• Business Travel Tips

    Business Travel Tips that will Boost your International Experience

    If you’re a business owner, there’s a high chance that you’ll travel quite a lot. You may need to travel internationally for meetings, and you may even find that you are constantly out of the office for events too. If you want to make your international business travel experience way better, then here are a few tips that will help you along the way. Develop a Relationship with your Hotel If you are always visiting the same location, you may find that you have a go-to hotel. This is great, but did you know that you can usually take advantage of loyalty rewards too? Don’t be afraid to negotiate with…

  • Train station

    Raising a Healthy Family: Tips for Dealing with Frequent Business Trips!

    Before you had children, traveling may have been one of the biggest perks of your job. In fact, it may be one of the factors that made you decide to accept the position. After all, who wouldn’t want to take advantage of all the awesome experiences traveling can offer? However, now that you have children, those frequent business trips, that what once was a perk is now a major drag. Traveling for work means missed bedtimes, school events, games, and so many other important parts of your children’s lives – especially if you travel frequently. It also means that your kids miss out on spending valuable time with YOU! However,…

  • Australia sky line

    The Perfect Picnic Spots for Your Australia Trip!!

    When it comes to art, food, and adrenaline pumping activities, Australia is the go-to place of all travelers. Surrounded by mountains, hills, and the biggest oceans in the world — there is no wonder why Australia is such an exciting place to visit. However, some travelers just want to relax when we they’re on vacation. None of those rappelling or kayaking activities, but a chill day spent laughing with friends and family. So on your next Australia trip, why not try going on a picnic? Here are some of the best picnic spots across Australia. JC Slaughter Falls If you do not want to drive too far from the Central…