IntelliGLASS Hardened Glass Screen Protector Giveaway
Y’all know I’m very addicted to my electronics. Greatest invention ever is the iPad. MAN I love my iPad. I’m thoroughly in love with the iPad Mini. Perfect size for my purse and where I go it goes! I can keep the Grandkids entertained no matter what! NOW, with that said Grandkids are sticky. Seriously! All three of them are sticky. By the time I get my iPad back I can hardly see the words on the screen; so when I was given the opportunity to review IntelliGLASS I was thrilled. Although I admit I really thought this would cut just some of the prints. I had no idea the…
Tempered Glass Screen Protector Review
How many times a week do you hear me say how much I love my iPad?!? Probably too many times. But my iPad is my friend. My perfect, sweet little friend. Seriously, this little electronic miracle has all my appointments inside, my photos, my contacts, games for me and games for the kid, movies, books! There is so much in my iPad, I keep it with me at all times! When I’m not using it, it’s in my purse. My purse is a dangerous place!! Keys, pens, crayons, toys and more items that can scratch my precious iPad. I was thrilled when I was offered a chance to review BLUBOON…