• What Does Your Business ACTUALLY Need To Thrive?

    Pexels – CC0 License Developing a business can sometimes feel as tiring as planning a wedding. There are expected standards in both, traditions to follow, and methods that are time-honored for a reason. You don’t wear your pajamas at a wedding for example, even though most people would admit this could be a more comfortable time. When running a business, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by the ‘should do’s’ rather than the ‘could do’s’ and even ‘wants’. For instance, most of us know that in order to promote our brand, we need to be active about engaging with and reaching an audience. But do we really need to use…

  • Once Upon A Time…….. in Peanut Butter and Whine Land……

    When I tell people that I have a blog, the first thing that people ask is why.. the answer is ‘ummmm I dunno’ the second question they ask is how did you get started? So, y’all gather around ‘n I’m gonna tell ya all about the beginning of Peanut Butter and Whine. 10 years ago Channel 10 in San Diego had a commercial asking for people to apply for the Channel 10 Weight Loss Challenge. I filled out the application, I wrote my story why they should pick me and BAMB I was one of 5 contestants. Our first meeting we were taught how to blog. I had never heard…