• Lady working at her computer and using her Verilux 10K Natural Spectrum Energy Lamp

    Verilux 10K Natural Spectrum Energy Lamp Review GIVEAWAY!!

    Let’s get HAPPY!!!  Using a light?!  Yes! A light!! A Verilux 10K Natural Spectrum Energy Lamp to be exact. So, what is the Verilux 10K Natural Spectrum Energy Lamp and how does it work? The Verilux Lamp uses light therapy as a way to treat those winter blues by exposure to artificial light. Depression and well, over all sadness usually occurs during a certain time each year, usually in the fall or winter. Or, if you are like me and have to live in a dark house. Light effects DH’s eyes because of his Multiple Sclerosis. So, we keep the house, well DARK!! Which is great for DH, not so great for me. I…