depressing Tuesday.
Seyma Shabbir
What made me mad today was having a migraine.
Seyma Shabbir
I had a great day with my youngest son and saw my parents today!
Sherry S
What made me mad today was my toothache!
Sherry S
What made me happy today was seeing my beautiful family. Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Cheryl Abdelnour
fruit flies make me mad when they buzz around me. LOL! ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Cheryl Abdelnour
I talked to my son and several sisters today. Very Happy. ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Diane K. Brimmer
I can’t say as I was mad but I was kinda upset today I had to have X-rays of my spine and hip area because of the acute pain I am in and by the time I was done with all the X-rays I could hardly stand up let alone walk out of the hospital.
Diane K. Brimmer
My sister in law who is a real no kill advocate has mice coming in her house. She started out live trapping them and putting them out the door. Well I told her she would be sorry, she will come back with a vengeance. Well she did and brought the whole family. Now she is using real mouse traps. She just though one out the front door and my brother just happened to be standing there. He jumped about 6 feet in the air. LOL!
Michelle H.
I am happy that to watch my baseball team in the playoffs.
A beautiful Autumn day today after fierce gales yeaterday & all last night. Had to walk the fields looking for my washing off the line & am still missing some socks – but hey ho, lots to be thankful for.
Absolutely nothing made me mad today – this is such a great idea Connie – really makes me grateful for what I have (red tape & govt. depts. excepted!).
Dawn Keenan
This might sound silly, but my son got up on time, and I didn’t have to nag him one time.
What made me upset today is the trigger point pain of fibromyalgia.
The weather is perfect for a fall day.
Tammy Woodall
‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
angie lilly
I am mad today because our neighbor’s cat will NOT stay out of our yard. We have a natural habitat yard and enjoy all the wildlife but my irresponsible neighbors let their cat roam free all day long and, of course, he is attracted to our yard! Hubby sat outside for about an hour yesterday trying to douse the cat with the garden hose to hopefully deter him from coming back, but the little booger never came out of our wildflower patch. GRRR! I LOVE cats! I have four of my own! But outside cats that are not feral are NOT OK for the cat or the rest of us!
angie lilly
I am happy today because I just had a really good weekend with hubby and he is off tomorrow too! Yay!
Pamela Gurganus
There’s not one thing that’s made me mad today! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! Thanks for the chance.
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today is it’s my birthday! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited I hope I win! Thanks for the chance.
Venn Ned
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
The sun rays made me happy today!
Olesia Flegka
A little autumn makup haul made me quite happy today!))
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
traci Williams
Thank you Kelly for the idea!! PLEASE READ- because Google thinks short comments are spam, please copy and paste these short lines, or add your own sentences to your answer- ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at Mondays, I always am. Such a depressing day of the week!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to have won 2 prizes today.
Sarah L
I was happy to return to chorus rehearsals for the season and to see all my friends. Nothing made me unhappy today.
Today I was watching TV. I am so frustrated by the commercials on TV. They are either offensive or have the worst “music” possible. I have to mute the entire commercial segment. Ugh.
Today I stayed home and was able to spend a lot of time in my pool. It was wonderful!!
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad today was my son has two really big dogs that moved in with us as well as him, his wife and our granddaughter. Well I don’t have very big feet, size 6 1/2 to be precise. I let all the dogs out to do their thing. Jake the golden retriever never tails to manage to step right on my foot and tear out while on it. I have a very pretty purple foot. LOL!
Diane K. Brimmer
Had a real nice time at my daughter’s birthday party. They celebrated her and her daughters birthday. They had soup bar. I never went to one before and it was great. Clam Chowder, Cheesy Veggie soup and Chicken noodle.
Michelle H.
My kids wanted to celebrate our dog’s birthday today and it was cute.
Pamela Gurganus
Not one thing made me mad today! It’s been a beautiful and peaceful day.
Pamela Gurganus
One thing that made me happy today are our much cooler temperatures here in central Florida! Thank you for this awesome giveaway opportunity! Good luck to all those who are entering! 🙂
Erica Barnes
I got mad today when I started showing signs of accidentally eating gluten. Not fun!
Erica Barnes
I was happy spending time with my mom and our new neighbor.
Went to the kitchen early this morning to put the kettle on & stood in a regurgitated mouse IN MY BARE FEET! Ugh! That darned cat!
I had the house to myself all day so I sang my head off & danced with the cat!
What made me happy is the sleeping in just a wee beit more today.
What made me upset was the aches I have due to a health issue.
Deanna Middendorf
Hahaha! Ok, what made me mad was waking up with a stinking headache and no motivation on my first day off in 3 weeks.
Deanna Middendorf
I was made happy today was having my first day off in 3 weeks! Now I sit here and can’t get motivated to do a dang thing but play on the computer. Thanks for the awesome blog!
Marilyn Nawara
No one has made me mad today — I try not to get mad unless it’s something really worth being mad about.
Marilyn Nawara
My son calling me to thank me again for his birthday present made me happy.
Cathy French
I kinda let the dishes pile up this weekend and was extremely happy to wake up and find that my boyfriend did them all for me. Last night I was dreading waking up to a sinkfull of dirty dishes but we made my day!
angie lilly
Something that made me mad today was that RIGHT after I cleaned up a pile of cat puke, the cat puked again! GRRR!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I got to have fun helping my hubby make a cooking video for his Youtube Vlog account! It was fun!
rochelle haynes
Thanks for the giveaway!!!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win! I’m mad to realize that tomorrow is again a long hard week.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to be reading with acoustic music in the background.
Michelle S
I was so happy that I didn’t have much that I HAD to do today!
Michelle S
I was so mad that I couldn’t sleep at all last night. I’ve been dragging all day!
What made me happy today? My sons and my grandchildren.
I’m ill and the substitute doctor @ my doctor’s office would not order the medicine I needed. They told me to go to the Immediate Care center. I’ve had this illness for 33 years and know the medicine I need but they refused. It was not like it was a dangerous or illegal and only needed enough until my doctor is back in on Monday. I’m an R.N. and have medical knowledge but the nurse was nasty. I was ANGRY!
Christina Sparks
I had some guy cut me off today, making me mad.
Christina Sparks
Old friends that stopped by today, that we haven’t seen in awhile.
Michelle H.
Thanks for the giveaway. Cooking a nice meal for my family is making me happy right now.
Diane K. Brimmer
Oh my what made me mad today was the leaves from the walnut trees keep getting tracked into the house. I sweated and mopped the floor today and everyone who comes in tracks the leaves in. In all fairness to them it is raining and they stick to you shoes and you don’t even know it.
Diane K. Brimmer
Today got a visit from my daughter & son in law, and the two girls. It was so nice to have them pop in and come for a visit. I was able to give my daughter and one granddaughter their birthday gifts. Morgan was born on her mother’s birthday! Makes it even more special.
Alesha Lane
My family arguing like a bunch of spoiled children making me mad, esp when I don’t feel well, grrrr
Alesha Lane
Waking up made me happy
Today, as i have felt terrible lately
Sarah L
Got email saying I won a $100 GC to Drugstore.com – happy dance. No complaints today.
angie lilly
One thing that made me mad today was that a Facebook friend’s account got suspended because she had a fake name. I lost my name on Facebook over a year ago for the same reason and have harbored anger and resentment toward Facebook ever since. I will always be Tofu Fairy and my friend will always be the username she created. I hate that making money is more important to Facebook than its users safety. I don’t know of any other social media company that puts greed ahead of safety the way that Facebook does.
angie lilly
I am happy today because I got to go to the Ohio Gourd Show and go shopping at Big Lots for their 20% off day! LOL It is the little things!
Nothing made me mad today – even Pinterest sorted out my log-in problem!
Happy days! My Dad (81), after months of radiotherapy, got behind the wheel & took us for a drive!
What is not making me happy is that some in my family seem grumpy today
I was able to do some returns.
My family makes me happy! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Cathy French
what has already made me mad today was the 2 hang up calls I got this morning. Not only was it early morning but I keep getting these hang up calls.
Cathy French
I’m usually overwhelmed in the morning trying to figure out what to take out of the freezer for dinner but not today. I was very happy to know I have bagged dinners that don’t need defrosting. Makes for a happy saturday dinner. Very happy today.
georgie c
My little kitten 5 weeks old made me happy today he’s just the sweetest. Thanks for the chance!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad since the bicycle does not work properly for today’s adventure.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to have a relaxing Saturday with pastries and tea.
Christina G.
Hot flashes made me mad today, LOL. Thanks for the giveaway!
Christina G.
What made me happy today is that I got enough sleep. Thanks for the giveaway!
Sarah L
Happy to see the sun and find out that it didn’t frost overnight. My arm hurts where I got my flu shot.
Michelle S
Coming home to a house that smelled like a campfire (microwave fire) made me a little mad today.
Michelle S
My amazing workout made me happy today.
Tammy Woodall
It’s Friday and its raining, that means a lot of traffic. 🙁
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Michelle H.
I was mad at myself this morning for losing one of my new contact lenses.
Michelle H.
I had fun with my family today.
Lisa L.
Happy? Some brownies w/cream cheese icing.
Diane K. Brimmer
Not sure this should be considered as being mad either but I am afraid my daughter in law was admit about getting even that she drug my son out to the car and they went on into town. Oh what have I done!
Diane K. Brimmer
I don’t know if this would be considered as making me happy but it did make me laugh. We have mice coming in because of the cold weather and the farm. My daughter in law has just about had it. Well I went to town and saw in the halloween deco. a fake mouse. I set it in the back room next to some can goods and she failed to see my sense of humor.
Lisa L.
Mad—Them dang ants are invading my home!
Cathy French
What made me mad today was unsuccessfully able to redeem rebates via SavingStar. Don’t know if its a technical error or what but very frustrated.
Cathy French
The forecast for today was stormy so I was very happy when the sun came out so I could go grocery shopping without getting soaked.
Marta K
I got an okay amount of work done 🙂
Mad: still no response from Pinterest – ha! Why aren’t I surprised?
Today I dropped my wallet in a crowded supermarket – a teenage girl had handed it in. The manager insisted she left her phone number so I was able to thank her personally. It contained my parents’ pensions that I’d just collected from the post office as well as my cards & cash. So very grateful to S.B. in Gorey, Co. Wexford.
Being with my husband.
I was upset that a baking treat I was making wasn’t quite right.
angie lilly
Today I am mad because a person I don’t even know in real life on Facebook emailed me and asked me to stop posting so much and to specifically take down a post that I really enjoyed sharing. I thought this was very rude. If you don’t like a person’s feed, either unfriend them or hide their feed. It is not your place to tell someone they share too much on their OWN WALL!
angie lilly
Today I am happy because it is Friday and my hubby is off this weekend. Its going to be sunny and cool and we are going to make a big pot of chili and start decorating for Halloween!
Not winning at bingo tonight made me kind of mad.
Getting a phone call from my daughter away at college made me happy today.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at one pen which suddenly does not work right on the day I’ve so many meetings with only it in my purse.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy it’s finally Friday again.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad? I am not really an angry person so I hardly ever get mad. I might be disgusted or upset but never mad. It has to really be bad for me to be mad. thanks for your awesome giveaways though. Okay I mad I didn’t win the tutus for my granddaughter. LOL!
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today was all the over whelming pour out of love and kindness for my birthday. It has truly meant a great deal to me. Can’t even begin to express my sincere thanks.
Tammy Woodall
It was not a good day. I pulled a muscle in my lower back.
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! It would be great to win. Thanks for the chance! ‘
Michelle H.
I am a little mad that we have to go online each week to print some of my little boy’s homework.
Michelle H.
I am happy that my youngest finished his homework.
Sarah L
I’m happy that the sun is shining and a bit sad that now I have to go outside & pick up 2 days worth of dog poop.
I was none to happy that the sun wasn’t out today.
I had acupuncture today.
What made me “mad” was that nervousness you get when you’re new to a job
What made me glad was my first day at a new job going well!
Cathy French
What made me happy today was when I found some forgotten food in the deep freeze so I would be able to make dinner tonight. I had bought some meat on sale and completely forgot about it until I saw it this morning.
angie lilly
I am mad today because my fur baby, Marilyn, is not doing well. Just last week we lost our fur baby, Gus. I am not ready for this again so soon…
angie lilly
I am happy today because I just won a giveaway for a TON of Lemonheads candy! I will eat some and hubby will eat some and the rest will be given away to trick-or-treaters!
Marta K
I had my second simulator driving lesson 🙂
Olesia Flegka
A present from my friend (a beautiful scarf) made me happy today!
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad for the show I like is canceled today.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I had a good talk with my long-distance friends.
Christy Caldwell
Being able to take a nap today made me very happy!
Thanks for the chance.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad today is I was making my bed and my cat had brought me a present. A dead mouse right in my bed. YUCK! Thanks for killing it but really on my bed! Got love these animals!
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today was that I got to have my birthday lunch with my husband, oldest daughter and her 5 girls. It was so nice to see them. It has been 3 weeks since I saw them and I miss them so bad.
Heather NC81
Getting a check back made me happy and then it bounced made me made, I couldn’t believe it.
angie lilly
Today I am mad because, even after spending over $2000, we still were unable to save my fur baby’s, Gus, life last week. I have gone from being sad to angry to sad to angry and back again and again over this. Its not about the money but the loss despite the money. I would have thrown all the money I had to save him. I am just angry that he got taken away from us YEARS before he should have been.
angie lilly
Today I am happy because I have not yet cried over the loss of our fur baby Gus last Thursday. This is the first day that I have made it so long and not cried.
Life made me happy
Still waiting for some support from Pinterest – seeing red!
Had some guys in to trim our hedge – took them 5 hours (it’s a huge plot). They tidied up & mulched the bits but best of all: they took their shirts off! Sad to say I didn’t get much work done!
Cathy French
Getting a phone call this morning and after I said hello a few times and noone was there all of a sudden an automated voice said good bye. So frustrating getting these calls. Made me mad today.
Cathy French
Waking up knowing it is finally my birthday month made me happy today
misty rose
MY 2 year old using her potty!!~
What made me mad is the pain I have from fibromyalgia is bothering me.
IT is a beautiful day. Kissing my husband.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at an impatient fast food worker who can’t possibly wait 30 seconds for me to decide what I wanted even though I was the only one in the restaurant at the time.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I paint my toe nails a yellow bright color that I wouldn’t usually pick.
Diane K. Brimmer
I can actually say I had something make me mad today! I made a big batch of cookies and was so excited to share them with my family. When they came out they were burnt. Not black but a dark brown and not so pretty. Anyway they must have still been okay because the family wiped them out.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today was spending time with my daughter and having lot of laughs together. She had some work to do on the internet and I have wifi here. I enjoyed the cousins getting to play together.
Feeling unmotivated today made me mad at myself.
Lunch with my son today made me happy.
janetfaye (at) gmail (dot) com
Today my husband ran an errand, in which he needed help. A friend’s son said he would help him and would meet him at the job site. He never showed. My husband had to do all the work himself, and ended up getting really sore because he was alone. I am mad, yet thankful he is okay.
Today I made chocolate Chip Cookies and my husband came home and was so excited. It made me happy.
Michelle S
So far, it’s been a pretty good day, so nothing has made me mad today. Fingers crossed that it stays that way!!!
Michelle S
Sleeping in made me happy today!!!!
Cathy French
what made me mad today was the phone ringing before 6am and when I finally got to it it stopped uggghh
Cathy French
What made me happy today was waking up thinking about all the contest I need to enter today before they expire since it is the end of the month
Seeing next door’s big labrador being chased out of our garden by our little cat this morning made me laugh – he’s such a wimp!
Pinterest STILL won’t let me log in & all I get from their ‘support’ centre is the usual automated guff. Think I’m going to have to go dig in the garden to blow off some steam or I may end up slamming a few doors!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at people who don’t signal to turn while driving.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy I feel pretty and look my best for no reason .
Christian Diaz
What made me mad today? Well it’s a long story but this guy that crashed into my car doesn’t want to pay for it and has appealed to the court. The insurance agent tells me that the appeal will definitely not be granted, but I have a feeling it will, which will probably make this a long and tiring ordeal.
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Today was a very happy day for me. I used my free time to learn new things that will potentially help me in the future and I visited my mother and helped her with some stuff.
Tammy Woodall
It was a gray day. It rained all day and it doesn’t look like its going to stop anytime soon.
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance.
Michelle S
Getting caught in the rain today did not make me happy! Rain, rain, rain and more rain!!!!
Michelle S
‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Kicking butt at the gym today really made me happy!
Julie L
Cuddling with my boys this morning makes me happy! Thanks for the giveaway!
My TMJ is bothering me so it upset me.
IT was beautiful outside before it got cold.
Michelle H.
Nothing has really made me mad today.
Michelle H.
I am happy that I am feeling better than I did yesterday.
I’m mad because my Pinterest a/c won’t let me log in & despite several emails have had no joy. I’ve set up another a/c using another email address but am extremely frustrated. All that work setting up my boards etc. & all down the drain. Grr!
I’ve just got home after trying out a new choir in the local town – not sure if it’s for me, but it was lovely singing my head off! I’m suditioning for another choral group tomorrow night & looking forward to that too.
Diane K. Brimmer
Can’t ever say I was mad but last week my 2 yr old granddaughter came down the stairs, came to my bedside at 6:30 am and said, ” Grandma I would like a popsicle this morning!.” I said Not at 6:30 your not!”. She said “Well did you wake up ornery this morning or peppy? I think ornery, so you better go back to bed after you get me a popsicle!.”
Diane K. Brimmer
I got to spend the hole day with just my husband. It was really nice spending the day together by ourselves. It is so important to still have time together alone. Date each other once in a while before you get lost in life, careers and family.
Marta K
I’m a little bit closer to get my driver’s license as I passed the teoric part today.
Nancy C
This might sound petty, but it made me mad that my hubby kept hitting the snooze button this AM and so everytime it went off it woke me up. I’m a grumpy guss if I don’t get enough sleep!!
Nancy C
Having my AM cup of coffee made me happy today. Sometimes it’s just the little things! ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
My granddaughter ROLLED OVER!! ☺☻☺
Don Balboa
I don’t get angry. (Or I RARELY get angry.) I’m supposed to keep an ‘anger journal’, but it’s pretty empty.
Don Balboa
Giving a homeless person $2 then he look me in the face and said “take care mate” made me happy.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad at people sneezing without covering their mouths. Gross!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to have a start of the week on a sunny morning.
Pat Nolan
What made me mad was the beautiful weather should continue tomorrow and I have to work
Pat Nolan
The 80+ degree weather we had today
Sue E
What mad me mad was the Chicago Bears football game – they lost!!! We need a quarterback who can throw in the pocket!!!
Sue E
‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
I got mad at myself when I overcooked rice today.
A picnis with friends made me happy today.
Tammy Woodall
I was mad today because I’ve had a headache for the most of the day.
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! To quote from “The Hunger Games” “May the Odds be ever in your (my) favor.”
OMG, being alive makes me happy. Wow, $35 paypal gc is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest
Erin M.
Seeing my babies’ smiling faces has made me happy today.
Thank you for this opportunity!
Sarah L
I’m happy that I’m starting a 2 week housesitting job and get to play with 2 dogs and 2 cats. No mad today.
Crissie Woolard
THE FACT THAT THE WEEKEND IS OVER MAKES ME MAD!!! ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Crissie Woolard
BEING ABLE TO SPEND THE WEEKEND WITH MY GRANDMOTHER WHO IS ON HOSPICE HAS MADE ME HAPPY. ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
It s a beautiful day outside.
I have a headache–made me not to happy.
Heather NC
I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘ Seeing my cousins today after they got back from their Disney trip made me happy today, and then having to clean up after my animal mad me made today.
Debra Holloway
The way my stepson is behaving. He is an adult acting like a child.
Debra Holloway
Having coffee with my hubby, laughing, joking, talking.
Robin Abrams
My dog made me mad today she chewed up my socks lol
Robin Abrams
Waking up seeing my grandkids smiling faces. They are the lite of my life.
Nothing has made me mad today (but it’s still early!).
My dad is finally showing signs of improvement so that made me happy!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad coz tomorrow is Monday again and I’ve to go to work.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to be eating good food today.
rochelle haynes
What made me mad id the fact that the summer is over
Julie Murphy
I was happy to get my field cut.
Olesia Flegka
A walk in a beautiful autumn park made me happy and calmed me down) Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited!
Olesia Flegka
My mother-in-law made me extremely mad today)))
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Marta K
That person that now i know will always be in my life and is just a pain in the ass…
Nancy C
I was happy that I got to sleep in today. The embarrassing thing is that I slept until noon!! I never get to do that, but my parents were here watching the kids so I took advantage. It was heavenly.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad? Can’t say as anything really made me mad today. My mother always said if you find a negative then you have to find 4 positives to cancel it out. So I was always careful not to find too many negatives or something that made me mad.
Diane K. Brimmer
I got to spend some time with three of my granddaughters that live near me. We had such a nice afternoon with them. We went for a 4 UTV ride and the girls just giggled and giggled all day.
Emily Smith
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Heather NC
Seeing my bills today made me made!! grrrrr
Heather NC
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘ Seeing this giveaway made me happy today! I am now to your site, i’ll be coming back and voting.
Connie Lee
The thing that made me mad today, is you still can’t be outside without spraying down with mosquito spray to avoid bites.
Connie Lee
One of the things that made me happy today was the weather. It was sunny, not too hot, and just right for doing things outside.
Lucille Jeanne Lanuza
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! Realizing I forgot my phone made me a little mad today.
Lucille Jeanne Lanuza
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! This giveaway made me happy! 😀
My sweet puppy welcoming me home from work made me happy today and my constant migraine made me mad today.
Sarah L
Happy to be going to a concert this evening. Not so happy to have to pay $15 for parking.
Alyssa C
Listening to my daughter giggling and playing with my pup outside
Maegan Morin
Its still early… nothing yet. (and hopefully there wont be anything, wishful thinking i know).
Maegan Morin
My daughter crawling into bed with us this morning and snuggling. Best way to wake up 😀
This morning I completely forgot I was starting Pilates – could have kicked myself!
Today I had a really lazy day & didn’t feel at all guilty!
Cynthia C
I got one of those automated calls from “card services” and that always makes me mad.
Cynthia C
The weather is perfect today and that made me happy. Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Cathy French
getting another automated call from a company I have trying to reach for weeks. I just don’t understand why they can’t have a human call for interaction. Really made me mad today.
Cathy French
My two beautiful kitties waiting oh so patiently (lol) on me in bed this morning waiting for their breakfast
Ann Fantom
The woman who cut me off in the parking lot made me mad today
Ann Fantom
Going apple picking with my daughter made me happy
Olesia Flegka
Sunny weather made me smile in the morning. Thank you for the giveaway!I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Diane K. Brimmer
I don’t think anything really made me mad today. I don’t get mad very often so it would have to be really bad for me to be. Then I wouldn’t want to air it on here because it would pass but not on the internet it wouldn’t.
Diane K. Brimmer
What really made me happy today was getting the final batch of tomatoes canned and I froze some spaghetti squash. I got 4 quart of that so it is on to get some more before they are all out of it.
The pouring rain annoyed me today on my walk haha! frizzy hair
I had two interviews that went well, so that made me happy!
Sarah L
I was upset that I had to wait one hour and 15 minutes to pick up a prescription.
Sarah L
I was happy that the weather is so beautiful.
Michelle S
Nothing really made me mad today, but the weather made me a bit unhappy.
Michelle S
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! 🙂
An incredibly sweet kitty was saved off of death row today. That made me exceptionally happy!
I was hanging out washing this morning & heard a peregrine falcon – looked up a there was a pair of them riding the thermals – wonderful sight. Haven’t had a mad moment today (yet) but the swallows migrated this evening so sad instead. Autumn is definitely here and another year drawing to a close.
To be able to get up in the AM is a gift.
Ashley TrAIL
I am very happy today because it’s my second day off in a row!!! I had a semi interview today that was amazing so my fingers are crossed that I will get a new better paying job. Woo hoo!!
What made me mad–my UPS parcel didn’t get delivered yet–was supposed to be here first thing this morning, and I have the sinking feeling I’ll have to wait at home all day!
Getting up early and watching the sun rise.
steph landeros
Running out of my favorite coffee made me mad today
steph landeros
My beautiful kids!
Denise S
I’m happy that I won two prizes so far today. Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m angry when people stop in the middle of a crowded walkway to socialize.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy coz it’s finally Friday!
Debra Holloway
I got angry today because every time I picked something up I either dropped it or spilled it. This was so horrible. It did manage to go away though just about as quickly as it started.
Debra Holloway
I actually got some me time today and this made me very happy. ‘Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Olesia Flegka
My son made me happy today, just because he exists) Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance!
Olesia Flegka
People making silly questions made me mad today! Thanks for giving us the opportunity to express ourselves))
sandra davis
What made me mad was going to the grocery store and getting home and finding out that I was overcharged. Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance
sandra davis
I was finally able to get some medical insurance today. What a relief. Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance
Cheryl Rogers
I found out I get to go to a Bed and Breakfast this weekend with my hubby for our 23rd anniversary! I am super excited and have always wanted to spend time in a old B and B and relax with the hubs!
Erica Barnes
Two things made me mad today, first was when my friend overslept and did not show up to help me and my dad move my furniture to my storage unit, and the other thing was that my Jeep’s right turn signal indicator is not working properly even though they just fixed the problem earlier this week.
Erica Barnes
Going out to dinner and shopping with my dad made me happy today.
Michelle H.
My kids are required to get some of their homework, such as their spelling list online. and my computer kept crashing. That made me mad.
Diane K. Brimmer
I am doing better. Might have to call the doctor and have my lungs checked as this cold is really zapping me a good one. I hear wheezing when I breath in or out. Just better to keep it safe.
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me mad today not usually anything makes me mad. It really has to be bad for me to get mad. I guess it would probably be what I said to a young mother who is pregnant with her forth child and has 3 girls already. What make us say such stupid things like that. I promised myself that I would never say dumb statements like I heard when I was expecting and already had two girl. I ran the poor young thing down and begged her to forgive me for being so stupid. I guess I was mad about that! LOL
Diane K. Brimmer
What made me happy today was that my granddaughter and I spend the day picking onions in the garden, swinging, and reading her new favorite book about pumpkins. We both aren’t feeling so well so we took the day off from out usual things.
I did not get MAD today…but I have no service at my boyfriend’s house, so it is hard to talk to my mom. That drives me insane, as I am extremely close to my mom.
One thing that made me happy today was having the time to relax and finish my book. And now I have FINALLY had a chance to start reading The Book Thief!! I’m so excited!!
Deb P
Happy , the flowers outside, still in bloom. Thanks for the giveaway.
Deb P
I’m not really mad , I just feel that house cleaning never ends.
Maryann D.
I didn’t get mad too much today at all, but the weather (it is quite rainy) did annoy me!
Maryann D.
It made me happy to have a fun day out with my daughter! Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Lily Lau
Thanks for the giveaway! Your fans love you too! 🙂
Judy Thomas
Finding out my son wagged school yesterday made me real mad!
Judy Thomas
Peace and quiet this morning made me really happy!
Cheryl Rahkonen
Nothing has made me mad today–today has been great.
Cheryl Rahkonen
I woke up this morning, the sun was shining, and I felt good–that made me very happy.
Talking to my grandchildren has been the highlight of my day.
Michelle H.
My kids made me happy today.
Sarah L
I was unhappy with the new Kaiser prescription service. 20 min on hold and I gave up.
Sarah L
I was happy to find out that there’s one more Sensory garden tour on 9/30.
Cathy French
receiving those automated calls always makes me mad and I received two today, I simply hang up
Cathy French
waking up to a relatively clean house made me happy today
steve weber
made me mad= not winning the Twitter party this morning.
Heather P
I woke up to a sweet facebook message from my mom. That made me smile.
Marti Tabora
My boss is buying me lunch today and that made me happy.
Tammy Woodall
Thank you for the giveaway! Talking to my Mom is always a good thing.
A phone call from a friend mad me happy today.
Had a chest x-ray today & all clear so happiness all around! However, tried to phone a Govt. Dept. this p.m. Honestly, it’s like the right-hand doesn’t know what the left hand is doing – grrr! Red tape & beaurocracy drive me MAD!
robyn donnelly
Nothing has made me mad as of yet. Don’t worry be happy.
robyn donnelly
Waking up and seeing my loved ones. Feeling great and enjoying the weather.
Stephanie Phelps
What mad me mad today was when I dropped a whole container of sugar! Oh well!
Sharon Schoepe
The kids and I baked 4 loaves of banana bread this morning. And then we settled down for homeschool. My son worked very hard today without getting too distracted
Stephanie Phelps
I have five things that make me happy everyday and they are all the loves of my life!
Doreen Lamoureux
Today, the sunshine and warm weather made me so happy. 🙂 🙂 🙂
Doreen Lamoureux
My belly is bloated.. so my bloatiness made me made 🙁
Kelly Kimmell
My daughter’s sweet face made me happy today.
Kelly D
I received a card today from my mom which made me happy.
Marta K
Having the chance to do a morning workout. It always put me on a better mood.
Nancy C
Today it made me mad when several sippy cups were leaking all over the floor! Seriously, when will they invent the perfect sippy cup?? I am so tired of cleaning up after the leaky ones. Connie, I think you should have a giveaway of some pricey, but perfect sippy cups!! J/K
Nancy C
Today it made me happy to hear my 2 year old using some advanced vocabulary. It’s so nice to watch her learning and growing every day!! (Now I just have to watch what I say around here, LOL!)
What made me upset or mad–the fact the fibro is hurting.
Being able to get out of bed in the AM made me happy.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m mad since it’s been hailing here for the whole day.
Mai Tran
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! I’m happy to be attending this new cash giveaway.
Matt H
WHat makes me mad is dealing with slow computers
Matt H
Thank you for the giveaway! I am so excited. I hope I win!! Thanks for the chance! ‘
Matt H
Waking up to see my son