What Does Your Business ACTUALLY Need To Thrive?

Developing a business can sometimes feel as tiring as planning a wedding. There are expected standards in both, traditions to follow, and methods that are time-honored for a reason. You don’t wear your pajamas at a wedding for example, even though most people would admit this could be a more comfortable time.

When running a business, it’s so easy to feel overwhelmed by the ‘should do’s’ rather than the ‘could do’s’ and even ‘wants’. For instance, most of us know that in order to promote our brand, we need to be active about engaging with and reaching an audience. But do we really need to use the corporate-clean language with no personality to it at all? No, we don’t actually, as evidenced by many small businesses using Twitter in a somewhat joking, humored manner.

So – what other standards could we subvert without ruining the essential foundations of what a good business is actually comprised of? Those are good questions to ask. Let’s see what they may mean going forward from now. Please, consider:

Consistent Branding

Zoom MeetingIt’s important to brand yourself in a consistent manner. Your website should hold the same color scheme (in aggregate) as your logo, and your fonts should apply widely, and your Twitter banner should be the same, if a resized version of, your Facebook banner. Of course, seasonal efforts and platform-specific nuances can be important to apply, but we mustn’t forget that consistent branding is an essential measure should we hope to retain our image and remain accessible to new and existing customers who have come to rely on us. Furthermore, our branding should be readable, informative, and evocative of the lifestyle we hope to promote and sell for.

Essential IT Support

All businesses require an effective means of networking with their staff and workflow, and for this reason, all firms, regardless of size, should use IT managed services. It’s best to use a company such as www.techsquared.com as they can provide you with a cohesive service, taking into account storage, security, onboarding and networking to provide you with a cohesive result. This effort will enable you to move forward confidently, ensuring that all of your processes and principles are both effectively theorized and willingly executed within this frame.

Confident Accessibility

It’s essential to be accessible to new and existing customers in the same token. This is because in 2020, people want to be enthused by your idea, convinced you’re trustworthy, and given a means by which to order or purchase in less than a minute. This means we must ensure that our order or booking forms are easily laid out, that we offer evocative web design and immediately informative advertisements, that we use readable text and easy-to-understand messages that stick in the memory. If you can ensure these things are taken care of, you’ll no doubt find that you widen your market access by consequence. In other words, make it easy for people to engage how you’d like them to – even if that means adding more payment providers to your checkout.

With this advice, we hope your business can not only survive but thrive, especially after a tough 2020.


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