It’s Time To Grab Tickets To BRICK or TREAT! LEGOLAND California!! #legolandca
If you are like me you are always looking for alternatives for Halloween. Trick or Treating door to door just isn’t what it was when I was growing up or even my own kids! I’d much rather my Grandkids had a SAFE Halloween; added bonus? This BRICK OR TREAT is SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!
Remember our pictures from last years LEGOLAND California BRICK OR TREAT??
GRAB your EARLY BAT tickets NOW!! Trust me on this one! You’ll have a BLAST!!
Sarah L
Only 1,000 miles away from me. Would be fun to go to.
Where has this year gone? When we were little we never went door-to-door trick-or-treating. I think it’s because the American traditions weren’t very big in the UK were I’m originally from. Over there we have Guy Fawkes Night on the 5th November (Bonfire Night) and in Ireland, fireworks have been banned for years, unless you hold a proper licence, so celebrations have always tended to be community parties.
michele soyer
This does look like a great alternative.. we have a small party to stay safe and wish we could go to California!