• Beauty Box 5 July 2017 Review #BeautyBox5

    The devastation in Texas has hit so many families and businesses. Unfortunately Beauty Box 5 is one of them.  I was so sad to see this post!! My July box did ship out late, but before the devastation hit in Texas. Hopefully, BB5 will be back up and running soon and other subscribers will receive their boxes soon.  I can’t imagine this will keep Texans down for long. They are strong and sturdy people!!  I know that lots of prayers and good thoughts are being sent their way from around the world every minute of every day.  Stay Strong Texas!! July and August, have been busy months!! HOT! To say…

  • March 2017 Beauty Box 5 Review

    I took five-year-old Alice to the Safari Park in San Diego last week and while we were on the tram we sat behind the most exotically beautiful woman! I couldn’t help but stare each time she turned her head. The first thing that struck me was her amazing lashes. They were full, thick and long and framed her eyes beautifully. I got off the tram feeling frumpy and lash-less. Okay, maybe not THAT bad…. but I was still extremely jealous! When I arrived home my wonderful BB5 turquoise box was waiting for me. I’m telling you somehow, someway BB5 knows what to send me every month!! This month is all…