• Little girl with dinosaur book

    My Dinosaur is More Awesome! Book Review

    MORE books!! Alice’s face LIT up when I told her we had more books to review! Today’s book is My Dinosaur Is More Awesome! This book just came out on March 3, 2015. Written for ages 3 to 5 years old. Written and Illustrated by Simon Coster. This is such a CUTE book!!  I love books that encourage more! By more I mean a story that keeps Alice talking about the book AND making up her own pages. When Joel and Olivia sit down to dinner, with two of their favorite dinosaurs, Olivia can’t help but point out that her dinosaur is better. Olivia’s dinosaur can play the trumpet while riding…

  • BeeBear 2 Review @OddIntMedia

    Cute book alert!! Back in July of 2013 Alice and I reviewed BEEBEAR an adorable book written by Ross C. Follett and Illustrated by Lee Sievers.  We still enjoy reading BEEBEAR together, it is a timeless book. BEEBEAR2 is a book that is full of engaging rhymes. Alice requests both of these books over and over!!  That makes these books keepers! Alice and I are thrilled to review BEEBEAR2!!  Author Ross C. Follett and illustrator Lee Sievers have done it again!!  Super cute book. Alice loves the adventure on each page. This will be a great book for years to come. Especially when Alice starts to read, she will be able to read…

  • Elephant Blue by Frances Gilbert

    I can say without a doubt that Alice prefers story time to television time. ANYTIME!! Two year old Alice would rather cuddle up and read books almost more than a trip to the park. (Almost…) I was thrilled to be allowed to review Elephant Blue by Frances Gilbert. This is a fun rhyming, sing song journey of animals and colors. The illustrations are stunning!! This book sends Alice’s imagination in to over drive!! Pointing at pictures, asking questions. AND wanting to hear the story AGAIN!  I LOVE that!!! By the way, if there were a chapter for Alice, she said she would be sparkle pink! Granted, this book is meant for…