• Antique Doll Photo-A-Day Childhood Toy

    April 4th Photo-A-Day Childhood Toy

    Photo-A-Day a Childhood toy. Seriously?  This prompt has my eyes wiggin’ out!! Which ONE of my childhood toys to share? OF COURSE I have toys!! I mean helllllllllllo, have these past Photo-A-Day pictures not made you a believer when I say I AM A HOARDER?!? One of my all-time favorite toys was actually my Moms. When my Mom was 5 she wanted a brown eyed babydoll. This was at a time when most of the dolls had blue eyes. Leave it to my Grandpa to find a brown haired, brown eyed doll at the Goodwill!!  By the way, did you know that the Goodwill has been around since 1902?? And…