The December $50 Your Way Giveaway!

This December $50 giveaway is my way of saying THANK YOU for being a follower!

The December Giveaway has the same exact spiel as last month and the month before and the month before that! For as long as this giveaway is popular, I’ll continue to do it. I am truly thankful and feeling blessed that you stop by.  This giveaway is open worldwide for PayPal option only. (I’m not sure the other GC would work worldwide) This is a Giveaway that is hosted only by me. So, by coming back often and staying around for a while, looking at more than one page, really helps me. Of course, any extra clicks on advertisements are always appreciated.

Ton’s Of Ways To Enter The $50 Your Way Giveaway

Comments!! I LOVE COMMENTS and SHARING!! Voting for me on Picket Fence. Hint hint!! Okay, so technically, I love all the entries and I’m thrilled you do any of them! Every once and awhile I may add a new entry so be sure to double-check occasionally.

Since I’m the sole sponsor of this giveaway, all of the entries are about me, me, me, me…. and of course ME!!

I am so thankful for my wonderful followers here on Peanut Butter and Whine!! I really do feel blessed that you stop by!!

$50 PayPal or Target or Walmart or Starbucks, Amazon Gift Card, OR?? Your choice!!

Thank you all so much for your support!!

The main entries are the same every month, so if you a regular follower you’ll just breeze through the list.

If you are new here… welcome!! I hope you’ll be back. OFTEN!!

Now, off ya go. Good Luck!!




    Well, it’s 01/01/16 and Mum & I didn’t wake up till 2pm! It’s just gone 3pm and already it’s getting dark with Storm Agnes’ clouds and more torrential rain forecast – half the country is under water (I kid you not) and the forecast keeps getting worse – glug, glug!

  • Mai T.

    I’m having a terrible headache for staying up late til 4am this morning partying with friends. It was a great start for a new year. Now towards another great year I march. Happy New Year!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, we’ve had both of my nephews today (6 & 10), so it definitely has not been boring! The 10 year old has fallen asleep, so we finally have some quiet. (The little one is playing his computer games & forcing me to watch The Chipmunks, lol.


    Well, it’s finally here: New Year’s Eve and I personally shall be delighted to see the back of 2015. We lost Dad, Mum’s cancer, me stuck in a wheelchair feeling helpless, my sister stressing out from trying to cope, the cat dying, my sister’s dog dying … Good riddance! Time to start anew and be thankful for living in a village full of the most wonderfully kind people. Onwards & upwards folks!

  • Mai T.

    We do A fun family activity to count down to the New Year. We Simply fill our bags with ideas to do every hour leading up to the big event. At the designated hour, I’ll have my kid open up the bag to reveal the task inside. Some bag filler ideas….treats, disposable cameras, a new movie to watch, craft kits, noisemakers and confetti, etc!

  • Dawn Monzu

    My day was actually pretty good. I didn’t do much…just kind of a lazy day. I like those sometimes! I did some errands, but after those…I came home and didn’t move off of the couch! I can do that now, my kids are all grown! haha God bless and Happy New Year everyone!

  • Christy Caldwell

    I have had better days, I must say. I am still breathing and my kids are alive and well, so I can’t complain too much right. Thanks so much.

  • suzanne

    Had an upper GI done this morning, that wasn’t my favorite, but glad it is done and over. Other than that the day was pretty good.

  • Laurie Nykaza

    Had my morning coffee and now to bake ribs and clean the kitchen. I’m still cleaning from Christmas putting gifts away etc.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, today it’s chilly outside, so maybe our warm Winter/Spring is over, lol. It had to happen eventually. Now, I start dreading the snow! (I’m just not a Winter person any more. I used to love Winter!)

  • Birgit L.

    Since you asked … I’m battling a case of the stomach flu, definitely feeling better than the last few days, but nowhere near ready yet for a New Year’s party. Oh well, there is always next year, right?

  • Jodi

    It is a quiet day so far today. I am hoping the little one is a bit more cooperative than yesterday! Keeping my fingers crossed 🙂


    And now I have another abscess on another tooth – for pity’s sake what’s going on with me? I didn’t envisage a visit to the dentist as a way to start the New Year – boo hoo!

  • Mai T.

    I am busy at work trying to solve all problems before the year ends. It’s a bit difficult since most people are still on vacation so I need to make some decisions on my own.

  • debbie campbell

    Well, my day was a mixed bag. My hubby is sick, and I had to work. The good news is both of my kids are home from college!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a fairly good day so far. It’s kind of gray & dreary, but not too cold, so I’ll settle for that. And my youngest nephew & my niece are here, so it’s not dull, lol.


    I’m in the mood for a moan! I’m tired (awake all night coughing & the storm), the weather’s atrocious and I’m broke plus it would have been Mum & Dad’s Wedding Anniversary today. On the plus side, I have a roof over my head, food in my belly and a family who care about me – truly blessed, rant now officially over!

  • valerie sobus

    it’s off to a pretty good start today! (minus my son peeing through his diaper this morning) just getting ready to go out thrifting. there are no salvation army’s where i live now so i’m hitting up all my old favorites 🙂

  • Mai T.

    I Have a jar of coins I’ve been keeping all year long. Today, I Count it out, wrap it up, and deposit it into my savings account. I’m surprised at how much is in there. It Doesn’t look like much, but it adds up quickly.

  • valerie sobus

    my day was ALRIGHT. i’m bummed because i’m home visiting family and wanted to go out and do some shopping ( i miss all the thrift stores around here) but it decided to sleet rain for like ….9 hours straight?! needless to say we were stuck inside. but tomorrow will be a high of 45 so that means whatever ice is leftover will be gone and i’ll be able to venture out again 🙂

  • Krista M

    At home with 2 sick, coughing kids who don’t seem to be getting any better & it’s freezing outside! Not a wonderful day but with some cozy pj’s and some movies I guess we’ll just make the best of it!


    Another day, another week and lo & behold, yet ANOTHER flipping storm. This one’s called Frank. I wish Frank would just ‘Frank’ off back wherever he came from!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, my day started unexpectedly early. It’s just 11 & I’m already tired, lol. And it looks like Winter is about to arrive here, finally, after a weird sort of December Spring, ha!

  • jeanette sheets

    my day was awesome!hope your day was as well,we had beautiful weather here in hky nc today 80 degrees can u believe that for dec27th ,and spent a great day with my mom and kids .love my sundays

  • Mai T.

    After days of Christmas feast, I sure am fatter. The workout regime should be restored and followed til the next Christmas. I feel refreshed going back to work today. Cheers!

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at 2 homes. House sitting home for sleeping and feeding critters. Home to my house and computer. (then back to feed dogs later)

  • valerie sobus

    my day’s going pretty great! went to church, went out for pizza with my family (though it was super busy and the place was out of high chairs so that meant holding a very squirmy little baby the whole time, not that fun) and now i’m just relaxing 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Rain, rain, rain. That’s all today has been. Oh, well, at least it’s not snow & at least I don’t need to get out in this!


    Today’s been very lazy: chocolates and wine for breakfast (at 3pm!) & turkey curry for dinner later. I have accomplished and achieved absolutely NOTHING and what’s more, don’t care!

  • Mai T.

    What we do today: Pin the Nose on the Reindeer. Funny Christmas games are a vital part of Christmas Eve celebrations! This Pin the Nose on the Reindeer game is a version of the classic Pin the Tail on the Donkey. The reindeer shapes were cut from card stock and “pinned” to a cork board. It was super fun.

  • Kristen

    We’re having a nice quiet stay around the house in our pajamas kind of day. Had warm pea soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch in front of the heater….pretty cozy!

  • Faythe M.A

    Hello! it is the day after Christmas today & we are just laying back and taking it easy today. I am not about to attempt any stores with all the crazies returning things or budget shoppers looking for a deal. I can wait. How are you?

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, yesterday was chaos with kids opening presents & grownups cleaning up, lol. And I ate too much candy, but I don’t care! Today, I’m tired & have a pulled muscle in my back (reaching for something I really couldn’t reach, lol.) Oh, well, it’ll pass.


    Ah! The day after Christmas Day! I love it: no major cooking, all the tidying up has been done & even the kitten’s happy because he gets to play with all the wrapping paper! I didn’t get to Dad’s grave ‘cos it’s still bucketing down but he’s always here in our hearts and in every waking hour.

  • Jennifer Boehme

    My day is better so far. Doggie cookie double batch made, kitchen scrubbed, and about to make the neighbor peanut butter fudge she requested. lol

  • Mai T.

    I Attended a special event at our library. It’s always bound to have fun stuff! Our library even has a gingerbread decorating party, a therapy dog for kids. Today, everyone brings a book about Christmas to exchange.

  • valerie sobus

    merry merry christmas! my morning has been going really fun. it’s my little baby (11 months) first christmas so it’s been super fun to spend it with family and watch him open a couple little presents. 🙂

  • Tamra Phelps

    Christmas is here! I’m just waiting for the ham to cook & my brother’s family to come over. Then we all watch the kids open presents. Oh, and then we get to clean up, lolol.


    A bad night’s sleep & a VERY wet Christmas morning meant that I didn’t get to Dad’s grave yet today, but he’ll still be there tomorrow so no point catching a cold. The bird’s in the oven and all the preparations are done, now just waiting for my sister & niece to get here (nothing new there, they’re ALWAYS late!) so we can open our presents together as a family.

  • Mai T.

    Every year my family all gathers around the dining room table to put the latest puzzle together. Sometimes these puzzles have a Christmas or winter theme. The puzzle is worked on until it is completely assembled. We may take the entire day or maybe even a couple of days to finish it, but it always gets completed. Once all the pieces are in their proper places, my grandmother turns it over, slathers the back with puzzle glue, and places sheets of newspaper over the wet back.

  • Cynthia R

    Today went great, had his and my family over for Christmas Eve. Was stressful getting everything cleaned and cooked but it all turned out well. Merry Christmas!


    Christmas Eve & up early to answer the door to a courier and the delivery wasn’t even for me. I’ve put fresh roses on Dad’s grave & roped in my niece to help deliver gifts to the neighbours, then I’ll start peeling veg & making the stuffing etc. etc. Mum’s playing the organ at Midnight Mass so I’ll go for the singing then hopefully get a chance to chill out in front of the telly for a couple of hours.

  • suzanne

    My day is OK, but it still doesn’t feel like Christmas to me yet. I don’t know if you read these everyday, but if so I have a question. I am having trouble voting on Picket Fences the past few day on Every blog. I always get a 502 Bad Gateway. What does that mean, is it just my computer or is it happening to others? What can I do? When I click it the widget confirms that I voted, but I don’t enter it and take the credit because I don’t think it actually votes. Help! I need the entries!

  • Mai T.

    I Bake a birthday cake for Jesus today. Our church even has a birthday party for Jesus where we all bring gifts needed at the church and the children open them. It is such a fun tradition!

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class with 2 new people and 2 who haven’t been in a long time. Then helping my friend with prep for dinner tomorrow.

  • Dawn Monzu

    My day has been amazing! It is almost Christmas Eve (tomorrow!), and I am GREAT! I just recently emerged from a terrible depression. I finally went to see a doctor, and started on some anti depressants. We have had to change them to find the right ones for me, but I thank God that we did! I am on a certain one, and I cannot believe how much better I am feeling! I felt like I was stuck in a hole that I couldn’t get out of. I thank God for every day now! God bless and Happy Holidays to everyone!


    No sooner had Storm Desmond finally left & we had 2 fairly decent days for the time of year than we get an Orange weather warning: Storm Eva is heading our way! I’ve tied up any garden furniture that got blown around during Desmond and the wheelie bins are securely tethered as well. Other than that I’ve done nothing much today at all!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, man, I woke up with aching shoulders & neck. I guess I ‘slept wrong,’ as the saying goes. Oh, well, I’ll rub down in Max Freeze, lol. It’s gray & dreary here in KY, but still pretty warm (in the 60s!!)

  • nicolthepickle

    So far so good! I have coffee and fresh brown bread. Elfie is hidden in the washing machine.
    I think today’s going to be a good day.

  • Mai T.

    Today, I Attend a Christmas play & a musical production put on by another church. (And the little kids get to do something fun and new in the church Sunday school!)

  • Tamra Phelps

    I don’t remember the last time Christmas came & I didn’t somehow get sick, lol. Colds, flus, sinus infections or something always hits. Geeze, I think the stress wears us down & we get sick.


    I slept in today after last night’s hectic carolling schedule! On my agenda for today are: making the cranberry sauce, wrapping some prezzies, plant some Spring bulbs and dust & water all the houseplants (I pop them all in the shower for a few mins – perfect!). There are light bulbs all over the house that need replacing (Dad’s job) and I promised Mum I’d clean the oven BEFORE Christmas! WHY? Makes more sense to me to do it AFTER the big cook, but ‘she who must be obeyed’ will be obeyed!

  • nicolthepickle

    It’s a baking say today…so yes it’s going to be a good day. I have homemade cherry pie filling in the fridge and I’m so looking forward to it.

  • valerie sobus

    well for the second day in a row my little decided it was time to start the day at 5 (when normally he sleeps till 8 or 9. so here i sit, staying awake by the help of my lovely lap top lol. but all is well. i am officially finished with christmas shopping as of last night so that’s a great feeling 😀

  • Mai T.

    We Decorate your Christmas tree while sipping hot chocolate and listening (and dancing!) to Christmas music today. My husband and I have small children, so we make this a date night after the kids are in bed. We leave the bottom portion of the tree empty for the kids to add some ornaments later.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. Lots of boring talk about the Bronco debacle. Got my $1 Arbys since they did get 3 touchdowns. Went to Costco to get some last minute stuff and it was crazy busy. Chicken for dinner tonite.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, I wish I could’ve stayed under the warm covers a little longer this morning, but Mom had a physical therapy appointment. So, I got her portable oxygen ready to go, & now I’m up. And I’m cold. Looks like I’m going to have to break down & turn the heat on, lol.


    What ever next? After my pc fried & we almost lost Dad’s as well, now there’s something wrong with Mum’s car. We’ve just left it in at the local mechanic & he’s going to ring later with the news (hopefully good!). Tonight’s my last night of carolling with my choir for this year. We’re singing for an hour or so in a local hospice. Then I have to dash home to give Mum a hand at the village church where she plays the organ. She’s the only alto so I got a special request to help out!

  • valerie sobus

    well, right now it’s 6am and i’m up for the day (i guess, sadly!) with my 11 month old who has also decided to be up all night :l so i’m doing okay but so very sleepy. (thank goodness for laptops and internet to hep stay awake! at least there’s only 4 more days till christmas and so much to look forward to that i don’t mind. plus i’m a stay at home mom and he’s my only little right now so ill catch some zzz’s when he goes down for a nap today.

  • Mai T.

    I Create a CD, Pandora station, & iPod playlist with my favorite Christmas songs today. I Have it ready as background music for all the other fun stuff I’m going to do!

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home. I’m off to the library to pick up 3 books I have on hold. I LOVE LIBRARIES!!! Got email that I won a Microfleece Nightshirt.

  • Tamra Phelps

    You know that moment when you are ready to make Christmas cookies & realize you’ve forgotten one vital ingredient?? Lol, so my baking is delayed until my brother brings me some butter-flavored Crisco (hey, he’s out & about, so let him drop it off here!)


    Is it just me or are the evenings starting to ‘stretch’, as they say here in Ireland? It’s after 4pm here and still fairly bright. I spent most of the day outside: I got all the bedding washed & dry, did a lot of tidying up after all the storms we’ve been having, fixed a wobbly gutter and made the Sarsfield Christmas Wreath & hung it by the front door (although I might put it on Dad’s grave – haven’t decided yet).

  • Mai T.

    A marshmallow fight happened today. It always happens after dinner on Christmas gathering, and usually one of my cousins starts it. Everyone joins in, from the toddlers to the grandparents, until someone waves the white flag.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home (no way am I going to any stores today). Planning with my friend on what I’m bringing to dinner on Christmas Eve.

  • Tamra Phelps

    So far today has been pretty nice. It’s chilly, but I don’t have to be out in it, lol. It’s a nice weekend before Christmas.


    Well, my pc fried & died so I’ve lost all my recent stuff (TG I’ve saved all my College stuff & assorted writings on USBs). I used Dad’s pc for a day & then his Firewall disappeared somehow & IT got infected. Then the latest storm meant that we lost internet connection anyway for 2 days …. I could go on, but suffice to say my wonderful little sister’s a peach! She’s managed to save Dad’s pc & has a spare hard drive that will do for me and then, lo & behold, the internet came back! Mega PHEW!

  • Mai T.

    Today, playing games together is our activity. From playing a traditional game of charades, to playing my kids’ favorite board games & video games, having fun together is such a great way to spend the holiday.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day at home (very cold outside). Got the final installment of my big prize: $2,000 American Airlines GC. Now to decide where to go…

  • Tamra Phelps

    Oh, boy. Christmas Eve is a week away & I’m starting to think, “What have I not done yet??” The list is long, lol. I need to get busy!


    My computer won’t start – AGH! I’m having to use Dad’s which feels a bit weird as he never let any of us near it when he was alive! I just hope it’s nothing too serious with mine as ALL my stuff is on it. I have most saved but not the recent things …

  • Mai T.

    We go on a family sight-seeing trip to look at all the Christmas lights and decorations today. It’s a wonderful thing, even for my six-month-old. What baby doesn’t like to look at lights? On our way home, we vote on the best decorated house.


    Oh my poor old mouth! We had our choir’s annual party after carolling last night & all I could eat was melted icecream! I’ve made a doctor’s appointment for Friday morning because now the roof of my mouth & my throat are blistered – trying to clean my teeth is really painful. Boo hoo, she moans, looking for sympathy and knowing damn well she’ll get little or none!

  • Mai T.

    Today we spend one night sleeping on the living room floor under the lighted tree, listening to holiday music. We talk about Christmas, and the previous year. It’s so much fun!

  • Sarah L

    Whew! Made it out to get my infusion and safely back home again despite that silly snowstorm that started at 2am. Messy, snowy, icey. and my car did fine. Then I got out of the car to get my mail and fell down in the 8 inches of fluffy white stuff. Lots of snow on my clothes & boots but my person was fine.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, the internet service went out last night (thanks, AT&T, lol) and didn’t come back on until almost noon today. So, not a good start to the day, but it can only get better…I hope!


    My whole mouth, inside & out, is now a cold sore! My tongue & gums are the worst affected so eating and drinking are a bit painful and I’m carolling in an hour followed by the Choir’s annual party! Ouch, ouch, ouch!

  • Mai T.

    We do 12 days of secret surprises for a neighbor starting today, bringing the appropriate number of goodies — one on the first day to twelve on the twelfth day. And we’re keeping our identity a secret. When the children were smaller we revealed ourselves on the last day because we thought they wouldn’t keep it a secret anyway.

  • nicolthepickle

    It was pretty good, although I fell on the ice when I went to feed the chickens…so glamorous.
    Made really good supper, Salisbury steak with lots of onions.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Our weather is still pretty nice for December, but our allergies are going nuts, lol. My sinuses are confused, I think, about what season it actually is!


    Yesterday evening as I was putting on a bit of makeup to go out carolling, I looked in the mirror and saw what I thought was a little blister on my lip. Woke up this morning to a full-blown cold sore. I’ve never had one before & heaven only knows how I managed to pick this up (I’m blaming the transplanted ligaments in my knee) but now my mouth looks like I’ve been punched, my tongue is swollen & my glands hurt as well. Not a pretty sight and I’ve got the choir’s Christmas party tomorrow night – typical!

  • Mai T.

    I Raided my crafts drawer to round up the supplies youngsters will need to create a fast, festive garland for the Christmas tree. Link multicolored chenille stems together & hot-glue pinecones, acorns, and other nature-inspired items to twine. And string decorated paper snowflake cutouts along pretty ribbon. We even used all the festive holiday greeting cards we received in years past by punching two small holes through the back of each and stringing them on a narrow ribbon.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, my day got off to a funny start. I took a few cinnamon capsules (helps diabetes a little) & about 15 minutes later I belched. I actually blew out cinnamon, lol. Lesson learned. Only take it after eating something. It’s rough on the stomach.


    I had a very quite day today, just housework & went to visit Dad’s grave. It’s very difficult to get into a festive mood when you’re crying inside.. Anyhow, I have to slap on the professional face and go out carolling again in an hour … ho, ho, ho!


    I didn’t go for a drink with the others after last night’s carolling but I did make some of my own mulled wine when I got home. Unfortunately it was far too nice & now my head feels fuzzy! Methinks I’ll have to work on the recipe!


    I’ve had a busy day: mostly chores this morning then Mum’s colostomy bag started leaking so I dealt with that. As I was putting the stuff in the bin I heard a cat fight followed by a big splash. I dashed into my car & drove around to my neighbour & lo and behold, our kitten, Himself, had fallen in his 20ft deep wildlife pond. I managed to fish the cat out & got him home safe and sound, then dashed into town for carolling (1 1/2 hours in the cold) and now, I’m finally able to chill out!

  • Kristen

    So far my morning has been lovely 🙂 Had tea with a friend. Pet some cute dogs. Good news Facebook. We had some good rain last night (we need it here!) and some very loud thunder!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Well, I still have the remains of a head/chest cold, but at least we are having amazingly great weather for December! It’s 70 degrees out there!

  • Tracy Robertson

    It was a pretty good day. I got a load of laundry done then worked the 4 p.m. to midnight shift. So nothing exciting, but it was decent.

  • Mai T.

    I Deliver cookies and treats to my local fire station, police department, and even the staff at your local hospital. After all, they’ll be working through the holiday.


    I got lots of little errands done around town today (hoorah! No wind or rain!), then took Mum out for lunch & a Cappuccino. Unfortunately, they didn’t have decaff so she was like a child on a sugar rush for about 2 hours, wore herself out & conked out in the armchair! Just back fronm Pilates after a tough class – I just hope it’s doing me good!

  • Tamra Phelps

    When the day starts with a sudden jolt & the thought you forgot to set your alarm, that’s not good. Fortunately, I didn’t oversleep! Well, the day is young. Hopefully it gets better.

  • Mai T.

    I Don’t forget senior citizens on the holiday! I Volunteered time at my local senior citizens center today and see if there is a giving tree specifically for the residents.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Today has been a little gray & dull outside & only slightly better indoors, lol. I’m still getting over a chest cold (so tired of coughing!!) but I got to see my niece open her birthday gifts!

  • Stacy

    I had a very busy day today because I had jury duty the last two days and needed today to catch up on running some errands and doing some housework. Jury duty threw off my sleep schedule (I work overnights) so I am already tired and I still have to go to work tonight!


    Our microwave died last weekend so I went looking for another one. With the storm & rain what normally takes an hour’s drive ended up taking almost 4! Trees down everywhere and I really should have stayed home. Anyway, home in one piece and with a great deal on the micro as well. Winding down now!

  • Mai T.

    I Spend today, and possibly tonight, in a local metropolitan area and get my holiday shopping completed. I Ask my mom, sister, & sisters-in-law to come along!

  • Kelly

    Today has not been a great day. I have been looking forward to making marmalade jelly, and given them out for Christmas. So today was the day. I bought $52 of oranges, and came home and started to make the jelly. I finally finished it all, and tasted the jelly and it was AWFUL. Not just kind of bad, it was horrible. I had to throw it all out. Such a waste. I was really frustrated. I hate waste. My husband is trying to make me smile. I am now watching the Muppets, and that is humoring me. I know I am super blessed, just frustrated.


    I’m ill again! Probably from having to go out in this awful weather & getting soaking wet. I coughed all night – apparentlyy I sound like a cow with hoose (don’t ask, I had to google it)!


    I’m going to battle the remnants of the latest storm to head into town & get the shopping and various errands done. Then I’m going to come home for a mug of steaming soup!

  • Laura

    My day has been going pretty good today. We’ve been busy doing chores and getting ready for the holidays. Now to relax some before work tomorrow!

  • Tamra Phelps

    It’s been a slow, draggy day, lol. Sunday is like that sometimes. No kids to babysit (my niece & nephews are off at friends houses, I think.) So, it’s a quiet day.


    It’s after 4am here in Ireland & the storm has kept me awake so here I am; tired, cold & a wee bit hungry but at least I have a roof over my head unlike so many homeless people.


    Storm Desmond has hit Ireland with a vengeance. I managed to walk to the village shop & got some milk, porridge oats & toilet roll – what else do we really need? Unless the electricity goes in which case we won’t be able to use the toilet (we have our own well with an electric pump) – maybe I should have bought a bucket, just in case!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Another one of those days, lol. Feeling yucky with a cough, I’ve lost my voice & everything just gets on my last good nerve, as my Granny used to say.

  • Sarah L

    Good swim class. A lady I did house sitting for brought me a present of a bottle of Roasted Pineapple sauce. I had some when I was house sitting and raved about it.


    Last night a hardy group of us choristers battled the elements & made it to a tiny mountain village to help it celebrate a service of Remembrance, Reflection and Rejoicing. It was candlelight-only to give bereaved people the privacy to grieve. A truly lovely experience. Another bad storm is headed our way later today & it’s already pretty wild out there so a day for staying inside if at all possible!

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh. it’s been one of those days. I got very little sleep because of coughing, woke up feeling like blech, & then ran into issues with the computer. Yep, one of those days.


    Holy Moly will it never stop raining? It’s bucketed down since yesterday afternoon, there’s been a couple of accidents and some roads are flooded. At least I’m feeling a bit better! My choir is performing at a memorial service tonight in a little village church in the middle of nowhere. Thankfully we’ve hired a minibus but maybe the rain will have eased off a bit by then.

  • Mai T.

    I Make a gingerbread house with my family. Those pre-made sets make it easy and provide me with everything I’ll need! Another option is to use graham crackers, some royal icing and candy I’ve saved for this purpose.

  • Tamra Phelps

    Ugh, what a day. I’m congested & my throat hurts from coughing. Well, the sun did come out briefly & we saw a big rainbow over the neighbor’s house. It lasted about 5 minutes, lol. We literally watched it fade.

  • Jennifer Boehme

    My day is fine. Woke up to a drunk man knocking on my door wanting a cigarette at 2:14am. omg, I yelled and shooed him off and tried to go back to bed…I don’t add bloggers as friends, only people I know, so missing the leave you a timeline message. 🙁


    I’m afraid my day’s mostly been spent in bed coughing. I have to be better for tomorrow evening so I’m trying every remedy I can think of to ease my throat (except honey – can’t stand the stuff!).

  • Christy Peeples DuBois

    My day is going good so far and I plan for it to continue that way as well. I hope you are having a great day yourself. Thanks so much for this opportunity.

  • Audra O'Hara

    My day’s going pretty good so far. Wish it would stop raining. Not looking forward to grocery shopping later, but who ever does? I’ve been so busy lately. I’m glad it’s Wednesday…just a few more days until the weekend. Then I can spend the entire two days cleaning the house. LOL

  • Mai T.

    I Make the same entree for Christmas Eve (such as stew) and Christmas Day (ham or turkey) every year today in a small amount. Also, I choose a side-dish that becomes the yearly tradition, even if it’s just for laughs.

  • Edmond

    Holy cow, my day as usual is sad & miserable. . Wow, prize $50 is fab. & splendid. 2 fingers snap. It is tight, fly & off the chain. Thank you for the awesomeness, the contest, and generosity. 🙂 Pick me, pick me! Dear Santa: I’ve been nice. My X-Mas wish this year is to win this contest. Starving artist here desperately needs the $50 to shop and eat. A life changing exp.

  • Sarah L

    Quiet day. Stopped at Walgreens to pick up my free picture – lovely and at a friend’s house for some of her ham/cheese/potato soup.

  • Kathleen S.

    My day is ok, I’m getting over the worst of my cold. I went back to sleep for a little while this morning, but if I sleep too long I feel terrible. So I got up and had some coffee, and got 10 minutes! My husband was amazed.. I’m still hacking now and then but I cleaned out my fridge and some cupboards! 🙂 Hope you are having a great Tuesday evening.


    I was up most of the night with a tickly throat & cough so I’ve decided to spoil myself & stay in bed for the day. I’m definitely not able to sing at choir practice tonight but I want to be able to sing on Thursday night at a special memorial service in a little local church for all those who have died during the year.

  • Laura G

    My day is going ok. I woke up with a migraine and am now battling back through the medicine fog while I try to concentrate on work. Obviously, I am failing at that.

  • Mai T.

    I feel the Christmas spirit already during the first day of December. I Organized a cookie-baking party. I Invited friends and family. I Asked everyone to bring their favorite holiday cookie recipe.

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