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    I love a good scary movie. Except of course The Exorcist. Sorry, I saw that movie when it first came out at the theater. (Yeah, I’m that old!) But, that movie scared the c*#@ outta me! It may have been the Catholic in me or the fact that it WAS SCARY!! But, still to this day I can’t and WON’T watch that movie. When my kids were teenagers they wanted to rent The Exorcist and I immediately said NO. Finally after much begging I caved (while still trying to convince them it was too scary to watch!) I threatened the kids telling them they were going to watch it alone…

  • 10 of the Best Sci-Fi Shows

    Sci-Fi shows have been a fixture in popular culture ever since the mid 1960s, when science fiction first hit our television screens. Today, the genre continues to attract new fans with new re-runs and new shows pulling in kids and adults alike. So what are some of the best Sci-Fi shows and which should you be watching? 1. The Twilight Zone One of the longest running and iconic shows to date, The Twilight Zone combined extraordinary events with ordinary people, then ended with a strong moral. The show was narrated by Rob Serling and helped to launch the careers of many. Today you can find the whole series on Netflix.…