Venta Airwasher Cleaner And Winter Treatment!

I am a HUGE fan of the Venta Airwasher. I can’t imagine not having this in our home!!
Not only is there less dust in our bedroom where the Airwasher is located, but I sleep so much better since we have added this to our home. For those of you that are new here I’m adding a quick Airwasher refresher:

Getting ready for winter!! Start with a good cleaning which is super easy because the Airwasher is easy to open by pressing two tabs on the top. The top then opens easily the vented sides open front to back then the sides open side to side. Unplug the Airwasher and all the pieces lift out easily so they can be wiped down and cleaned with a gentle rag.

Fill your Airwasher with fresh water and add a bottle of Venta Cleaner, this a formula that has been specifically formulated to thoroughly clean the Airwashers. Now, we take very good care of our Airwasher, but let me tell you the cleaner WOW…. Yeah I opted NOT to share the pictures. Sufficient to say GROSS!! Be sure to use a bottle of this cleaner if you plan to store away your Airwasher; although why anyone would not run this machine 24/7 is beyond me.

Winter means dry air in the house from the heater running all the time. It also means we fight colds I am finding the Airwasher extremely helpful this winter!! From the dry air the heater puts out to the colds and not being able to breath at night!!

The Venta Water Treatment Additive (WTA) is designed for the Venta Airwasher models to maintain hygienic conditions in the lower housing and to improve the evaporation process.

It creates a sheeting action on the disks with the effect of maximizing the amount of surface area. It helps prevent calcium and lime build-up and helps to keep the water more anti-bacterial.

Important: the ingredients of the Venta Water Treatment Additive do not evaporate. They remain in the unit back until poured out for cleaning (approximately every 10 to 14 days). Only fresh water should be added daily – this reactivates the contents of the Venta Water Treatment Additive. One bottle is sufficient for approximately one season (5 months).

A couple of notes about the Airwasher to keep in mind. The Airwashers are equipped with automatic shut-off but there is no electronic water level indicator; so be sure to add water daily. We find adding water every evening is all we need to keep the Airwasher doing it’s job.

Not only can you grab bottles of Venta Cleaner and Venta Water Treatment Additive but I also want to give a shout out for their wonderful aromatherapy line made exclusively for the Venta Airwasher. I love each and every one of these scents!! Eucalyptus, Vanilla, Citrus Garden, Refreshing, Relaxing and Winter Dream. I highly recommend these!!

Need more information about The Venta Airwasher check here

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The Venta Cleaner cleaned my Airwasher so thoroughly and the Treatment Additive has me ready for winter. What could I possibly whine about? The only way this would be easier would be if Venta sent a rep to do this for me!! Truly EASY!! I promise I would never whine about my Airwasher!! This is truly a wonderful addition to my life!!  The machine is extremely low maintenance. The benefits are amazing!!



  • Sarah L

    It does tend to be dry here in Colorado in the winter (ok, drier than the other seasons since my windows are closed) I like that they have an aromatherapy line.

  • Patty R.

    This sounds so perfect for me! I tend to get nose bleeds in the winter months, sometimes just a little, sometimes full on gushers. This would help me so much!

  • Tamra Phelps

    I wish I could have our windows open, but my allergies seem to have gotten worse over the years. (As a kid, I never had allergies!) So, something that would help the stuffy feeling in the house when the pollen count is too high to open windows would be great!


    I’m afraid I’m a fresh air fiend! We live in the middle of the country side in Ireland and my windows are always open (except during storms!).

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