Things That Make Me GO HUMMMMMMMMM

Y’all know me, I am always hunting around for ways that I can make a little extra money to keep PBnWhine up and running. It get’s a little pricey at times. Everybody wants some money. GoDaddy. Giveaway Tools. Media Tools. ME! My monthly giveaway.  I know… I know…. whine …….. whine……. whine.  (HEY! I haven’t done that for at least a week!) HUMMMMMMMMM what to do…. what to do??

That was a long way around the fence for this question.

Entering sweepstakes is something fun that we all do.  I have for years. Here recently I’ve noticed that several of the blogs I visit include an extra entry for purchasing from Amazon using their link.

So, here is my question to you:  Would this offend you?  Would you mind if I did this?
Absolutely NOT in any way, shape or form would this be mandatory, more like a friendly reminder that if you had something on your shopping list and it was time to buy you could use my site.

If by chance the actually caught on I could run 2 $50 giveaways that would only run 2 weeks each OR $100 prize for the month. Ahhhhh things to think about. It’s an option that would be there if you wanted to use or ignore if you don’t

HUMMMMMMMMM Opinion TimeYou can buy anything that you normally buy on Amazon. It doesn’t have to be on any post. Just start with my Amazon link either on the side bar or THIS LINK. OR the link I would put in the Giveaway Tools.  Tiny purchase, huge purchase wouldn’t matter. I would make the entry be worth 50 entries?

Remember that clicking through my Amazon links don’t cost you extra. As an Amazon Affiliate I do get as high as 4% on some things, mostly about 1%.

Sometime on Sunday I will add this post to my Giveaway Tools so you can vote. So, don’t for get to take credit when the entry pops up!

Feel free to let me know here too if you would like. I really am interested in what The Peanuts have to say!

I hope you are all enjoying your Sunday!!

Here it is August of 2024 and this giveaway is still going STRONG!! Am I a lucky blogger or WHAT?!?!


  • Veronica Lee

    I absolutely don’t mind at all, Connie. And I love that you don’t make yours a mandatory entry. I hardly shop at Amazon ‘cos the shipping from US sometimes costs more than the purchase itself!

  • Sue E

    I would not be offended at all. At least you wouldn’t make yours a mandatory entry! I don’t appreciate being “blackmailed” like this!! That’s what it feels like to me. I say go for it and do what you have to do! I have to admit that I am not a Prime Amazon Member and I don’t like paying for shipping- sometimes the cost is more than the purchases itself. Good Luck!

    • Connie Gruning

      Sue, thank you! I decided not to even add the Amazon purchase to the giveaway. I’m wondering if Amazon Prime is even worth renewing this next year because now you have to pay sales tax too?! WHAT THE?!?! Sooooooooooooo I may as well drive to town!

  • Crystal K

    I say go for it, but I don’t generally use these types of links because I make purchases through Ibotta or ebates to earn some cash back for myself.

  • Gina B

    I think that’s a good idea actually! And why not? I don’t shop on Amazon too much (well, at least not until I sign up for Prime to get my Whole Foods discount), but even still I *DO*. Just make sure you’re not violating any Amazon Affiliate TOS!! Don’t want to get penalized.

  • Tamra Phelps

    It wouldn’t offend me at all. I’ve seen giveaways with that en?try, too. My only question is this: I use Amazon Smile (which gives a portion of your purchase to charity.) If I use your link to Amazon it will ask me if I want to proceed to Amazon Smile…if I do, do you still get credit for my purchases?? Maybe, you could include a link to Amazon Smile, too.

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