Handling Stress This Christmas Season
I love Christmas time. I love the decorations and the music. I love the hustle and bustle of shopping. Now, with that said Sandpoint Idaho is a very laid back sleepy little town. Sooooo MY hustle and bustle is very tame compared to California. THAT, my friend is SOME bustle in my hustle. I used to go Black Friday shopping every year. I even talked my daughter Selena into a (I do mean A) Black Friday 3 am shopping day. She hated every. single. second. You can NOT bribe, pay, entice, or cajole that girl to a Black Friday shopping trip NO MATTER how good the sale is. (Pfffftttt is…
Vita Nut Milk Bag GIVEAWAY!!
Vita Nut Milk Bag! The Secret to Pulp Free Nut Milks and Juices, Without the Mess, Lumps, Frustration, Waste and Tearing You Get With Cheesecloths or Cheap Nut Milk Bag! So what is a Nut Milk Bag? It’s a ultra fine mesh bag that you can use to make juices, cheeses, coffee. Anything you would need a juicer for you can easily use a Nut Milk Bag and a blender! Juicers are so expensive, not to mention they take up a lot of space! The bag itself is large 12″ by 10″. The seams are strong all the way around. The bag cleans easily, I just rinse and hang to…
PaperlessKitchen Skoy Cloth
Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial. First, I think everyone can agree we should recycle, re-use and use less. I have the greatest product to share with you!!! Paperless Kitchen SKOY cloth is the coolest product!! The SKOY does so much!! I’m still using the very first one!! I don’t believe the SKOY cloth will ever fall apart, it seems indestructible!! SKOY cleans up messes. Absorbs spills SUPER FAST. Washes dishes, leaves my appliances streak free. They are even cute!! I don’t mind them draped over the kitchen sink. I couldn’t be more thrilled with these!! At the end of the week, I throw it in…