Vitafive Health Without The Hassle! #VitaFive #Coupon

Please, tell me I’m not the only one that forgets to take their daily vitamins! I know that I need to take them, I feel better when I do! Yet, it never fails I’ll be in the car sitting at a red light and THAT’S when I remember my vitamins. Of course by the end of the day I will have forgotten yet again until I am about ready to drift off to sleep… and the cycle repeats day after day.


VitaFive has a solution that works wonders for me! PRE-PACKAGED vitamins. Ohhh, not just plain ole’ vitamins GUMMY VITAMINS. The kind of yummy pass me a couple more packets kind of yummy. (except, like don’t do that. WOW! Did that just sound all California Valley Girl or what!?)

Vegan-friendly, designed for ME Gummy Vitamins. How do I know they were designed specifically for me? Because the package says so! How cute is that?! You can design your vitamin pack or pick a pre-designed pack. YOU decide. And because they taste so good the kids will be anxious for their daily dose of vitamins!



This is VitaFive’s Essentials Pack which includes:

3 Omega-3 Gummies
2 Vitamin D3 Gummies
2 Multivitamin Gummies
Since I don’t eat as healthy as I should this particular packet fills that gap. As well as providing you with enough Omega-3 to help tackle the deficiencies most Americans deal with on a daily basis!

I do want to mention, most of VitaFive’s vitamins are vegan however, a few are not. Non-vegan include Vitamin D3, Multivitamin, and Calcium and D3.

Starting at $14.99 to $39.99 a month depending on the pack you choose. U.S shipping is free!! But Peanut Butter and Whine followers can grab 30% off their first pack!!


Use coupon code pbnwhine30 and get 30% off your first pack!
Want to learn more about our products? CLICK HERE


None! I throw 7 of them in my purse on Monday, then when I’m sitting in traffic I can munch on my delicious gummies!! Vitamins the easy way!! Made in the United States! Gluten Free, Vegan. Easy to take. What is there to whine about?

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  • Kate Sarsfield

    Here’s a bit of useless info: You know how cornflakes, flour etc. is ‘iron-enriched’? The iron comes from old machinery etc. that’s scrapped. I watched a whole documentary on it. Basically you’re eating rust.

  • Tamra Phelps

    I’ve tried Gummi Vitamins & liked them pretty well. I do like the idea of putting them in daily packets, so you can keep some in your purse, etc., for when you think of them.


    I don’t forget ‘cos I’ve got a routine as I have to take other meds as well (asthma). I’d be afraid I’d eat these like sweets!

  • michele soyer

    As someone who used to take vitamins and stopped because half the time I just forgot this is a great idea.. thank you Connie

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