Living as Healthy a Lifestyle as Possible
We all want to stay as healthy as possible for as long as possible. In some ways, we don’t get much choice over the path our health takes. Injuries and illness can strike without warning. But in many ways, we can control our health. We can take active steps to lead a healthy, active lifestyle that will maintain our bodies and keep them in the best possible condition for as long as possible. So, why not take hold of the reins while you can? Here are a few areas that you can focus on to achieve this! Listening to Health Advice Now, more than ever, we need to listen to…
Softy Individually Wrapped Hand Sanitizing Wipes Review
A normal week for Alice and I includes a LOT of activities! Last week Alice and I went and visited the brand new baby hippo at the San Diego Zoo. We went to Zoomar’s Petting Zoo and played with the Penny Pigs, the Alpacas, rode a horse and played in the corn. (For those of you that don’t speak Alice… Penny Pigs are Guinea Pigs; I’m going to be sad when Alice can actually pronounce Guinea Pig!) We rode the carousel at San Diego Safari Park and stood in line for over an hour to visit the Butterfly exhibit. While in line we touched everything from rocks to trash! From…