• Snow ducks photography ideas

    Lotta Snow & Spotty Internet

    We had snow from Friday till early this morning (Monday). That means a WHOLE lotta snow! Since I have Internet for seconds at a time I thought I would just pop on and add some pictures. First, I stepped out of my craftroom and took a shot of the trail cam.  My goal is to get to that puppy before Friday! That snow goes up to my mid thigh! Of course Bear is in HEAVEN!!! Before the Internet goes again, have a GREAT day!!!!!!!!

  • Trail Cam Pictures from Sandpoint Idaho

    What’s On The Trail Cam Friday!

    Diane, you pointed out there hasn’t been much to comment on lately. Let’s just call it L-A-Z-Y!! So, I here by designate Fridays as “what’s on the trail cam!” So, after going through 3000 (yeah, you read that correctly 3000) photos I found a few that are post-worthy. I also realized that the batteries must be low because all I have are night photo’s. We get constant traffic by this trail cam. It’s directly on the side of my craft room. I never get tired of the visitors. Here is what we got this week! Here are a few more trail-cam photos

  • Cement hand in Sandpoint Idaho

    April 12th Photo-A-Day PEACEFUL

    Finally, my Photo-A-Day prompt that isn’t IN the house or AROUND the house. Are you excited?? I actually took these pictures a couple of weeks ago. The Husband had a doctor’s appointment and I wanted the opportunity to walk through the Healing Garden. The Healing Garden is between Sandpoint Idaho’s hospital and the doctors’ buildings. It’s the perfect little PEACEFUL spot. I had never taken the time to walk through the garden but The Husbands appointment took forEVER. Side note here (yes, sidetrack again!) doctors appointments in California take 40 minutes to get in and 10 minutes with the doctor. IF YOU ARE LUCKY!! The same appointment here in Sandpoint…