True Synergy – Yacon Syrup Review

I am a huge fan of Pure Yacon Syrup. I can not start my day with out my Yacon Syrup. My coffee is not coffee until it has my Yacon Syrup in it. Seriously!! I should have packed my syrup in my suitcase when I went to Hawaii. I missed it SO MUCH during my vacation!!

So, what does True Synergy 100% Pure Yacon Syrup do? First, it’s fantastic as a sweetener. I don’t use anything to sweeten my coffee, tea or baking other than Yacon Syrup. But, this is way more than just a sweetener!! Yacon Syrup regulates blood sugar, increases your daily fiber intake and my favorite; assists in weight loss and slims down your waist size!! There was a scientific study done in 2009 that stated; daily intake of Yacon syrup produced a significant decrease in body weight, waist circumference and body mass index. Yacon syrup Speeds up the metabolism to combat excess fat and regulates the hunger hormone, making you feel full longer.

True Synergy syrup is distilled from the Peruvian tuber Yacon and contains up to 50 percent fructooligosacharides, or FOS!! Why am I excited about FOS?? Because it’s classified as a prebiotic!!

True Synergy Yacon Syrup has ZERO calories! AND a great source of fiber. It does make me feel full longer!! It tastes great in my coffee. I truly miss it when I don’t have it. I will never vacation without it again! E-V-E-R!!

Even Dr Oz is a huge fan of Yacon Syrup; he conducted a four week survey with 40 women.  These 40 women completed the test as required, and 29 of them lost weight in some form. Fourteen of the women reportedly lost five pounds or more, with the average weight loss overall coming in at 2.9 pounds. There also was a 1.9-inch average waist size reduction. The best low-glycemic sweetener ever has been found Fresh pressed from the Yacon root (Smallanthus sonchifolius) this syrup is a gift from nature that has been enjoyed for centuries in the Andean highlands of Peru.

I come from a family that has a high rate of Diabetes, Yacon syrup is a much better alternative to sugar and sweeteners. Boosting my metabolism without sacrificing the flavor. SWEET!! Yacon syrup is 100% safe because it’s extracted from the real root crop and not just any chemical or sugar substitute. This Yacon syrup  works like magic in my digestive tract.

True Synergy Yacon Syrup is a thick amber color syrup almost has the look of molasses. Except that it tastes GREAT!!! True Synergy raw yacon syrup has only 13 calories!!

Use Pure Yacon Syrup before daily meals, or as a sugar substitute in foods for cooking and baking. When taken daily, raw yacon syrup can assist in losing weight, increase metabolism and aid with detox cleansing of the digestive system. I add mine to my coffee everyday. I promise you, I am regular!

Extra bonus: There are no additives in this product.


Only that I wish the 100% Pure Yacon Syrup came in a larger size!! One 8 ounce bottle only lasts me approximately 20 days. I really LOVE this stuff!!!!!!!!!!! Two thumbs enthusiastically UP!! WAY, WAY up!! For True Synergy 100% Yacon Syrup.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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